After carefully following Lilia to learn the control of magic for several days, Lulu’s control of her magic has improved a lot compared to before.

And in that book, Lulu also improved her previous control magic that turned people into other things.

“Why don’t we experiment with your learning results today?” I mean, Lilia thinks Lulu can find a target and try it!. ”

Lilia said to Lulu with a smile.

In fact, Lilia has been staying in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion for several days and has not gone out, so I want to take Lulu out and do some pranks.

For example, the uncle who sells mushrooms on the corner.

Lilia didn’t want to talk to the uncle, but in this neighborhood, only their mushrooms were the freshest and most delicious.

Every time Lilia went to buy mushrooms, the uncle would say that fawns just like to eat mushrooms, and other deer he knew also liked to eat mushrooms.

I even wanted to introduce the suburban buck to her, and wanted to match her with the buck.

Although Lilia knew that the uncle had no ill will towards her, Lilia did not like it.

After expressing his dissatisfaction with the uncle, the uncle who sold mushrooms would still joke every time he saw Lilia.

So Lilia has long wanted to make a bad prank on that uncle.

Before Lilia could tell Lulu what was in her mind, Tristana, who had just come out of the Creator Lab, came to the rest area with her cannon barrel.

“Hey Lulu, how are the past few days?”

Tristana was in a very happy mood, her tone became much lighter, and she greeted Lulu very cheerfully.

Lulu was still pondering what Lilia had said just now, and when she looked up, she saw Tristana who was greeting her.

Immediately, his dark eyes turned, raised his hand and waved the magic wand in his hand, and released magic towards this Tristana.

“Sell Moejutsu!”

Tristana, who had just greeted her with a smile, disappeared, and a round and fleshy pink piglet appeared on the spot.

This little piglet is cute, tiny, and very cute.

Tristana didn’t know what was happening yet, but she felt that after Lulu waved her wand at her, her eyes flickered, and then the scenery in front of her became different.

It seems that all the sofa coffee tables have become tall.

The original date was not tall, but now Tristana felt that she had become shorter.

This made Tristana very frightened, and tried to ask Lulu what happened?

But what Tristana didn’t expect was that an open mouth did not say any words, but instead made a childish pig cry of “hum and hum”.

Tristana instantly jumped up in panic.

Then quickly lowered her head to check her body, but she has now become this little fat, the pig is too round, not even has a neck, it is difficult to lower her head at all.

In the end, he could only raise his hand and found that his hand had turned into a pink and tender pig’s trotter.


The round pink and tender piglet suddenly let out a terrifying scream, and hurriedly swirled in place.

At this time, she also understood in her heart that Lulu must have released magic on her.

Tristana was very anxious to tell Lulu to stop playing and change her back quickly.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he could only make a piggy sound of “humming and humming”.

“Yay! I did it! ”

Lulu jumped up from the sofa directly and excitedly with a cheer, and happily ran over to hold the round pink piglet, spinning around several times.

The turning piglet is dizzy.

Lulu has turned people or animals into a small plant at most, and this is the first time she has turned a person into a cute and cute little animal.

And it was very accurate to become what she had thought before.

This made Lulu really unable to hold back, and the excitement in her heart.

It shows that she has worked hard to study hard these days, and has had a significant effect on improving her magic control over controlling magic.

Tristana, the little pig held by Lulu in her arms, struggled hard to kick the short and thick pig’s trotters at this time.

“Don’t be afraid, Tristana, if you believe that my magic will definitely not hurt you.”

After speaking, Lulu put the piglet on the sofa.

The pink piglet on the sofa was still walking in a circle with his little short pig’s trotters, wanting to speak, but unable to speak.

Looking at the little pig spinning in a circle in a hurry, it was really stupid, cute and cute, making Lulu and Lilia laugh.

“Oh cute little piggy, don’t worry, I’ll let you sleep a good night.”

Lilia didn’t hold back, she wanted to let this cute little pig sleep beautifully.

By the way, he shook the staff in his hand, and the bud at the top of the staff floated out sleeping magic under the shaking, and went directly towards the pink piglet.

After feeling this magic, the little pig, who was still anxious, instantly felt that his heart was extremely quiet, followed by drowsiness.

Slowly closed his round little eyes, four little hooves also lay on the sofa, and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

The little pink pork that Tristana turned into lay huffing on the sofa, her little eyes closed, her lips slightly purring and sleeping soundly.

It should have been a very sweet dream, and after a while, the corners of the pink pig’s mouth slightly hooked and revealed a sweet smile.

In addition, a bubble appeared on the round nose of the pink piglet. This bubble will grow bigger and smaller as the pink piglet breathes, like a balloon.


Lulu and Lilia felt very cute when they saw the pink piglet sleeping, and the cuteness revealed some funny, and they couldn’t help laughing.

After laughing for a while, Lilia and Lulu lifted the magic cast on Stana.

The little bubble on the pink pig’s nose exploded with a bang.

Immediately, the pink piglet on the sofa disappeared. In her place was Tristana, who was holding the barrel of the cannon, and sitting on the sofa a little confused.

“It’s been such a pleasure to play with you, I mean, Lilia loves you.”

Lilia smiled with a crooked eyebrow.

Although every day of the Rejuvenation Pavilion was very happy, it was especially happy when playing with Lulu and them.

Among all the guests who have come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Lilia’s favorite is Lulu, the little cutie.

Even Li Fulang once told her that Lulu’s age may be over 300, but Lilia still likes to play with Lulu very much.

Even Tristana, who always has a serious face, is at least much cuter than the old man who likes to pretend to dance.

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