This time, Reingar himself came to the portal of the Endless Martial Arena.

Carefully looked at the introduction on the wall next to the entrance of the Endless Martial Arts Arena, and the introduction to the Endless Martial Arena here is very detailed.

It made Raingar very itchy, and I really wanted to go in and try it immediately.

Compared to reading books, Raingar, who has a wild nature in his bones, likes the thrill of fighting and hunting more.

Especially after seeing the rules of the Endless Martial Arts Arena, it made Reingal even more excited in his heart.

Virtual enemies that can fight at will and set their own levels of ability without worrying about death and injury.

This is simply an excellent place to practice,

However, before entering the Endless Martial Arts Arena, Raingar still went to the skill shelf.

The skill shelves are next to the portal of the Endless Martial Arts Arena, neatly arranged in rows.

When passing through this area before, Reingal saw at a glance that among the many portraits, there was a portrait of him.

Even the blindfold he wore on his face was clearly drawn.

Coming to the row of skill shelves that belonged to him, he picked up a light group on it with Jia’er and carefully read the skills on the light group and its introduction.

“Well, when the grass is hidden, the attacking target will jump directly to the target’s side. This skill I will! ”

The first skill light group that Reingal looked at was his passive skill “Invisible Predator”.

This is one of the most basic skills of Raingar, and as a veteran hunter, this ability has always been his proudest ability.

I didn’t expect that the magical place of Cultivation Pavilion not only has his portrait, but even the skills he knows are here, and there is a clear mark on the power bonus after this skill is upgraded.

In addition to this, above his skill shelf, there are 4 other photophores.

Reingal looked closely one by one and found that each skill was what he wanted to learn the most.

But Reingal is also a wiser man, he knows what it means to be greedy and chewy.

Although he really wants several skills here, the best training method for himself at the moment is to learn them one by one.

Once he has mastered all of these skills, he can use them to work with each other to form more advanced combat strategies.

Raingar already has a clear plan for his training.

He knows the skill “invisible predator” himself, so he picks up the second light group, that is, his Q skill “Cruel and Ruthless”, and learns it directly.

Lilia had simply taught them how to learn these skills before, and at this time Raingar couldn’t wait to learn this skill.

The light mass in his hand disappeared, and Reingar had already comprehended this skill.

Immediately, Reingar entered the Endless Martial Arena and began his anticipation fighting training.

At the same time, Li Qing, who was placed asleep on the sofa in the seating area, also woke up leisurely at this time.

After waking up, Li Qing only felt that he was at a loss, and he didn’t know where he was now.

The last memory comes from him touching the sleeping demon and then losing consciousness.

After losing consciousness, Li Qing actually had a beautiful dream that made him feel very wonderful and comfortable.

The feeling in the dream made Li Qing finally experience the color that had been lost for a long time.

Shaking your head, please try to dilute the attachment to the dream in your mind.

Li Qing is well aware of the difference between dreams and reality.

Although dreams are beautiful, he likes them, and if he can, he really prefers to stay in dreams.

But at the same time, Li Qing also knows what reality is.

Even if the dream is beautiful, you should not be too attached to it.

The blind monk Li Qing has no vision, and everything he does about his surroundings needs to be understood by perception.

The loss of vision made the resolute monk pay more attention to cultivating his other perceptions.

Whether it is hearing, touch, or smell, as well as spiritual perception, they are all directions that blind monks have focused on cultivation in the past.

After Li Qing completely sobered up, he could know that he was in a strange place by feeling. And it is very likely that the mage who unleashed sleep magic on the demons before brought him here.

Although it is not clear whether the other party is friend or foe, it can be seen from the fact that he can wake up now that the other party should not want to disadvantage him.

Li Qing immediately wanted to perceive his surroundings, but the result made Li Qing feel bad.

In the past, even if there was something in front of him that he had never seen when he had sight, he could sense the shape and appearance of that object with his mental perception alone.

But now, he couldn’t perceive anything.

Except that he could feel that the place where he was lying was soft, he could not feel anything else.

In addition, Li Qing only felt that in the darkness in front of him, various different forces were mixed together.

Those very powerful forces are dormant everywhere.

This place is clearly full of crises.

Those dormant powerful forces are all dangerous enough to kill him in seconds.

This realization made Li Qing immediately break out in a cold sweat on his spine, and the whole person was a little panicked.

Apart from those dangerous energies, Li Qing couldn’t feel anything anymore.

It is Li Qing, even if he has no vision, he will never fall because he touches something while walking.

But now, there is no guarantee that if he walks on the ground, he will not hit something, or fall into some pit.

Sitting in place, Li Qing did not dare to move.

Li Qing, who relied on perception to act, could be said to be completely restricted in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

None of the things in the Meditation Pavilion are ordinary.

In addition, there are so many artifacts in the weapon area, each of them has different artifact attributes.

For Li Qing, there was no way for him to tell what the power emanating from those artifacts was.

However, the horror of the energy emitted by those artifacts could be clearly felt, and those forces were intricately intertwined.

Now Li Qing does not seem to be a blind monk, but just an ordinary blind person.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Li Qing finally couldn’t sit still.

Even though he felt flustered, Li Qing still wanted to leave here with his own efforts.

This place was really too dangerous for him.

Fumbling to the ground, Li Qing found that he had just been lying on a soft and comfortable sofa.

Slowly touching forward, I touched the coffee table not far from the sofa.

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