And the large-caliber musket hit this guy’s body without the slightest effect, and the flesh and blood of the body were flying and jumping alive here.

It’s really weird.

In an instant, Sarah’s back sweat hair stood up, directly opened a huge barrage, opened fire with all his strength, temporarily blocked Mord Caesar for a moment, and then Sarah jumped directly onto another ship!

On the other ship, Sarah ran madly, not daring to turn her head, ran directly to the farthest ship, and then started the ship, moving in the opposite direction.

A series of operations only take place between electric flints, making Mord Caesar can’t help but sigh at Sarah’s ability to adapt.

“Forget it, save a little strength.”

Mord Caesar stretched out his palm, closed it again, and finally chose to let Sarah go.

He was able to kill the pirate leader, but at the cost of it, he would have to spend a lot of strength.

So much power to gain a soul, can’t be scratched.

And now, the most important thing is to go to the Shushin Pavilion.

“You, honestly sail the boat, otherwise you will die.”

Mord Caesar said coldly, if it weren’t for the rush to Ionia quickly, he wouldn’t have left these guys behind.

“Golden ocean whirlpools, terrifying underground cracks, and swords that resemble the sky… Is it a demigod or a deity? ”

Mord Caesar sighed in his heart, not sure what exactly made these things.

However, there is no doubt that whether it is an artifact or a demi-artifact, these things are related to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

The ship sailed on the sea, and Maud Caesar silently mended his underworld, preparing for the trip to Ionia.

After escaping on the sea, Sarah made a big circle, and then drove the boat towards Ionia.

It is impossible for her to give up the opportunity to cultivate the Heart Pavilion! Even when she met this terrifying Maude Caesar, Sarah did not give up.

In order to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Bilgewater’s throne was abandoned, and it was impossible to retreat.



Weili used to be a place where spiritual flowers bloomed, but now it has become a paradise of desire.

Since the appearance of the golden ocean, countless people have made their fortunes on the scraped gold dust and built tall houses, which are very luxurious.

Moreover, the docks are all merchant ships coming and going, going to the various city-states of the Rune Continent, bringing back sufficient goods every time, which greatly enriches the lives of the people of Ionia.

Once a love of nature and clinging to their nascent land, the Ionians were almost entirely corrupted by desire, seizing every opportunity to earn money.

And Ionia is a place full of magic, and there are demons, and under this strong greed, demons naturally breed…

On the shore


In a bloody garden, a masked man covers his injured arm, and opposite him is a powerful demon.

Yazarkana is the lowest demon species, but even at the bottom, it is a demon, coupled with the soaring greed of the people in Zharkana, making this Yazakana’s strength very terrifying.

Yong Eun is not an opponent at all!

And Yasuo, who was wearing the skin of the soul lotus, also stood breathlessly on the side, and the injury was not small.

The two brothers had already ended their misunderstanding and reconciled in countless battles to hunt demons.

This was the tenth demon they hunted, and the most powerful.

“Yaso, quick! Hold on! ”

Yong En gritted his teeth, forcibly urged the power of the demon in his body, and launched an attack on this demon!

A flash of light flickered, directly picking this demon into the air, and at the same time, Yasuo quickly followed, urging the soul lotus skin to attack this demon!

The wind is blowing!

The terrifying wind element raged havoc, turning into spiritual power capable of harming demons under the blessing of the soul lotus.

Without this Soul Lotus skin, Yasuo might not have done anything about Yazarkana at all!

It was also with this skin that Yasuo was able to fight side by side with Yongen and kill many demons.

And as the time of use of the skin increased, Yasuo gradually began to realize some spiritual swordsmanship.


Yazarkana was covered in knife wounds, looked scarred, and most likely dying.

But in fact, an invisible force was stirring out in everyone’s heart, injecting into the body of this Yazarkana, restoring his injuries.

This is the power of greed.

The soaring greed of the Weili people shaped this powerful demon, almost unkillable, and it was still faintly shaking the greed in their bodies.

“Yong’en, Yasuo, don’t you want great power! Go, go get it! ”

The injuries on Yazarkana’s body healed rapidly, and evil whispers sounded in Yaso and Yongen’s ears.

It instantly hooked the greed in the hearts of the two.

Meditation Pavilion…

It was a place they revered, but at the moment their hearts were being mobilized by greed.

If you can occupy the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, occupy those artifacts… What a powerful force that must be!

“People will have greed, I am immortal!”

The demon laughed, this pair of swordsman brothers killed many of his kind in Wei, it was simply abominable!

