
Jingle bells.

Outside the store, there was another welcome from the doorman mecha, and the bell of the door that had been pushed open.

Li Fulang and Silas both looked towards the door.

“Hi, senior.”

The person who came was Master Wuji Sword Saint Yi.

Speaking of Sword Saint Yi Ke, it has been a long time since he saw it.

Not long after the opening of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, the Sword Saint could be regarded as the first heroes to come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he was also the first customer of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

After all, Yassona did not have a dime of poverty at the beginning, and it was an account on credit.

At the beginning, Sword Saint Yi bought the “Chronicle of the Noxus Empire” here, learned skills, and finally bought a Samurai Shodown skin.

After that, he left the Cultivation Pavilion and went nowhere, and he never saw each other.

“Long time no see, easy.”

Li Fulang also said hello to the Sword Saint.

After the Sword Saint entered the store, he saw Silas standing beside Li Fulang, and the “Chronicle of the Kingdom of Demacia” he was holding in his hand.

“There’s a new customer in the shop, is it Demacia?”

Silas heard the Sword Saint’s question, looked down at the “Chronicle of the Kingdom of Demacia” in his hand, and hatred immediately filled his eyes.

The Sword Saint saw the hatred in Silas’ eyes, and frowned, what a familiar look it was.

“How much like I used to be.”

Looking at Silas, the Sword Saint couldn’t help but mutter.

Li Fulang naturally noticed the expressions of the two, nodded and agreed:

“It’s quite similar.”

Silas was confused by the two of them, what is it like? Where is it like?


“Don’t be blinded by hatred.”

The Sword Saint looked at Silas and felt that he was who he used to be.

In the past, he was like this, standing there with a copy of the “Chronicle of the Noxus Empire” in his hand, his eyes full of hatred for Noxus.

The young man in front of him was holding the “Chronicle of the Kingdom of Demacia”, and his eyes were also full of hatred.

Although the targets of hatred are different, the emotions are exactly the same.

Silas was stunned by the sword saint, don’t be blinded by hatred?

A little puzzled, he glanced at the sword saint, and then looked down at the chronicle about Demacia.

How can you not hate?

Whether it was the use of him by the Demacia demon search team and the nobles, or the grudge that he had been imprisoned for more than ten years.

And in this book, he just learned about the ugly face of those nobles who used power for personal gain.

They obviously also have the mission of guarding the world runes and resisting magical disasters, but they forget their mission and use mages to seek benefits for themselves.

Compared to Rez’s dutiful burden, the nobles of Demacia are even more hateful!

Silas’s eyes flickered, how could he not hate!

“Do you hate Demacia, or the nobles of Demacia?”

Li Fuwan’s voice suddenly remembered that this question almost hit Silas’s soul.

Demacia is the country where he was born, his hometown, where his parents and family gave birth to him.

And many, many good people, who are also innocent.

So did he hate the country of Demacia, or only the ugly nobles?

After thinking for a moment, Silas raised his head and replied firmly to Li Fulang:

“I hate the hypocritical and ugly nobles of Demacia.”

Li Fu shook his head, just as he had guessed in his heart. Those who used Silas and persecuted Silas were only the nobles of Demacia, and had nothing to do with the commoners of Demacia.

It seems that Silas is a relatively sensible person, and knows that those civilians are innocent.

“So what if I told you that the nobles of Demacia have basically been cleaned up now, and Demacia is already beginning to change?”

Li Fuwan’s words were like a thunderbolt, which exploded in Silas’s ears.

What the?

The nobility of Demacia was cleaned up? What’s going on?

“What do you mean? How so? ”

Silas’s face was full of disbelief, it was clear that the nobles were still clamoring to kill him when he fled Demacia, and he had killed some on the way to escape.

But there are so many nobles in Demacia, and each noble family holds heavy power, how can it be easily eliminated?

“It’s true, after you left Demacia, the Mian Wei family and the Laurent family joined forces to eliminate the entire Demacia high-level together.”

The Crown Guards, the Laurent Family?

Silas was impressed by the Crown Guard family.

As soon as the Mian Wei family was mentioned, Silas’s mind immediately conjured up the beautiful blonde girl with a smile.

Laxana Mian Wei, aka Lax.

That simple and kind girl, perhaps out of sympathy or something, came to visit him in prison.

Also under his rhetoric, he secretly brought him many books.

Lax’s kindness and affection for Silas, Silas is not unfelt.

It’s just that Silas’s hatred for the nobles of Demacia makes him and Lax always have an insurmountable gap in front of him.

Thinking of this, Silas only felt that his heart was tight and there was some pain.

And Galen, the man who was wearing a knight’s armor at the time, stood in front of Silas’s cage, looked at the embarrassed Silas, and asked Silas in a contemptuous tone if he had seduced his sister Lax.

Fiona of the Laurent family was standing behind Galen at that time, and they had already united to do something.

Silas combined the things before and after, combined with what Li Fulang said, and quickly figured out the key.

He was a little nervous when he first escaped from prison, but now that he thinks about it, things went too smoothly at that time.

The nobles with their hands and eyes have been begging you for more than ten years, how could they suddenly relax their guard and let him escape so easily?

It turns out that everything is arranged by someone.

That is, the corrupt and greedy nobles he hated had been purged by their compatriots, the Crown Guard and Laurent families, who were also nobles?

The expression on Sellars’ face changed a little quickly for a while, his brows furrowed for a while, and he seemed to want to laugh for a while, which looked a little strange.

Li Fulang and Sword Saint stood silently next to them, looking at Silas.

The Sword Saint has also heard a lot of big news these days, and he has also heard some about Demacia’s innovation.

Now hearing Li Fulang say this, and the unpredictable expression on Silas’s face, he could guess some things.

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