Yasuo was stunned when he heard this, and laughed out loud, Li Fulang is an old monster hundreds of years old?

Don’t make trouble, Li Fulang looks younger than himself, okay!

But in order to deceive Ruiwen, Yasuo still hid Li Fulang’s appearance.

“Ah yes, the master, it’s all like this, he has white eyebrows and white beards, and he can use sharp sword qi just by his beard.”

Yasso’s face was not red and his heart did not beat, and he took a sip of the spirits while saying, “You crave revenge, don’t you? I understand you, so I introduce you to such a superior person! ”

“I tell you, as long as you learn a little bit of this master’s swordsmanship, it will be enough for you to kill back to Noxus and slaughter that sinister commander.”

Ruiwen’s eyes were full of reverence when she heard this, and she was extremely curious about the superior people mentioned in Yasuo’s mouth.

At the same time, Ruiwen automatically made up for the image of a hidden swordsman with a long beard, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with what Yasuo said.

After all, Yasuo is a living example, breaking through from a master to a master in just a few months, unless it is a peerless master, there can be no such example.

And speaking of revenge….

Ruiwen really wanted to kill Noxus, but she knew that with her current strength, returning to Noxus would not make any waves at all.

“Then let’s hurry up and find that master! Stop drinking! ”

Ruiwen carried the rune giant sword behind her, although the giant sword was broken, Ruiwen used it easily.

It is simply impossible to buy such a large sword in Ionia.

“Don’t worry!”

Yasuo drank three sips of spirits in a row, and his heart was happy, but he didn’t expect that this Ruiwen took the initiative to take the bait, and he didn’t fool him much.

“Shopkeeper, your servant will come right away!”

Yasuo secretly said in his heart, first fool Ruiwen over, and when Ruiwen sees the mystery of the shopkeeper, he will naturally be willing to be a servant!

After all, no one could resist the temptation of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Until now, Yasuo is still worried about the books on it, as well as those strange clothes and blades, but unfortunately he has no money, otherwise he will definitely buy them all!

The kind that throws one book and reads one!

“Go fast and go, I can’t wait, this kind of master, must ask him to point me out, by the way, does he have any preferences!” Ask people to do what they like! ”

Ruiwen looked at Yasuo still drinking unhurriedly, a little anxious, and at the same time afraid that the superior person in Yasuo’s mouth would not point him out.


Yasuo pondered for a moment, and then said lightly, “This big guy, he likes to decorate things, if you can decorate his shop beautifully, then he will definitely guide you.” ”

“Set up the shop?”

Ruiwen muttered, she grew up in the barracks since she was a child, and she didn’t know anything about this thing! But it shouldn’t be that hard!

After all, it is beautiful enough to be placed according to the military formation!

Ruiwen is a complete martial arts maniac, in her opinion, beauty is muscle and strength, and it should be enough to decorate the store as long as it shows these!

“No problem! My best thing is arrangement, go fast! ”

Yasuo was pleasantly surprised when he heard this, the best thing is the arrangement, then Li Fulang must be very satisfied, and he will definitely discount himself at that time!

“Take a walk, Presidian is still quite far from here!”

Yaso laughed, took another jug of wine, and then left the tavern with Ruiwen and rushed towards Presidian in the province of Navoli.

In fact, Yasuo thought about using a teleportation charm, but there is only one teleportation charm, and I don’t know if I can bring someone, in case Ruiwen uses it and goes straight over, leaving him in this trouble!

He also wants to see the books inside!

For example, the Chronicle of the Kingdom of Shureima, as well as the primary explanation of Hextech, which deeply attracted Yasuo.

But it’s expensive to die.

Yaso and Ruiwen left the province of Filor, and the Sword Faction held a funeral for Elder Suma, while also giving Yaso his innocence.

Moreover, the news that Yasso had become a master of swordsmanship spread all over the province of Philoer, and even to the entire Ionia.

Master less than thirty years old!

Shocked everyone’s eyes!


Outside the Meditation Pavilion

Two very strangely dressed men stood outside the door, dressed like ninjas, none other than Shin and Akali.

“Master, how did we get here, they all said let me lead the way!”

Akali said with disgust, Shen Ke is a real road idiot, and sometimes he can walk from the material world to the spiritual realm, which is really worrying.

And he didn’t know what to think this time, but let Shen lead the way, this no, to bring to such a remote place.


Shen stopped the alive Akali, his eyes staring at the plaque in front of the store.

“What’s wrong!”

Akali was a little strange, following the cautious gaze, she only saw the three big characters of Xiu Xin Ge, and the storefront was just an ordinary storefront.

Such small shops abound in Precidien, and I don’t know what happened to Shen.

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