Life in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion is still as usual, that is, Lilia is really a little too sticky, which makes Li Fulang have some headaches.

Lilia often ran into the Creator Lab to stick to him.

What is the Creator Lab? It was very dangerous, and Lilia came in with a magic deer, in case it was affected, it would be troublesome.

She didn’t look like Victor, she had thick skin.

Viktor said in his heart that Li Fuwan was eccentric!

But he didn’t dare to say it, and he was afraid in the Cultivation Pavilion every day.

Sea of Watchmen

On a small boat, Ruiwen sat at the bow, while Svein honestly stayed behind Ruiwen.

Svein was completely stunned.

The demigod Storm Great Sword is hung on the sails of the ship and used as a source of power for the wind, and a pink cloth strip embroidered with small red flowers is floating behind it.

And the electric knife itself plays with electric fish on the surface of the sea.

The electrocuted fish were all turned into gold by the hourglass.

At a glance, endless gold floats on the sea.

There was even a huge sea monster that was first electrocuted and then turned into gold, and is still floating on the surface of the sea.

Svein only felt that his mouth was dry, for fear that these two artifacts would rise, and then turn himself into gold, or the charred black of electricity.

The hourglass conjured up gold all contained her divine power, and all the golden statues floated on the sea, like a mighty scene.

“Big brother big sister! You guys are having so much fun, can you consider me! ”

The storm sword was helpless, he was hung on the top of the mast, constantly blowing the wind, watching the electric knife and the hourglass play happily below.

I really want to blow a storm out and blow those golden statues away!

Let you guys play without me!

The Storm Great Sword was depressed in his heart, or the electric knife proposed to let him blow the wind on it, it was simply too bad!

On the other side of the Sea of Watch, not far from Ruiwen’s ship, a dilapidated warship was floating.

At the bow of the warship stood a bearded man with a huge iron hook in his left hand.

It was the plague of the sea, Planck.

He was originally the ruler of Bilgewater, the king of Billgivort, but unexpectedly, he was secretly calculated by Miss Doom.

Almost instantly, his reign collapsed, and Miss Doom Sarah became king of Birgiwater, defeated him, plunged him into the depths, and executed him with the harshest punishment.

If he hadn’t had the chance in the deep sea to find the broken warship he had been, he would have died.

“Whether it is fire or the deep sea, it can’t take my life!”

Captain Planck’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly found that there were many more golden fish on the sea, all floating on the sea.

“What is it?”

Planck threw out a huge net and fished up the glittering fish statues.

“Is it gold?”

Planck bit with his mouth, and surprise flashed in his eyes in an instant, this turned out to be real gold!

Although there is a seay smell.

But it’s real gold!

How can this kind of gold appear on the surface of the sea?

Planck was puzzled that all of the gold looked like fish, and there were fish large and small.

“Could it be that something turned fish into gold?”

Planck’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued to sail along the golden road, while hanging a huge net on the surface of his ship, catching all the golden fish along the way.

Whether he becomes a live fish or not, it’s all gold!

As long as it’s gold!

He wants to cut back Bilgewater all the way, manpower or financial resources cannot be lacking, isn’t the gold on this road now the property given to him by God?!

Planck sailed all the way, getting closer and closer to Ruiwen’s vessel.


As the distance traveled increased, what Planck caught became more and more outrageous, and the golden statues on the sea became larger and larger.


With a loud bang, the fishing net in the stern of Planck broke directly, and Planck quickly ran to the stern to see what was happening.

“Oh my God! This…”

Planck saw a scene that shocked him, the fishing net had been completely broken, and behind the fishing net, a huge golden head was exposed on the surface of the sea.

When he first sailed over, he only saw the top of his head, so Planck didn’t pay much attention to it.

But now, because of the dragging of the fishing net, the entire head of the golden statue has leaked out.

Just a head, close to thirty meters high!

And with a hideous expression, this is a huge sea monster! It’s just pure gold!

Planck swallowed a mouthful of spit, which was roughly estimated to be a hundred meters, and there were large and small fish and various strange sea monster statues next to it.

If all these things are obtained on his own ship and then sold, how much money will he have to make?!

And how did this giant sea monster get turned into gold!

“No matter! Salvage it first! ”

Planck gritted his teeth and decided it would be better to salvage all the gold statues first.

When you get to your own ship, it’s your own gold!

So much gold, enough for him to buy dozens of warships and then hire thousands of people, when the time comes, he will bombard Bilgewater, Miss Doom! Reclaim his kingship!

