Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 85 - Sacrifice

Ayan didn't stop the wolf and let it run away. He turn around toward alya and others and open his mouth "you guys ok?".

"Y-yah, we are okay" said moin. He Boise quiver a little when he said this. After all he Became a little shocked after seeing Ayan beat that wolf in a single punch.

Hearing this Ayan nod with his head. "Collect all the core, I'll go visit the wolf" saying this Ayan flow toward the direction that wolf vanished.

No one said a single word, Everyone become speechless seeing he was going after the wolf. That means only one thing. He let the wolf go in order to find it's Den.

"Won't his life will be in danger if he goes alone" all of them thought. after all in a wolf den other wolf's will be Present there.

Everyone looked at each other. They understood what the other person saying. They decided at first they heal their injuries they got from fighting wolf, After that they will collect the core.


In the mean time that Alpha wolf still running with all of his might. After sometime later he notice no one after him. So, he change his direction, he thought no one following me so I should go back to the den.

But little did he know someone in the air following him silently without making any noise or realising his energy. Letting the wolf think he is safe now..

Seeing the wolf changing it's direction Ayan smile lightly. He know what this wolf might thinking. But this wolf is not his real target. His target is the whole Pak of the wolf.

After 5 minutes later the wolf come to halt . No he didn't stop rather he slowed down. At this time more wolf come into his view. Ayan didn't spread his sense to see how many wolf is there after all wolf has very keen sense.

As soon they feel anything unusual they will run for Their lives.

As soon as other wolf see the alpha wolf they come Close to the alpha wolf and lower their head slightly as if they are lowering their head to show their upmost respect.

The male wolf didn't stopped there he pass them and stopped in front of a female wolf slightly bigger himself. They come close and touch each other head with their head.

But for Ayan, he didn't come here to see this loving scene. He released his sense and able to find out the exact number oh wolf there is.

He didn't waste a single breath and directly charges toward lesser wolf. All the wolf totally caught off guard. Soon when they realize something is off and Ayan's energy, almost 5 wolf have lost Their lives.

Male and female both look toward the Invader of their territory, it was a youth with a katana in his hand giving off a dangerous Vibe.

Both of them roared as if saying ayan is not allowed here. In response Ayan only just smirk.

All of the remaining wolf rush toward Ayan in unison. They got a clear order from their leader not to let this human boy leave alive.

He killed 5 of their kin so what! they have more than enough to overpower him. But little did they know this human boy can easily crush them like a Ant.

Ayan spared his energy and lock all of the wolf in their place. All of Them struggle and growl toward Ayan, but all of their efforts was for nothing, even after struggling they couldn't release themselves.

Ayan's body give a golden glow before 27 Needle shaped energy shoot out from his body and rush toward the wolfs , those needle only stopped after perching all of Their targets head. All of the wolf fall down to ground and lost light of their eyes after struggling a bit.

Male and female wolf roared and charge toward Ayan but unfortunately Ayan was in the sky and they were on the ground.

Both of them looked at each other as if confirming something, in the next moment their Horn make a zzzz sound.

Ayan notice a sparkled Of lighting lingering in both of their Horn.

They roared on last time as if saying ' take This head on if you have the guts ', before 1 pair of lighting shoot out toward Ayan .

Ayan bent backward and Dodge the lighting. But when he look toward the wolf, he felt they are smiling. Without a second thought Ayan turn around and saw those lighting didn't dissipate rather coming back toward him .

Ayan didn't had much time to thought. He start covering his full body with energy. But it was already late. Lighting directly hit Ayan's body sending him flying toward the surface of the forest .

A "bang" sound Resounded in the forest.

Ayan stood up and look toward the wolf pair but there he saw one wolf standing the female one. As for the male one, smoke coming out of it's body as if it was roosted alive.

Ayan spared his energy and noticed there was no life Force Inside the male one.

Ayan take out the rod from the space ring and cover it with energy. He Throw the rod toward the female wolf. The wolf didn't even move after noticing danger. The rod directly Pierce the heart of the wolf. The wolf didn't struggle it fall down to the ground with thud sound.

Ayan sigh inwardly and thought "what a love!" 

Ayan notice his cloth has been burned in some places. Another thing he notice, a burned Mark in his chest but it was already healing. 

"I have become too careless" said by Ayan .

What would happened if his body wasn't strong enough to endure the attack of the wolf? He would have died by now.

"Living a easy life made me careless, I have to be more careful from now on".

Thinking this he didn't waste any time and start collecting the core. Every monster have core close to it's heart.

He cut open and retrieve all of the core from lower wolf but when he start retrieving the core from Alpha male he couldn't help but sigh because it's already become ash. 

But he become happy seeing the core of female wolf. This female was a rank 3 monster. It has only one core and it's colour is orange.

After collecting the core he didn't stop there . After all other people nearby must have heard this sound and they are all ready on their way here.

He don't have any thoughts of killing some people now.

He stamp his foot and start flying toward the place he left others.


"Hey what's that sound"

Not far from the place Ayan fighting the wolf one group of disciple was resting. However, when They heard the sound one disciple asked others.

"Maybe two monster fighting, let's go see what's happing. Who knows we might be able to rip some benefit"

Hearing this other disciple also agreed with his word and start Their journey toward the sound.


"Why is he talking so much time. I am little worried" said alya.

"We should go and check" said by iver.

"No, let's wait here sometime. We will go after some time later, even if we go now we can't be any help to him. At least not in this state" said moin.

No one said after moin state this. After all his words are the real truth. They can't help him at all.

They don't have much energy even though they are refiling their dentian. It will take more then 1 or 2 hours. On top of that they are injured.

At this moment a mental energy locked into them. All of them become little tensed but then they calm a bit because this person don't have any bad intention toward them . They understood who this person might be.

Soon a figure descend from the sky. There was some burned in his cloth. they also notice a burning mark that healing on it's own in his chest.

After swiping his gaze he open his mouth "We don't have much time, and the sun going down, we should leave the forest as soon as possible"

Everyone nodded hearing Ayan's remark. Everyone agreed with Alya's word. After all in the night time forest revel a different face of its own..

"What about that thing" asked moin..

He was curious about how Ayan get those injure. Was he able to kill that wolf or did he beaten up by the wolf and had to run away.

"ohh that one, it kill itself" said Ayan and didn't explain any further.

"you guys collection all of the core" Ayan asked

They nod with their head and start their journey back to the city. They have quite good lot today total of 12 monster core of 2nd Grade. This will give them good sum of money.

It should be enough to exchange some good weapon and other materials.

It should be enough to exchange some good weapon and other materials from the royals shop or sell them.

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