Especially that Yong’en, there is a force in his body that seems to be able to see through him, and there are many masks pinned to his waist.

Yong En has 9 miserable white stone armor masks around his waist, and for every demon he kills, he will get one of this thing.

He didn’t know where it came from, but it didn’t hurt him, and it even increased his strength.

But the strength of this demon is too strong!

No, it’s the greed of the people of Weili who is too strong! As a result, this demon was shaped so strongly, Yaso and Yong’en combined forces could not kill him, and they were seriously injured.

The demonic whisper continued, and Yongen and Yaso gradually lowered their arms, about to lower the blade in their hands.

“Cultivation Pavilion… Lord Shopkeeper! ”

Yasuo was stunned, thinking of when he was once chased and killed by the sect and wronged by the world.

If he hadn’t come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, he probably wouldn’t have figured out the cause of Elder Suma’s death!

And if it weren’t for the shopkeeper’s guidance, as well as those books, his strength would not have grown so fast.

How can you raise greed for the Heart Cultivation Pavilion!

Yasuo’s eyes flashed with clarity, and he drank lowly, waking Yong En up.

“What to do, brother, get out of here and go back to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion! Wait until we are strong, and then come and kill him!” ”

Yaso groaned, gripping the blade tightly in his hand, nervously locking onto Yazarkana on the opposite side.

The power of this demon is too strong, they are not opponents at all!

Instead of dying here in vain, it is better to return to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion to find an opportunity, and then eradicate this guy when it is strong!

“Can’t go, Yaso!”

Yong’en’s pupils shrank, and through the mask, he saw that at least dozens of Yazakana were coming from all directions!

This guy is the king of Wei Li!

And the desires of the people of Weiri have already bred too many demons!

It is estimated that the two brothers can only die here!

“Teleportation charms, use teleportation charms! My brother! ”

Yaso made a bitter face, took out the teleportation talisman, and wanted to fight, but before he could use his consciousness to urge, he was pounced by a Yazarcana!


Dozens of Yazakana appeared at the same time, pressing Yongen and Yasuo to the ground, ready to devour them both alive.

The two of them can easily kill one demon together, and the two of them will have to spend a lot of thoughts, and now there are dozens of them!

And there is a demon king!

There is really no room for confrontation!

But at this moment, a thin figure came up from a ship on the shore.

The figure was covered with bullet holes, his brother’s mouth was tattered and his flesh and blood were blurred, and a miserable green skull was on his head.

As soon as he landed, he emitted a dark and dead silence.

Exactly Mord Caesar.

The moment Mord Caesar stepped on the shore, all the demons froze and felt this dead undead power.

“What a delicious tonic! These are enough to mend the underworld! Big Earn! ”

Mord Caesar was a little excited, repairing the underworld was equivalent to repairing his strength, but it took strength to hunt delicious souls.

Every time he shot, he had to calculate whether the loot could be satisfied, so as not to make him lose money.

If he loses money, he will definitely not shoot.

But this time, so many demons, it was worth him to use his remaining power! It’s a sure-money deal!

“What is this thing?!”

The demons all stared blankly at Mord Caesar who was walking towards them, and Yongen and Yasso took the opportunity to break free and cautiously face the situation in front of them.

Dozens of demons, and a demon king, and then a walking corpse…

Ionia, what’s wrong!

So many evil creatures are too far from the land of Ionia’s nascent birth, where man and nature live in harmony!

Yongen and Yasso watched all the demons and Mord Caesar warily, leaving the place as soon as something went wrong.

“Devils, don’t go!”

As he walked, Mord Caesar slowly absorbed the sand grains on the coast, and gradually constructed a body composed of sand grains with his own strength.

Just like the steel body before.

At the same time, a huge mace floated out from the skull, which was held by Mord Caesar in his hand, swung out, and directly smashed a demon to death.

“Boom, what are you!”

The Demon King spoke out in horror, and he felt the supreme aura of death in Mord Caesar.

That was the power of the dead, belonging to the highest power in the spiritual realm.

Why is there such a strong person here!

The demon king was puzzled.

But then, a hammer fell, making him give up the ability to think.

The realm around Mord Caesar was released again, and in just an instant, all the demons were dead.

He then sucked it into the underworld as nourishment for repairing the underworld.

Although the remaining real power was used this time, the harvest was much greater!

“The souls of the living can enter the underworld, whether good or evil, but demons can only act as dung!”

Mord Caesar snorted coldly, deeply ill will towards the demon, and spat out a mouthful of sand before turning to Yongen and Yasso.

“Xiu Xin Pavilion, do you know where it is?”

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