Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 88 - The Fight Begin

This man wearing a white rob . He have black short hair . He stood in sky giving off a overwarming aura. He opened his mouth "you have a death wish kid?".

This new figure look toward Ayan as if he is looking toward a ant.

"What have I done to offend you" Ayan said. Ayan has his own plans for lower Himself.

"Kid you seems to have lot's of nerves! You don't address me as a sir" the new figure said.

"What do you want from me?" Said Ayan ignoring word of this new figure..

"Your life" said the man in the sky . But he didn't made a move yet nor did he try to suppress Ayan. He just look toward Ayan and size him up from head to toe curiously.

"what a surprise, I can't see his power" he thought to himself. He tried to see what Ayan's power but unfortunately he failed to do so. It made Him more curious about this boy and his origins .

"So you came to kill me? Before my death can I know your name?" Ayan asked.

"Humph a kid like you don't deserve to know my mighty name, now prepare for death" as soon as he said this air around the man start to become denser.

Suddenly air close to the mans body stop lingering around him and sucked in his arm.

"A wind type attack" Ayan thought to himself a she watch the whole process.

"wind blast" as the man said this and Punch toward Ayan a blast of wind directly hit in the place where Ayan was With a 'boom' sound.

As the man saw his target got a direct hit from his attack his lip curl upward. But it vanished in the next instance.

After the punch hit the surface dust covered the arena . Because of the dust he wasn't able to see anything. But when it dissipated a angry roar lose from the man lips.

"You fucking rat you think you can run away form me".

He spared his energy as fast as he can and as far as he can. He found out the location of the boy standing Inside the forest and looking toward his detraction.

"Found you" a evil smirk come to his face he thought this boy must have thought he was able to get away from me in safe distance. "what a stupid kid"

He didn't stop and waste a single second and rush toward the boy with his full Speed.

"I have to acknowledge this boy have guts, but you have hurt someone you shouldn't have" he said as he remember a girl face. It's the same girl Ayan slapped some days ago.

"Even I don't hurt my daughter, how dare you hurt my child, you have to pay with your life for hurting my kid" he flow toward Ayan as he thought this. As for Ayan he also run as he felt this man coming toward him.

Ayan wasn't that stupid to just stay there and will be waiting for his death. He have his own plan .

Ayan wants to confirm some of his thoughts. First of all he wants to confirm if adult cultivator can come inside the forest or not. Even though royals said adults are forbidden and cannot came Inside the forest but will others listen to them?.

And his first thought become true. His guy indeed don't care about the royal order at all and just rushed Inside the forest without a second thoughts.

As he thought this for a second he didn't look backward nor did he stopped. He keep ruining deep into the forest and the man also followed him .

"As for my second thought, where fuck is the monsters they have talked about!"

Royals said there is a monster outbreak. And more suppressing thing is this monster don't come out from the forest but stay Inside.

If all of this was true why can't he see monsters he should have seen

Some days ago when they come to the Forrest they only fought wolf and now today even after coming in deep he didn't saw any monster.

Ayan suddenly stopped and said "this should be a good spot"

The man who was following Ayan also stopped in the mid-air. He come little surprised. "why did he stopped" he thought.

But unfortunately he couldn't come up with only ken answer "maybe he wants to give up" he thought.

As he thought this a smile come to his face . His thought wrong from his prospective. After all it's neutral to admit defeat and give up. After a powerful existence following behind him .

" so you have given up! I thought will at least run and run as long as you have energy in you. But it seems you are a disappointment" he said.

But in the next moment he couldn't help but Frown. This boy it's scared of him at all. He should have been begging for mercy by now.

Ayan turn around and asked "I am truly egger to know why you after me".

"Humph, still talking about that. Ok , you slapped my daughter that's why you need to be punished" said this by the man .

"Ohh I see, so that's your daughter!" Ayan remember the face of the girl he have beaten Badly. Now it seems his plan work very well.

Some days ago when he saw that girl showing off her wealth Ayn had a Idea. He needed money and that girl happened to be rich . And now her father came to take revenge .

There was no more conversation. One side of the man lip curl upward as he cast a the same technique he had used previously "wind blast"..

But surprisingly Ayan didn't run away..

He shout in his mind "God hand 1st form protection" a round golden coloured Shield appeared in front of Ayan . In the next moment with a bang sound the wind blast directly hit Ayans shield. A small shock web released from this forcing the man to take a step back.

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