Because of the addition of Darkspawn Artox, Rayast and others, Shurimma’s combat effectiveness has skyrocketed.

Originally, Laketon also went to the coastal city to fight, but his strength did not have the ability to break the battle in a short time.

Shurimma, who has just recovered, is not strong in combat, and it is really incomparable with Noxus’s elite soldiers.

And for so many years, several coastal cities occupied by Noxus have built Noxus defense strongholds, and the defense is unbreakable.

Naturally, it is not comparable to Shureima, who has just recovered.

Laketon returned to the capital from the coastal city battlefield to discuss the matter.

However, Laketon’s brain is relatively small, and as soon as the matter between Izerell and Yatox is different, he is attracted to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

It was completely hooked by the grandeur of the Cultivation Pavilion, a dazzling array of secret books, powerful artifacts, and an endless martial arts arena that had a strong attraction to all militants.

The matter of fighting has almost completely been thrown out of the clouds.

Now he is still fighting happily in the endless martial arts arena.

After all, it wasn’t long after Laketon’s sanity was awakened, and the whole person’s mind was like a violent and curious child.

Completely immersed in the endless martial arts arena, he really liked such a hearty battle without thinking about any consequences.

Even Li Fulang almost forgot about Laketon, who was still in the endless martial arts arena.

The coastal battlefield of Shurima is still facing off.

Shurima’s army was inferior to Noxus in terms of equipment and combat effectiveness.

And the defensive stronghold of Noxus is also unbreakable, easy to defend and difficult to attack, leaving Shurima’s army somewhat nowhere to start.

Now Yatox and the others were ordered to come to the battlefield with reinforcements, and soon broke the confrontation.

The Fang defenders, who had originally sneered at Shureima’s army, were directly caught off guard, and quickly sent people back to the current battle situation at Shangfeng.

Svein’s side was still plotting to attack Freyrdrand.

They got the news that Freyrdrand was now fighting among themselves, and that several deficiencies were now at war.

Just want to take advantage of the void and take down Freyrdrand.

I never expected that there would be a moth on Shureima’s side.

Freyrdrand’s frozen ice sheet has no way to go too deep now, so he can only capture the boundary at the junction of Freyrdrand and Noxus first.

Until the dreadnought was completed, they would not have the means to attack Freyrdrand in a big way.

Now the occupation on Shurema’s side is unstable.

Svein immediately ordered to transfer troops to support.

The cities that Noxus had long occupied were naturally unwilling to give up their hands back.

Yatox was quick and caught the Noxus defenders off guard, but was quickly defended by the well-trained Noxus army.

Although the defenders also suffered heavy losses, the city was still held with difficulty.

War is different from fighting alone, relying on their own strength to do whatever they want.

There are many factors to consider.

In order to make meritorious achievements, Yatox and others naturally took the lead and led Shurimma’s army to attack the occupied coastal cities.

On Freld’s side, the Winterclaw tribe was still at war with the Avarosa tribe led by Queen Ash.

On this boundless ice field and frozen soil, the flames of war have never been truly extinguished for thousands of years.

Only when both defeats were they returned to their nests and licked their deep wounds.

When the wound was almost healed, a new round of war once again raged.

This time, too, the battle between the two clans also attracted other small clans to come and get a piece of the pie.

Unlike in the past, now the army of Noxus has also joined the battlefield on the ice field.

The Winter’s Claw tribe had to fight the Avaros tribe while splitting their minds to deal with the Norxus army that wanted to invade Freld.

But fortunately, these Noxus soldiers did not adapt well to the natural environment on the ice field.

As far as combat is concerned, the biggest threat to Winter’s Claws is the enemy inside Freyrdrand.

“Lord Silas, report from the front, the Noxus army is attacking again.”

Next, a warrior of the Winter’s Claw was half-kneeling there, reporting news from the front to Silas.

“Cavalry, shoot back.”

Silas got up from his seat and followed the warrior out of the tent, ready to fight.

Now Silas has fainted a certain status in the Winterclaw tribe.

After all, there was a recommendation from Samanka, a high-ranking person of the Winter’s Claw Clan, to ensure that he was God’s Chosen.

This made the Freyrdrads, who were in awe of the gods, afraid to be presumptuous in front of Silas.

And Silas himself has good abilities.

He has absorbed a lot of ice magic, and also absorbed the magic of Samanka, the strongest mage of the Winterclaw clan, and now Silas is more powerful than he has ever been.

Silas had already made up his mind to make a name for himself in Freyrdrand and then lead the army back to Demacia.

Also, the people here have such respect and respect for him, which makes him, a prisoner of Demacia for more than ten years, very useful.

He enjoyed the feeling of being admired and sought after.

Because he wanted to catch the power of the Winter’s Claw tribe and return to Demacia, then now that the tribe was attacked by the Noxus army, he naturally couldn’t ignore it.

Most of the previous attacks by Noxus on them were some raiding harassment, intended to test them.

And now many soldiers have somewhat adapted to the environment of some Freyrdrand fringe areas, and can already play with normal strength.

So the commander of Noxus to capture Freyrdrand decided to attack again.

Several previous attacks and raids of Noxus were resisted by Silas’ warriors with the Claws of Winter, and most of the warriors in the tribe who followed Silas also recognized the so-called chosen one.

Noxus’s attack this time seemed to be coming to the real thing, and it was larger and more numerous than the previous attacks.

However, Silas still relied on the Winterclaw tribe to familiarize themselves with the geography here, and won the battle with a small advantage.

Noxus paid a price because of this battle.

The officers quickly made an analysis of the battle, sent people to return to the peak, and let the upper leaders make decisions about the next battle.

The Winter’s Claw tribe was a powerful blow to the Noxus army this time, and every warrior who returned alive was happy to have won the battle.

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