“Ah this… You don’t know what mental power is? ”

Li Fulang felt as if he had underestimated Noxus a little, it seemed that Noxus did not have the slightest record of the spiritual field!

In fact, in Noxus, black roses control magic, and only by adding black roses will they come into contact with the existence of spiritual power, or be valued by some folk hermits.

Otherwise, the spiritual realm is not known at all.

And Noxus is also a group of martial artists, the attitude towards magicians is to use, whether you are a magician or a warrior swordsman, as long as you can go to the battlefield to kill, you are the glory of Noxus!

Such a deformed system makes Noxus’s research on the spiritual field very shallow.

Ruiwen didn’t know about the existence of spiritual power at all.

“Spiritual power is…. And this world is divided into material plane and spiritual realm, when your spiritual power is strong to a certain extent, you can open the spiritual realm! ”

Li Fulang patiently explained spiritual power and spiritual field to Ruiwen, and tried to popularize this knowledge to her.

Ruiwen was also fascinated by it, only to feel that a door that she had never touched had opened.

A vast, very different world was beckoning to her.

“The world is not only killing enemies for Noxus…”

Ruiwen muttered, she didn’t expect that just on the first day she came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, she would comprehend so many things.

So Ruiwen carried the Storm Great Sword behind her, and then rummaged through book by book, classifying these tens of thousands of messy books.

Vaguely, Ruiwen felt that her eyebrows seemed to have something gushing out, which was exactly the spiritual power that Li Fulang said.

At the same time, the roar of the Storm Great Sword gradually appeared in Ruiwen’s mind.

“Little Niko, hurry up and let me down! Lao Tzu’s stormy sword, it is simply a shame to be carried behind by a woman! ”

“Put me down! Feet can’t reach the ground! ”

“Aaaaah! Are you deliberately pretending not to hear me! ”

Balanced denominations

“Shen, why didn’t you buy a magic holy weapon that resisted the shadows?”

Kennan’s whole person was hidden in the cloak, and he looked at the returning Akali and Shen with some doubt.

Since the sect changed, the robbery of the balance, and the bitter saying that the master faked his death and disappeared, the balanced sect has become more and more difficult to mix.

Even Kennan wavered in the equilibrium.

The master of bitter speaking, the master of the once balanced sect, was ultimately blinded by power and interests.

And the disciple who greatly respected balance, also gave up balance in the war and chose to protect his hometown.

Kennan, as a Yodelian, has a long life and terrifying strength, and has served as the Berserk Heart for hundreds of years.

The changes of recent years have made him a little skeptical of the doctrine of equilibrium.

“It’s okay, look what this is!”

Shen handed over the balance of elementary mysteries in his hand to Kennan’s hands, and although he bought books with the money he was going to buy the magic holy artifact this time, he did not regret it.

The books you can buy in the Meditation Pavilion are definitely worth the money!

Kennan took the equilibrium primary mysteries suspiciously, and then looked at Shen suspiciously, a book of elementary mysteries, what is there to see.

“This is…”

But Kennan was immersed in it at the first glance when he opened the book, unable to extricate himself, and the meaning of equilibrium and the method of maintaining equilibrium described in it were simple and straightforward, pointing to the deepest mysteries of the spiritual realm and the material world.

“This… Cautious! This is where to get the book! Did you find the graveyard of the founder of the Equilibrium sect? ”

Kennan was surprised for a while, and after reading this Equilibrium Elementary Mystery, he fell into unparalleled shock.

This elementary mysteries thoroughly analyzes equilibrium and can be regarded as an introductory book for the Equilibrium Sect!

From beginner to master’s book!

“Hee-hee, I bought this from a handsome brother, and I also bought a copy of the Shadow Island Chronicle!”

Akali said with a grin and showed Kennan the Shadow Island Chronicle in her hand.

Kennan had come out of Bander City since a thousand years ago and traveled to the Rune Continent, naturally he had been to Shadow Island, and he had heard all kinds of legends in it.


Kennan took the Shadow Island Chronicle and looked at it with suspicion, that secret had long disappeared into history.

Few people now know that Shadow Island was once called Fukuko Island.

This book probably made up some stories and fooled Akali!

“Shadow Island, formerly known as Fuguang Island, was originally a citizen living and working in peace…”

Just by seeing the first sentence, Kennan knew that this book was not, but a real Shadow Island chronicle!

All the secrets of Shadow Island are recorded in it, even the deeds of the Great Lord of the Undead, Mord Caesar.

“Wait? What’s going on? My mental power has grown! ”

Kennan was shocked, his body flashing with thunder, and he looked at Shin and Akali in horror!


Shin also spoke out in surprise.

Kennan’s strength has not improved for decades, and his spiritual power is like a pool of stagnant water.

And now after reading the book for a while, the spiritual power has actually increased again!

This book is indeed quirky!

“No wonder Akali broke through the door of the spiritual realm after watching it for half an hour.”

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