Snow White, a series of Mickey Mouse movies, are all under their name.

Because of such a unique company culture.

Make their headquarters also full of fairy tale atmosphere.

"Ye, this way please!"

The president of Disney took Ye Chen with him.

After coming to a studio with a very animation flavor.

Afterwards, all the staff of "Super Secret Service" were called together.

Hundreds of people stood in a row.

They all looked at Ye Chen with expectant eyes.

Between each other, talking quietly.

"Ye, you are here!"

"You said you came to New York five days ago, but we have never been able to invite your people!"

"Yeah, I also heard that you dubbed Universal Pictures and Warner Bros. They all complimented you!"

"I heard that the president of Fox Films is annoyed now, and he said something strange like Ye Chen was originally his..."

Just in the midst of a lot of discussion.

As the president of Disney Studios, he also coughed heavily.

Pointing to these guys who are used to being lazy.

Don't talk too much...

Just when people don't understand English!

Just after finally subduing this group of employees who are used to freedom.

Peter also brought Ye Chen.

Walked into a recording studio similar to Mickey Mouse House.

"Ye, our recent "Super Marines" did very well, but for the dubbing of the movie in a certain segment!"

"We have been looking for a long time, but there is still no suitable solution!"


Peter played the music in front of him.

with the music playing.

next moment.

A big white robot with a wide body is stroking the head of a teenager.

Softly comforting something.

"Wow~ What a cute big white bear!"

The two women screamed excitedly, their eyes full of little stars.

"This is not a big white bear!"

Peter looked back at the two women, and then prompted:

"This is actually an intelligent robot, a medical robot!"

"What a cool setting~"

This time, the two girls were even more surprised.

They did not expect that this huge and fluffy white was actually a robot.

"I really want to have such a robot in reality!"

"It's cute and heartwarming, who wouldn't want to!"

"Peter, is this movie called "Super Marines"?" Both Avril and Taylor turned around and asked Peter.


"Okay, we'll definitely watch it when it's released!"

The two women said excitedly.

And this moment.

Hear the words of Avril and Taylor.

The staff who are working on the film development are also very happy.

"Looks like our design is very good!"

"Dabai has been recognized!"

And this moment.

See the three people familiar with the characters of this animation.

Peter also came up.

"Ye, let's be honest, what we are going to dub this time is the love story between this big white and the boy he is comforting, Xiaohong!"

"In the movie, Xiaohong's brother lost his life because of the evil villain!"

"Xiaohong is always very angry because of excessive hatred!"

"The appearance of Da Bai now is to appease this young man and eliminate the devil in his heart."

Peter after briefly telling the plot of the story.

Then he said to Ye Chen.

"I asked the presidents of those companies, and they all said that your dubbing is biased towards grand narratives or fantastic and mysterious scenes!"

"However, my movie doesn't need a grand narrative!"

"What I want is the real feeling, the little bit of warmth in daily life!"

"Ye, can you show this?"

Peter asked his own question.

this moment.

Everyone present focused on Ye Chen's body.

Chapter XNUMX Inspiration to create "monsters"

"It's really hard..."

Ye Chen touched his chin and suddenly felt that some of these requirements were a little tricky.

In the last life, he most often listened to some grand and bloody songs.

For songs that are more lyrical and reflect the connection between people's hearts and hearts, they are indeed a little out of their reach.

"Peter, I may need to think about your request."

Ye Chen turned around and said to Peter beside him.

"Well, you give me a week, I will think about it carefully, and if there is a result, I will take the initiative to contact you."

"it is good."

At this moment, although everyone at Disney was very much looking forward to what kind of works Ye Chen would write.

But since Ye Chen said he needed to wait for a while, they also acquiesced in Ye Chen's brewing.

After all, no one can say that inspiration comes right away.

After ordering a few middle-class people to send Ye Chen to the most expensive hotel nearby.

There was worry in their eyes.

"President, our super agent team is about to release a promotional video, and the most important background music has not been selected yet, should we find someone else!"

"Yeah, I think that group of people is about to praise Ye Chen to the sky, but I think he doesn't seem to have any talent!"

"Such a simple request stumped him."

Everyone at Disney was talking about it.

But Peter waved his hand.

Don't say that: "Since Ye can be recognized by so many people, then he must have considerable skills."

"I'm afraid it's just that our problem is a bit involved in his blind spot."

After thinking about it for a while, Peter also instructed the people under him.

"Well, I heard that there is a gentleman named Hisaishi in Fusang. He is usually the best at recording delicate and emotional background dubbing."

"Let's do this, go and get in touch with Mr. Hisaishi's team to see if he can come over. We can't put our eggs in one basket."

"Makes sense!"

"The president is right. You can't put all your eggs in one basket."

Under Peter's order, all those present nodded and hurriedly contacted Hisaishi's team.

And this moment.

Ye Chen sat in the returning car, and frowned.

"This time it seems that I really touched my intellectual blind spot. I thought about it for a long time, but I just couldn't find a song that reflects the inner connection between people."

"It's a little tricky."

Seeing that Ye Chen's expression was not very good.

At this moment, Avril and Taylor were also very anxious.

"Ye, why don't we make this song for you!"

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