Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 64 - Space Ring

Currently, the only option this bald man has is to fight. But he has an idea that he still wants to use. After all, if he fights these monsters he has close to zero chance of winning.

"Do you know me, I can give you guys lots of money?" the bald man said.

Ayan didn't answer. He just keeps staring toward this bald man's last struggle for His life.

"I am the leader of the wolf Gang, work for me I will give you everything" but unfortunately this time as well he didn't get any response. He understood there is no other way but to fight.

As the thought this A spear come out to his hand out of nowhere. This scene made Ayan a little surprised. After all, it is the first time he saw a space ring to a common person. Even though he also noticed that his father grandmother and even His mother all wore a space ring. He didn't see any ordinary cultivator to wore a space ring.

He also saw the elders and Alya's father wore the space ring. That only one thought comes to his mind, the space ring is a rare object here. And only those who have a high status can only buy one and wore one.

He also talks with moin about this after all moin knows many things about this Kingdom. Space ring is given by the royal family after someone has broken through to the revolving core.

Ayan becomes a little excited seeing this space ring. After all, it has lots of usages. Right now if he wants to go for a hunt he can't take many items with him. Or when he will kill a beast he will have to sell that beast And to do that he first needs to take it to a nearby city.

If he got a space ring in his hand everything will be easy.

"that thing on your hand, give it to me I'll let you live," said Ayan. Ayan truly thought of letting this guy go if he hands over the space ring.

This sentence makes the bald guy Very puzzled. After all, he didn't think Ayan would say that. Or maybe be this little guy putting on air after knowing he can't defeat him.

After all, he had to fight so many people maybe he is out of energy "it's my chance I won't let it go" thought bald man. As he thought this and laughter fill the town hall area.

"Do you think I don't know why you asking for this ring, you are just putting off air, but unfortunately it won't work". Saying this he jumped toward Ayan with the spear in his hand.

"Spear technique wolf fang" he directly hit Ayan's head but Ayan avoids the attack by taking few steps toward the back.

The spear hit the ground with s bang sound a small crater was made after it hit the ground.

The bald man doesn't wait for another second and rushed toward Ayan. But at this moment when Ayan took a few steps backwards, his back meets with a Pillar. Seeing Ayan couldn't go backwards anymore a cold smile come to the bald guy face. And his spears directly stab toward Ayan's abdomen.

But surprisingly Ayan didn't make any painful expression. He looks toward his spear and understands why is that. His spear never even reach Ayan. It stopped No Ayan stopped it with his hand.

Soon Ayan grabs the blade of the spear and uses energy to directly destroy the spear into pieces.

When the baled guy saw this he tried to make a distance between him and Ayan by going backwards. But before he could do that a hand come out of nowhere and grab his throat. Hechocksk for air but unfortunately he couldn't free himself from the grip of Ayan's hand And miserably died. And soon his body goes to num.

Ayan let go of the dead body and collect the ring and wore it to his left hand. Heswipese his energy to check the space ring but felt his energy block by one layer of protection.

It was probably set by the previous owner. Ajay forcefully breaks the lair. Ayan couldn't help but smile when he checks the resources inside the space. He discovered there was nothing much Inside the ring only 100 to 200 energy stones.

Now Ayan swipe the area with his gaze and it stops into the last person standing in front of him and that person is was the patriarch of other families. That patriarch directly kneels to the ground of starting to ask for forgiveness.

"Sir please forgive, I was just mobilizing force for taking down the town lord." He pled for his life with a trembling voice.

Ayan didn't do anything to him and let him go. After all, this town needs someone. There are still people who live there. And he also heard sometimes this town attack by the monster horde. So someone has to lead the citizens.

It wasn't a loss for him coming here anyways. He indeed got the benefit of coming here. A space ring is something that can help him carry anything as long as it was not it's not alive.

Even though he would get the space ring at some point it was still a far distance in the future. And with this space ring in his hand, it will greatly benefit him in the future.

After coming to the carriage station. They took the same carriage they come with and start their journey toward the capital.

On the road, they encounter some beast some bandits but eventually, they couldn't stop Ayan and his party.

After one month of the journey, they return to the sect.


Inside the town after Ayan and Ivar left people who were inside their house in fear come out one by one. And the thing they did would have surprised Ayan and Ivar if they were here.

They start to kick stab even pee on the dead body's. How much do these people harbour hatred for these people to pee on someone's dead body?.. These people only know why they doing this.

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