Ruler Of The Martial World

Chapter 92 - Collecting 3rd Grade Monster Cores

"when will that time came?" asked Lewis. He wants to get free as soon as possible.

"You will know when the time come. I still have some usage for you. In exchange I will help you reach the revolving core realm" said Ayan.

Hearing this Lewis felt happiness and puzzle in his heart. Even though he didn't believe what Ayan said. But still He don't know why he getting a felling Ayan can help him. But at the same time it make him puzzled "how the hell can he help me?".

Without saying anything more he stood up and leave the Trevin without looking back.

Before leaving Ayan asked for his communication device saying he will contract him in two or three days.


In the evening iver and others came back, They were in a very poor state, Their face wasn't even recognisable. All of their body covered with some short of green jelly That exuding a smell like dog poop.

When they came Ayan was in the first floor of the inn. 

After coming Inside they didn't stop anywhere directly head toward the washing room. After some Times later they came back. There was not even a hint of happiness could be seen in their faces.

Ayan didn't asked anything about what happened and why there were in such a poor state.

"Man, all of our hard work become wasted like that" said moin with a pain expansion in his face.

"I never thought a 3rd grade monster would come after us, we were so close".

"Yah". Moin answered with a sigh.

After saying this Everyone stop their conversation and lost in their own thought.. they were remembering the event they have experience not long ago.

At this moment Ayan broke the silence and asked "what happened?"

Ayan become curious when he heard they faced a 3rd grade monster. He was thinking of joining a auction he need some items like a good pill Furness and some other item . He is in need of money a 3rd grade monster core could give him huge boost.

"We have faced a Tiger today and Almost got killed".

"Tell me from the beginning" Ayan said.

("After you left behind we headed toward the forest. In the way we met some people they happened to beaten up by some slime.

After we talk with them they showed us the road toward the lake where they saw slime.

We go there and discover many green slime. Even though slime look like harmless they are not.

Green slime is popular because of their poisonous body. If someone touch their body without any safety they will surely get poisoned.

But luckily we had people who use fire an ice martial technique.

With the help of iver and pona we get raid of the slime. But when we were collecting the cores Those disciple who were beaten by the slime came back asking for core saying they already weakened the slime and we just rip the benefits.

In the end we give them hard beating and when we about to collect remaining core a tiger came to the scene.

We weren't his match at all. All we could do cover ourselves with the slime and save ourselves.

The tiger just give us a glass and eat all the core. Then he left.)

As moin said the story his eyes become teary. They had done so much hard work, they even had to beat some disciple as well but all of core that should have been Theirs eaten by a Tiger.

"Ohh I see where did you see this Tiger" asked Ayan.

Moin told him the locations of the tiger. After that they just talk casually . They about Their plans and other things.


Next day Ayan called Lewis to meet up with him in front of the city gate.

Ayan didn't come with others because they wants to take a break and they won't be much help to him.

"What did you called me for" Lewis asked.

"Follow me I wants to hunt some monsters".

At first Ayan thought of going alone but soon he changed his mind. After all he can told Lewis to hunt the monsters. There is no reason for him to directly fight.

After answering some question asked by Lewis they start their journey. After 15 minutes later Both of them stopped above a lake.

Ayan look closely if it was the same place. After confirming it is the same lake moin and others fought with the slime yesterday they landed.

All around them are parts of slime exuding a very bad smell. After looking closely Ayan found some Marks of tiger Palm. They follow the mark's but sometimes later it vanished.

But Ayan didn't become dishearten. He have his own method of luring the tiger or any other monster here. Ayan look toward Lewis and open his mouth "close you ears, don't hear any sounds" saying this Ayan flow up in the sky.

Lewis just stood there not understating what Ayan meant. But he didn't neglect Ayan's word and placed his hands on his ears.

Ayan stopped in the air. Ayan thought " The Tiger was seen here yesterday that's mean this area rule by the tiger. If so, that tiger should be somewhere close."

Ayan thought of using a technique to see if it works or not. If it works then it's good he don't have to go Search . Even if it didn't work he still has some other methods to find the tiger.

At this time he take a deep breath. "Lion roars" He thought in his mind.

"Roar" a sound wave released from his lips and reach almost kilometres. Ayan released another roar and slowly descend.

Seeing ayans descending figure Lewis took toward him and asked "what did you do".

In response Ayan said "I challenged every beast who heard my voice".

What Ayan said wasn't the entire truth. He didn't challenged anyone because he don't know the language of the monsters. He thought this roar might work as a challenge.

If a monster felt a powerful presences that threat to him or Weaker he will try to kill it no matter what. Because, this new presences Could threaten his life and his rule.

Lion is a monster that don't live in a jungle or a forest. They live in wilderness. Ayan thought other monsters didn't heard lions voice if they suddenly heard they will think it challenging them .

And Ayan's thoughts were true.

But there something else happened that Ayan Didn't thought of many Weaker monster died not only weaker monster many cultivator died and wounded hearing this sound.

Suddenly all the bird flow away. There is many sound that coming close to the place Ayan and Lewis is

"What's this sound" Lewis said. By the sound he could guess slightly but he didn't wants to believe it. Strong monster love to live alone. They only meet others of their species at meeting seasons.

"Don't stay at the ground" saying this Ayan flow into the sky Lewis also followed him.

Soon some monster gathered in the place where Ayan was standing few seconds ago. There was 3 types of monster "Tiger, wolf, a snake".

" which one can you take on" Ayan asked to Lewis Which two monsters he wants to fight.

" I can take any two" said by Lewis.

"Good, take care of this two, I'll take care of the Tigger" Ayan said but he didn't take action.

Lewis nodded with his head. He look toward the ground this monster still growing . They didn't even notice two entity above their heads

"Wind blade" blade made out of air shoot out toward the three monster.

Monster have high sense of danger. Suddenly All of the monster felt danger and look above, there they saw wind blade coming toward them in an unimaginable speed.

But before those blade could touch those monster a earth Shattering roar erupted scattering those blade in the mid air.


After a hard fight Ayan and Lewis wins. But they still got some cut on their body. After collection the core they head toward the City.

After coming to the city Ayan asked " I need to Join the auction".

He didn't asked where the auction held or is there even any auction house. He directly ask Lewis he wants to join in a auction.

"What do you wants to buy from the auction?"

" A pill Furness, and some other stuff, just arrange a seat in the auction". Aayn said.

For Lewis who was a former peek Ascension realm expert collecting a seat is like flapping his hand. 

"Remember do not disclose your identity" ayan said with a very seriously tone.

Lewis nodded with his head. He wasn't a kid even his daughter is older then Ayan and he lived for more then 100 years.

But he still don't understand what Ayan is planning to do. The more time he passes with Ayan the more interest he become in Ayan.

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