“Let’s eat an orange first.”

Captain Planck took out an orange and ate it, thinking about how to get this 100-meter gold statue back.

His ship is a little small, and he is alone, there is no manpower, and it is likely that he will not be able to get it back.

But allowing such a big gold to go, Planck was really unwilling.

Ruiwen’s vessels

The electric knife and the hourglass have a lot of fun, under the current control of the electric knife, even the sea monsters in the deep sea can be found by him and then electrocuted, and many kilometer-sized sea monsters have been killed along the way.

The hourglass, on the other hand, turns them all into gold statues and admires their art.

“I said electric knife, can you control it when you electrocute the fish, you look at you, this face is all electrocuted, there is no beauty at all!”

The hourglass was a little angry, just now a hideous sea monster appeared, and she also deliberately captured the most hideous expression of this sea monster and reused the ability.

But it was directly pasted by the electric knife, and the entire face of the sea monster turned into something like, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

If you don’t say that this is the head of a sea monster, no one wants it.

“Ahhh What can you do, it’s all electrocuted, or will the next one be kept for you? ”

The electric knife tried to say, he really played a little too much, forgetting the hourglass preference.

Central Asia’s favorite thing about the hourglass is to admire her conjured golden statue, which records her expression when it turns into gold.

She thought it was funny, it was art.

“Forget it, wait for the next sea monster! All those arts were screwed up by you before! ”


The electric knife and hourglass you said a word, returned to Ruiwen’s side, and honestly stayed on Ruiwen’s body.

Svein was completely stupid, and he had been in the vastness of divinity all the way.

If he hadn’t already controlled the power of the demons, and knew that Ruiwen didn’t mean to target him, he might not be able to resist jumping into the sea and running.

The majestic Grand Commander has completely lost his majesty.

“Rui… Miss Ruiwen, doesn’t the shopkeeper really blame me? Can I just buy something? ”

Svein swallowed his spit, and asked the question he was most concerned about.

Although he has asked many times.


A black line flashed on Ruiwen’s forehead, she was really going to be annoyed by this old man.

I asked this for the tenth time along the way!

Is this a bad memory or Alzheimer’s disease!

“It’s okay, just treat it as if you’re a customer.”

Ruiwen said helplessly, rolled her eyes, and continued to look into the distance.

She wanted to go home, she wanted to go back to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Xiu Xin Pavilion is her current home.

Noxus had nothing left to miss her.

“By the way, hourglass, the crow in this old man’s body is very good, or will you turn that into gold?”

The electric knife floated up and said sadly to the hourglass, he could feel the shivering crow in Svein’s body.

“Fuck off, don’t try to trick me into doing bad things, this is a customer.”

The hourglass said angrily, and also floated, waiting for the next sea monster to appear.

The strength of the two of them is enough to spy on the deep sea of 10,000 meters, and as long as a sea monster appears, it can immediately turn into gold.

However, if the hourglass wants to see the hideous expression of the sea monster, he has to lure the sea monster out and turn it into gold.

Otherwise, a sea monster statue with a dull expression is really not interesting.

“You messed up all those before, don’t discharge it this time!”

The hourglass instructed, so many sea monsters before, almost all of them were pasted by electricity, anyway, none of them could see it.

It’s all a failure!


“The failed goods will not be kept, by the way, you are all electrocuted, if they are all electrocuted, then I will not keep those failed goods.”

Hearing this, the electric knife thought humanely, floated in the air, swayed up and down, and then clicked again.

“Is there any?”

Hourglass asked helplessly.

“Maybe they were all electrocuted, but one or two fish that slipped through the net are not sure.”

The electric knife said tentatively, he remembered that he had electrocuted most of them anyway, but there were still some that were turned into gold by the hourglass before they were electrocuted.

After all, hourglasses look at expressions, as long as the expressions are satisfactory, they will immediately turn into gold.

“Then it’s all gone, it’s all made into a garbage failure by you!”

As he spoke, he disarmed his divine power, and all the abilities on those golden fish statues and sea monster statues that he had turned into along the way were lifted!

The gold faded.

The roars of several sea monsters sounded.

“Didn’t you say they were all dead?!”

“Ahem, misremember, misremember, just one or two, it’s okay, if you dare to find them, I will immediately electrocute them!”


You glanced at the two artifacts and said a word, but Planck, who was fishing for gold in the back, was completely dumbfounded.

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