Rune Wizard

Chapter 90: : Red Wine Club

   Consume 300 soul power continuously, and the wolf heart breathing method reaches LV6 level.

   Karen's face was slightly pale, and the blood in his body seemed to be rushing, and the energy of the soul power spread throughout the body, and it was calm before ten minutes.

Open the data panel again, and the three attributes of strength, physique, and agility have been improved again. This means that Karen is only a line away from the realm of the great knight. According to his inference, as long as the wolf heart breathing method is used again One level higher, it should be possible to be promoted to a great knight with the help of soul power.

   "Protoss, how much soul power is needed to raise the level of Wolf Heart Breathing Technique?"


   "Ding! Wolf Heart Breathing Method once again raises the level, it requires 300 soul power!" The Protoss quickly answered.

   "300? Not too much."

  Karen knew it in his heart, and felt a little grateful. He still has 115 soul power, so he only needs to collect 185 soul power to attack the realm of the great knight. After success, his strength will increase again.


   At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly came.

   Karen got up and opened the door, and she saw Shirley standing outside, wearing a group of **** pierced maids, her white fragrant shoulders exposed to the air, and her attractive red lips smeared with rose juice.

   "Why are you here?" Karen raised her brow.

   "How about? Do you like it?" Shirley smiled playfully, closed the door with her backhand after entering the room, and turned around to Karen.

   "Not bad." Karen chuckled lightly, her tone somewhat perfunctory.

   "Hehe, Shirley is waiting for your summons at any time before Master Karen is officially married!" Shirley leaned her body against Karen and said with a sigh of relief.

   Karen felt hot in her belly, but her heart was very calm.

Shirley, who grew up in Maple Leaf City, knew the importance of the weak attached to the strong, so after Knight Phil was killed, she immediately found a backer for herself. Compared with the pride of the red maple flower, Shirley The bottom line in my mind is obviously not high.

   That's why, she is still a virgin, and she can take the initiative to offer herself as a gift to Karen.

   Karen naturally has no opinion on this.

  As a normal man, it is impossible for anyone to be indifferent when facing Shirley's service. Although Karen is not obsessed with beauty, occasional enjoyment is also a way to relax.

   Therefore, facing Shirley who was nestling in her arms, Karen unceremoniously tore the maid's skirt on her body.

   "Please be gentle, Master Karen."

   The naked Shirley was lying on the bed with a trace of shyness on her face. Karen was about to pick up her gun and mount her horse, but at this moment, there was a horn outside.

   Shirley's eyes changed, her face instantly pale as paper.

   As a woman in Maple Leaf City, she knew the sound of such a horn clearly, that any city in the Northern Territory would only send such a signal when it was attacked again.

   "Someone is attacking Beifeng City?"

   Karen frowned slightly, but did not panic on her face. After a few words to comfort Shirley, she grabbed the armor on the shelf and put it on her body, and then set off for the city wall.

  As soon as he walked out of Wolfheart Castle, Karen met Amos.

   "What's the situation?" Karen asked.

   "Huh! It's just a trick of the Aylin family." Amos showed disdain and sneered: "The Aylin family has spread the news of the emptiness of the North Wind City, so it has attracted a group of gangsters who do not live and die!"

   "Gangster?" Karen was surprised.

   "That's right, I heard that it is called Akashukai."

Amos nodded, walking towards the city wall, and said: "It is said that this gang has been wandering around the border of the Thunder Kingdom, looting the brigade, and trafficking in human beings is almost all evil, and there are many shameful deals with Shadow Fang. ."

   "This time the Ailin family marched into the north, they passed the news of the North Wind City to the Red Wine Party and drove these bandits to attack the North Wind City at night with their profit."

   During the conversation between the two, they have come to the wall.

   The situation is still under control, and the city gates are also closed. Under the night, the bandits of the Red Wine Party brandished torches and were howling in the open space in front of Beifeng City. More than 300 bandits showed a scene of a group of demons dancing.

   "Little Sheep, quickly open the city wall!"

   Among the gang, a bearded man riding a horned goat, brandishing a meteor hammer and roaring, seems to be the leader of this group of gangsters.

   "That guy is the boss of the red wine club."

   On the city wall, Amos pointed to the beard and said: "Redbeard Gaia, originally a titled knight of the Red Fort Kingdom, was wanted by the Red Fort Kingdom for killing his loyal lord."

   "The gangsters of the Red Wine Club are all mobs, and they are basically not to be afraid of, but Gaia the Red Beard is not weak, and his men have killed at least five knights. In a moment, if the gate is broken, we will join hands to deal with him!"

  Amos said, waving at the guards.

   The archers who got the order immediately shot a round of arrow rain down. The gangsters who were still clamoring fled around. When the red beard Gaia saw this, he suddenly became angry.

   "Look at Lao Tzu smashing your gates!"

   Redbeard Gaia said suddenly threw the meteor hammer out of his hand, and the heavy meteor hammer hit the city gate with a muffled noise.

   The city gate was not smashed open, but there was a tremor.

  A knight who can obtain a title is not a weak person. Gaia the Redbeard is a power knight, and the meteor hammer in his hand weighs more than a hundred jin. Under continuous attacks, it may not be impossible to break through the city gate.

   "Continue archery, don't stop!"

   Amos frowned and directed the archers to take turns shooting arrows, intending to use the advantage of the city wall to consume the bandits of the Red Wine Club.

   However, the gangsters in the red wine party are not fools.

   Seeing another round of arrow rain, they retreated one after another, withdrawing from the attack range of the archers, leaving only Gaia with the red beard to attack the city gate.

   "Open the gate of the city."

   Karen shook his head, and if this continues, the city gate will be destroyed sooner or later. The key to solving this gang is to kill Gaia the Redbeard.

   It's just a titled knight, it's not that Karen has never killed him.

Next to   , Amos raised his brows. During the half month of working together to clean up the assassins in the North, he also learned a little about Karen. He knew that his cheap brother was far superior to ordinary knights and was hiding some secrets.

"……All right."

   Amos hesitated for a moment and waved to the soldiers to open the city gate. He had already heard that Karen had defeated the Knights of the Steelheart in the capital, so a red beard might not bring much threat.

   The north wind city gate slowly opened.

   The gangsters at the Red Cocktail Party suddenly howled, and a grin appeared on the face of the red beard, and they rushed into the city gate first.

   Not far away, Karen is standing with a sword.

   "Want to die? Haha, I will make you perfect!" Gaia the red beard did not put the boy in front of him in his eyes at all, and threw out the meteor hammer with a wild laugh.

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