“You are Victor!”

When Victor first asked about that incident, Bosselda felt a little uneasy.

Now that he learned that the red robot in front of him was Victor, Boselda’s heart was even weaker.

The parties are all standing in front of him, how can he not be weak-hearted?

“But Britz was only announced when Professor Boselda held the seminar.”

There are also questions raised by scientists who do not know the truth.

“At the beginning, I remember that everyone said that you Victor wanted to steal Professor Bosselda’s intelligent robot research results, but the theft was not successful, so I had to complain and slander Professor Bosselda for stealing your research results.”

Another scientist who did not know the truth recalled the rumors of that year and immediately said what he thought.

This is the truth he has always believed in.

In their hearts, Viktor is a very anti-human outlier, a terrifying weirdo who will transform the human body into a machine.

So they would rather believe that those rumors are true than believe what Victor said.

How these people said before that his mechanical transformation was not good, he endured it.

But after he told the truth, he still slandered him like this, and Viktor really couldn’t bear it.

The third manipulator behind it fired a laser directly at the scientist who had just questioned.

The laser almost grazed the man’s cheek and hit the floor directly behind the man.

The originally solid ground was directly shot out by the laser that shot a big hole, and the floor tile was shattered.

Seeing this, the scientist who was carried by the laser in his face retreated and fell directly to the ground, unable to get up.

When others saw such a scene, even if they had doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to make a sound.

The people present were silent.

Viktor raised his hand and pointed at Boslda.

“You’re a complete scumbag. Steal my research results and slander me in turn. ”

Boslda was originally flustered after learning Viktor’s identity.

But just now he saw that someone would actually speak for him, his eyes turned, and he quickly had an idea.

Even if Victor comes? Even if he brought all the Britz with him?

At most, it’s just moving your mouth and talking. They have no evidence to prove that Britz was not his invention!

“Hmph, Viktor! You just stop babbling here, no one will believe what a madman says. ”

Boselda straightened his waist directly, not afraid of what Viktor said.

Anyway, no matter what Viktor says, he will not admit it, and no one can do anything with him.

“You couldn’t do it at the beginning, and you still can’t do it now.”

Boslda looked at Viktor very arrogantly, and extended the little finger of his right hand to Viktor.

“Born into a crude environment like Zuan, a despicable family, and your crazy ideas and paranoid personality. What qualifications do you have to make others believe you? ”

“You were a little trash who didn’t achieve anything, and you still are!”

“What if you tried your best to transform yourself into a robot that was all mechanical?”

“As a researcher, don’t you know what robots represent? It’s just an experimental assistant, a tool man. ”

“And you! Victor! You’re just a lowest-end robot assistant that no one wants to take in. ”

“Stop talking nonsense, no one will believe what a shoddy robot assistant says.”

Bosrda raised his head proudly, looking at people with nostrils. In the most arrogant tone, Viktor was degraded as worthless.

Although the laser shot by Viktor just now shocked other scientists, Boselda saw it.

Although Victor has made a lot of noise since he appeared, no one has been injured so far.

Even though Victor had already acted angry just now, in the end, he just fired a laser towards the ground, scaring and scaring people

In other words, this Viktor is just a thunderous bag with little rain.

He simply did not dare to do anything to harm the people here.

If Viktor really made a move on these scientists, it would be Victor who was officially at war with the Piltover Institute.

To be an enemy of the Piltover Academy means that he will be an enemy of the entire Piltover Institute.

Victor has loved scientific research since he was a child, and he cannot do without it.

If Viktor still wants to continue to mix in the scientific circle, then Piltover is an existence that he absolutely cannot offend.

Boslda figured this out in the shortest possible time, so he was even more fearless.

Do everything possible to disparage and abuse Viktor.

When Viktor heard Boselda’s words, he did not smile angrily.

“Hahaha, do you say I’m an experimental assistant in a lot?”

“It’s the most ridiculous joke I’ve heard in years, hahahahaha.”

Just kidding, although Victor was an experimental assistant who was always threatened by various artifacts when he was in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, it was also in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

He is the experimental assistant of Li Fulang in the Creator Lab.

“Victor, if you can recognize your mistake, apologize to everyone present. If you double the losses here, Piltover Academy may still be able to take you in this waste. ”

“A modified robot can only be used as an experimental assistant.”

Boselda saw Victor’s appearance of not smiling angrily, although he was a little confused, but he knew that Victor loved scientific research, otherwise he would not have come to try to prove his innocence.

Boselda wanted to say something more, but Viktor interrupted him directly.

“The laboratory I am in is a unique peak-level existence in the entire Rune Land. Even if I was just an experimental assistant there, I was at the top. ”

“Piltover Academy? Haha, nothing in my eyes! ”

“What are you, the so-called top scientists of Piltover compared to my lab?”

“Hmph, the laboratory here is simply rudimentary, it’s really backward.”

Indeed, if compared with the Creator laboratory, these laboratories in the Piltover Institute are indeed very rudimentary.

In Victor’s opinion, your laboratory is simply not interesting, it is simply backward and boring.

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