Lilia blinked her big red eyes and looked at Rez expectantly.

He has endured hardships and tribulations for thousands of years, but he has never given up his original intention.

Always stick to this own way, the land of guardian runes.

After all, they are also people who live in the Rune Land, and the Rune Land is also their home.

Even if they can’t contribute to the Rune Land, they hope to do something for the old mage who has been guarding the Rune Land.

Seeing such sincere and sincere eyes of the two girls, Ritz was a little moved in her heart.

“Yes, if you have any wishes, as long as the Heart Cultivation Pavilion can do it, I will try to help you complete it.”

“Thank you very much, I’m a little embarrassed to say, I really have something I want to ask the shopkeeper.”

Ruiz was a little embarrassed, and he was still thinking about how to open his mouth and tell Li Fulang that he wanted him to help keep the world runes.

Li Fulang gave him this opportunity to speak.

Li Fulang had insight into everything, and he could see some intention in his eyes long before Ruiz spoke.

Instead, Lilia and Raven were a little surprised.

In what Li Fulang told them, the World Rune was a very powerful and dangerous existence, and even caused a rune war that almost destroyed the Rune Land.

And for thousands of years, Rez has never trusted anyone, only he knows where the world runes are hidden.

But after a brief surprise, Lilia and Raven were relieved.

If Reiz wanted to give the world rune to someone else, maybe they would still feel incredible, thinking that this old mage was afraid of being confused.

But if the object is Li Fuwan, it is another matter.

What kind of person Li Fulang is, the two of them really know too well.

If the world rune was handed over to Li Fulang’s hands, their Fuwan brother would definitely not use the world rune to do anything bad, but would only collect it well.

“Lord Shopkeeper, is that okay?”

Ruiz looked at Li Fuwan a little nervously.

However, in this Heart Cultivation Pavilion, there were too many artifact holy objects that could be compared to the World Runes.

If the news that the World Rune fell into Li Fulang’s hands leaked out, it was hard to guarantee that there would be that kind of ambitious person who would pay attention to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

If Li Fulang agreed to accept the World Rune into the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, it would mean that he had received a problem that could break out at any time.

Li Fulang didn’t really care too much about this.

Now he was already the Chaos True God of the Chaos God Position, and everything in the Rune Land was just some mortal things in Li Fulang’s eyes.

There is a room full of mischievous artifacts, and they don’t care about adding a few world runes that don’t even have an artifact spirit.

Li Fulang is a person who does not like trouble, but he has never been afraid of trouble.

Especially if there are people who don’t have long eyes to find trouble, then Li Fulang doesn’t mind teaching him to be a person directly.

“As long as you rest assured, Xiu Xin Pavilion is always welcome.”

Li Fu shook his head, even if he agreed to Ruiz’s request.

Ruiz was very grateful in his heart, and at the same time, he felt that a big stone in his heart had finally fallen to the ground.

Since it was known that the Forbidden Magic Stone vault under Demacia contained a limited number of World Runes, and as the magic power of the World Rune was continuously stored by the Forbidden Magic Stone, it was difficult to guarantee that one day it would not cause a big explosion of magical energy.

This has always been the most worrying thing for Ritz in this time.

Now that the return of the world runes has been solved, it can be said that Reiz’s heart is much more relaxed at once.

“This is what Brother Fu Shake did for Mr. Reiz, and Lilia also wants to do something for Mr. Ritz.”

“Yes, Mr. Rez, do you have anything you want besides the World Rune?”

Originally, Ruiz, who was much more relaxed because Li Fuwan was willing to accept the world runes, heard the two girls’ questions, and was a little stunned for a while.

Yes, he has spent his whole life looking for and hiding world runes, and he has lived around world runes all his life.

Removing the World Rune, what does he want?

After thinking for a long time, Ruiz finally spoke slowly.

“I… I want a good night’s sleep, even if only once. ”

Ruiz’s words made Li Fulang feel very emotional about Ruiz’s deeds in his heart. Running for a thousand years for the land of runes, no one understands, there is nowhere to tell. Every day I worked hard and never had a good night’s sleep.

When Lilia heard Ritz’s words, her four little hooves jumped up with excitement, and even the small buds on her head shook happily.

Two big ears fluttered, and their faces were full of excitement.

“Yes, Lilia’s best at magic to make people sleep well.”

Raven also said with a smile on the side.

Lilia was very happy that the magic she had worked so hard to cultivate for so long could help this great mage sir, making her feel proud.

“However, I still have to rush to Freyrdrand, where I sensed the breath of a World Rune Fragment.”

“It’s okay, sleep well tonight, have a good dream, and leave tomorrow.”

Li Fulang also said with a smile.

He remembers that Reitz also liked light beer.

That night, Raven prepared some light beer, and Li Fulang drank and chatted with Ritz and Jax.

At night, Ruiz finally experienced the most restful sleep in a thousand years.

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