
Ruiwen was puzzled and looked at Viktor, not knowing who this strange old man was talking about, that gentleman?

Or ask yourself!

Where do you know what sir!

Wait a minute!

Could it be Li Fuwan who asked?

“Do you mean Li Fuwan? It is the owner of Xiu Xin Pavilion! ”

Ruiwen instantly thought of the magical teleportation talisman sold by Li Fuwan, maybe this Si Weiyin was a customer of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

No wonder Svein was so bullish that he ruled the entire Noxus in an instant, and it turned out that he had obtained an opportunity in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

In this way, everything will be explained!

At the same time, Ruiwen had a little more identification with Svein, and did not have a cold face like before, after all, he was a customer of his own Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

For customers, it is still necessary to give some face.

“But I don’t seem to have seen you a few times, don’t you often go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?”

Hearing this, Svein paused, with an embarrassed smile on his face, if he went often, he would not be killed!

The Heart Cultivation Pavilion is so terrifying, a place where artifacts are piled up.

He was also the commander of the attack on Ionia, and the Ionians probably wished that he would die quickly.

“Ahem, I’ve only been there once… And admire Mr. ”

Svein was talking to Ruiwen without a match, and at the same time walked towards the palace with Ruiwen and Dreius and the others.

Ruiwen thought that Svein was a customer of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

And Svein thought that Ruiwen was sent by the shopkeeper to test him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little excited in his heart.

Does it mean that if you are tested and recognized by Ruiwen, you can buy things in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?!

Svein couldn’t help but be a little longing, those books, he really wanted to read, and he wanted to buy the demigods and mysterious skins in them.

“Then when you are free, you can come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, as long as you can afford it, you are a good customer!”

Ruiwen smiled, stopped in her steps, and looked at the tall palace in front of her.

Hearing this, Si Weiyin was a little excited, and even a little incredible, which means that he can enter the Heart Cultivation Pavilion?

That terrifying shopkeeper won’t target himself?

When you are free, will it be a cryptic request?

For a while, Svein, who was often guessed by his subordinates, began to figure out Ruiwen’s meaning, and he was stunned.

It’s really too mysterious for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

When it comes to everything there, Svein will be cautious, and he is afraid of being killed by the artifact sent by the shopkeeper.

“Grand Commander, the palace has arrived!”

Duquecao couldn’t help but step forward and prompt, his eyes full of doubt, not knowing what was wrong with Svein.

This situation has occurred over and over again.

And along the way, they also heard Svein and Ruiwen’s speech, and the words touched on a mysterious gentleman.

Commander Svein seems to have some taboos about this gentleman… And fawning?

Duke Cao felt that he felt wrong, but Dreius, Katerina, were there, and they felt that way too.

Who the hell is that mysterious gentleman?!

To be so respected and respected by the Great Commander! And even some fear?

Everyone was puzzled, not knowing who the gentleman in the conversation between Svein and Ruiwen was.

It is only known that this gentleman is the master of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he is far away in Ionia.

“Ionia… Lord Svein was defeated at Presidian, but miraculously survived… I know! ”

Duquecao, as the boss of the assassination department, controlled a lot of intelligence, and instantly thought of Svein’s past.

Could it be that the shopkeeper of the Cultivation Pavilion saved the Grand Commander?

Then he taught the Grand Commander a lot of things and helped the Grand Commander return to Noxus!

It must be so!

Duquecao consciously made up everything in his head, a little complacent.

“Huh? Let’s get inside! ”

Svein came back to his senses, waved his hand, and a demonic force urged, directly smashed the two royal guards, and led his subordinates into the palace.

The royal palace was already in vain, the magnificent building façade was not a single person, and the entire royal palace, except for Darkwell, was almost no one else.

It’s all dead and dead, escape and escape.

“Miss Ruiwen, Darkwell is extremely faint, and in order to find the so-called immortal medicine, he spent a lot of national strength to launch a meaningless war, and Darkwell will be executed today!”

Svein said to Ruiwen while glancing at the hourglass on Ruiwen’s earlobe.

He really couldn’t understand that such a small hourglass could be an artifact, and the sword on his waist was also an artifact.

It’s just horrible.

Those who go out with two artifacts are worthy of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!


Ruiwen nodded, she found that she had nothing left to take revenge on, she had originally wanted to kill Darkwell and improve the current situation in Noxus…

After all, she was also reading a lot of books in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and she had many ideas for improving Noxus.

But now it has been found that the areas that can be improved have been improved by Svein.

Apart from the fact that King Darkwell was not dead, Noxus had no other obvious drawbacks.

“Very good, Noxus will prosper, but, Commander, when will you come to the Cultivation Pavilion to buy some things?”

“If the shopkeeper sees you shopping, he’ll be happy.”

Ruiwen felt that Svein was a talent, and he had only been to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion once, and he had achieved such an achievement!

Svein’s eyes were fiery, was this a recognition of him?

Can you go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion yourself?

The shopkeeper won’t cut himself anymore? As long as you buy something, the owner will be happy?!

