After Li Fushake destroyed the Void powerhouse, Mord Caesar led a group of undead heroes under his command to begin extraditing those undead who were detained by the demons back to the underworld.

The demons detained the undead in the first place to sacrifice the void.

A large part of the undead have already been sacrificed, and some of them have not had time to sacrifice.

Under the weight of the breath of the underworld of Mord Caesar, the demons died one by one, and those imprisoned undead became wandering ghosts, wandering the land of Ionia.

Now there is work to be done in the underworld.

Silas managed to earn some money in Ionia and returned to Valoran in a caravan ship.

When he saw Ionia’s vision, he was still adrift on the Sea of Watch. He wanted to go back and see, but on the sea, he was also powerless.

Knowing that the giant void creature floating above the continent of Ionia disappeared later, Silas breathed a sigh of relief.

I was still afraid for a while.

He also wants to go to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion again in the future.

If the continent of Ionia was destroyed by those monsters, where would he go to find the Cultivation Pavilion?

When Ruiz arrived at the Cultivation Pavilion, Li Fulang was tasting the new dish developed by Raven with Lilia and Raven.

Almost as far as Ritz arrived on the front and back feet, there were also Nessus, Caitlin, Lax, Galen and others.

Li Fulang looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared, a little speechless, not knowing what they came for.

Lilia saw Lax and Caitlin jumping over with excitement on their faces.

“Caitlin, Lax, why are you here, please come in, please come in.”

“Ah, and Mr. Big Dog and Mr. Bald Mage!”

As a competent Heart Cultivation Pavilion employee, Lilia has always been very enthusiastic about her guests.

Seeing that so many guests suddenly came to the door, Lilia was happy and quickly welcomed them into the door.

Galen pursed his mouth alone and stood at the door a little aggrieved.

Lilia called everyone’s name and ignored him.

This made Galen feel hurt.

However, he still followed them into the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

Fortunately, the current place of the Cultivation Pavilion is very large, if it is as big as at the beginning, the store really can’t receive so many people for a while.

Li Fuwan, who was eating, also put down the spoon in his hand and greeted several people.

Nessus: “Lord Shopkeeper, how is Ionia’s situation now?” ”

Galen, Lax: “What the hell is going on, my lord?” ”

Caitlin: “Brother Shake, Madame Grey asked me to come and ask if I needed support.” ”

Several people inquired about the situation.

They all came because of Ionia’s changes.

“Oooh, you’re all here because of that. I mean, Lilia thinks you don’t need to worry, Brother Fu Shake has all been solved! ”

Lilia triumphantly thought of the heroes so that they didn’t have to worry anymore.

Everyone had question marks on their faces.

With such a big movement, the sky was dyed purple, and they all heard the shouts of the Void powerhouse.

How did it work out?

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Lilia raised her eyebrows and told his family what happened at that time.

Speaking of this, Lilia’s proud look was about to overflow.

Enthusiastically told how big the Grand Canyon was at that time and how miserable those heroes were bullied.

How powerful her brother is, Yun light and breezy hands made the Grand Canyon close, and also caught a lot of ugly-looking monsters.

Then how handsome her brother waved her hand, and several Void powerhouses who could not even defeat the Lord of the Underworld, Mord Caesar, directly turned into nothing and completely dissipated.

Lilia’s voice was so full of emotion that those people had a sense of substitution, as if they really saw Li Fuwan standing there indifferently, strolling and saying wholeheartedly: “Are you finished?” ”

Then wave your hand and let everything return to a calm appearance.

After hearing this, several people widened their eyes, and their jaws could not be closed for half a day.

They all knew about the Void, and Nessus knew the horror of the power of the Void.

That’s the shadow of Shurima.

“It’s not a Chaos True God!”

Nessus gave a thumbs up to the true God of Chaos he believed in.

Caitlin and Lax looked at Li Fuwan with adoration, and their emotions were completely moved by the scene described by Lilia.

Both eyes are like Lilia, full of little stars.

Galen’s heart was also shocked, and his heart also redefined the strength of Li Fuwan.

Li Fulang learned that these people were all because they learned that there had been a change on Ionia’s side, so they rushed to prepare for support.

Even when Nessers told Li Fulang that Azr had led thousands of troops from Shurima and was ready to rush directly across the ocean, Li Fulang really felt that his help to Shurima was not in vain.

“Don’t worry, I’m here.”

Li Fu shook and patted Nessus’s shoulder to comfort the big dog who was full of excitement.

“Lord Shopkeeper, since there is nothing wrong here, then I will leave. His Majesty the Emperor is still waiting in place with his men and horses, so I will go back and tell them that they can withdraw their troops.” ”

“Go, say hello to Azr on my behalf.”

Li Fu nodded, watched Nessus perform a solemn Shurima salute to himself, and then turned to leave.

Caitlin’s eyes burned when she looked at Li Fuwan, and she didn’t even hear Lilia call her several times next to her.

Li Fulang was talking to Galen and didn’t notice it, but Raven did.

At first, Raven was still very unhappy with other women looking at his man with that kind of admiration.

However, Raven’s mentality has changed a lot since he came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and he is now much more open-minded than before.

Soon I wanted to open it.

Li Fulang is so powerful and excellent, it is normal for other women to admire and admire.

As long as Li Fulang is still by her side.

It’s not worth getting angry for someone else.

Lilia is relatively simple, only thinking that she praised her brother too well, so Caitlin adored her brother so much.

Lax quickly started chatting happily with Lilia.

In the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, it was really unprecedentedly lively.

Finally, at the invitation of Li Fulang, several people also sat in the restaurant of Xiu Xin Pavilion.

Raven and Lilia both went to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

Because Raven has recently researched new dishes, he has made a lot of them, and there are enough people to eat.

Everyone finished the meal with laughter and laughter, and they also felt ashamed that Li Fulang was so powerful and so approachable.

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