In an instant, a smile appeared on Svein’s face, and with a wave of his big hand, he walked towards the King’s Hall where Darkwell was located.

“Miss Ruiwen! Another day, I will definitely go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to visit and ask the shopkeeper for guilt in person! ”

Svein said in a low voice, he felt that since the Ruiwen and the artifact sent by Li Fulang did not kill him, Li Fulang would definitely not kill him.

After all, now the artifact can easily kill itself.

If it was to trick himself into the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and then kill him, it would be redundant.

Svein’s brain tonic ability is too powerful.

In fact, from beginning to end, Li Fulang never thought of cutting Svein, and even Lilia regarded him, a demented old man, as a friend.

“Go! Go and execute the king! ”

Svein waved his big hand, and in an instant Dreius, Duquecao and the others greeted him, walked in front, and entered the king’s hall.

Svein and Ruiwen walked quietly behind Dreius.

“Hand over the crown, no more killing.”

Svein said coldly, not giving Darkwell, who was sitting on the throne, half face.

All the guards retreated when they heard this, and no guards were willing to stand up to protect Darkwell.

“I have royal blood on me! How can it be defeated to you slaves! I want to live forever! ”

King Darkwell has a crown on his head, and he is already a little crazy.

In just one night, all the army generals turned over, the domestic cries were shocking, and Svein seized power in an instant.

Now he is a king in name only.

“Hand over the crown!”

Svein waved his hand, and then two tall ironclad soldiers walked up, holding buckets of scalding molten iron in their hands.

Then two more soldiers came out and directly raised Darkwell high.

“Guards? Protect your king! ”

Darkwell roared hoarsely, but was held by two soldiers, and there was no room for resistance.

“Noisy! Noxus doesn’t need a king! ”

Dreius scolded angrily, and the giant axe in his hand was directly thrown out, slashing towards the king’s body.

He wants to kill this king and end the king regime in Noxus once and for all!

The terrifying axe blade swept out a terrifying wind, and Darkwell could even see his own terrified eyes on the back of the axe.


Svein let out a low sigh, and the demonic power in his hand emerged, and he instantly lifted up, firmly controlling Dreius’s giant axe, and actually saved the king’s life!

What is Svein going to do?!

All the generals looked at Svein suspiciously, this is going to execute Darkwell, why did he suddenly repent, and personally stopped Dreius’s giant axe!

Just when everyone was puzzled, Svein turned to Ruiwen and asked a little tentatively, “Miss Ruiwen, then kill Darkwell like this?” ”

Hearing this, all eyes were on Ruiwen’s body.

Dreius and Duke Kao were shocked, but they didn’t expect that Svein would ask Ruiwen about such a big thing!

Who is this Ruiwen? And who is that gentleman?

It was so valued and respected by Svein!

You must know that Svein is a legendary figure, the great ruler admired by all people in Noxus.

Unexpectedly made strange moves again and again.

But no one questioned whether Svein was right or wrong, they felt that it must be Ruiwen and that legendary Heart Cultivation Pavilion that was too important.

That’s why Svein did this.

“Hmm… It’s boring, kill it, lead Noxus on the right path, you still need the guidance of a lot of books, do you remember that there are many books about Noxus on the shelves? ”

Ruiwen pouted, a little helpless, originally thought that the king was some kind of heroic figure, but did not expect that it was just like this.

“Good! Svein must study it in the future! ”

With a cold flash in Svein’s eyes, he withdrew the power of demons, and the giant axe swept out in an instant, cutting King Darkwell in half.


The crown fell to the ground, then was picked up by Ruiwen and put in the burning molten iron.

In an instant, the crown was melted, and the Darkwell royal family, which had been passed down from generation to generation, disappeared!

“Noxus doesn’t need a king, he needs all of us to contribute!”

Svein’s deep voice sounded, and everyone was shocked.

It is estimated that only a leader like Svein can unite all the forces of Noxus!

“Svein, go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and escort the young lady back to Ionia!”

Hearing that Dreius and Duke Cao were stunned and killed the king, Noxus was in chaos, and the first thing to do was to escort Ruiwen back to Ionia?

Simply outrageous!

How could Svein do such an unwise thing!

What kind of existence is that Cultivation Pavilion!

Duke Cao and Dreius’s eyes were full of doubt, and the eyes that looked at Ruiwen were also full of respect.

“No need…”

Ruiwen is a little helpless, there are still two artifacts beside her, how can I get an escort!

“Point soldiers! Go to Ionia to atone for your sins! For the sins I have made! ”

Svein mused, still a little uneasy.

Although Ruiwen said that the shopkeeper would not treat him, he felt that it was better to honestly admit his mistakes.

If you have a good attitude of admitting mistakes, there may be nothing wrong!

The shopkeeper will not cut himself either!

In an instant, the news that Svein, the Grand Commander of Noxus, set out from the Immortal Fortress and was preparing to go to Ionia to atone for his sins, spread throughout Noxus.

And the most important thing is that it seems to be like a person atoning for his sins, a mysterious figure called Mr. by Grand Commander Svein!

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