With this data, and this very peculiar strong material, Heimerdinger is confident that he can build a spacecraft that can sail in such conditions.

“You study these materials first, which should be of great help to your subsequent research.”

“Oh, by the way, there should be a few machines behind.”

Li Fuxian thought for a while, and felt that if he wanted to build a spaceship, then some necessary instruments were indispensable.

Therefore, in the eyes of Hemer Dinger’s doubtful life, Li Fulang directly manufactured several large-scale precision machines out of thin air.

The principle operation of those machines is very exquisite, and Hemmedinger is stunned, and the whole person stands there dumbfounded, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

Heimerdinger is a firm believer in science, although he also knows that there is magic in the Runeterra, and the power of magic cannot be underestimated.

But now Li Fulang directly created things out of thin air in front of him, which also subverted Heimerdinger’s understanding of magic.

This is an existence that science cannot explain at all, and this is simply miraculous.

“These are the materials that can be used to build the spaceship, and this part, and these are the things that I feel are suitable as fuel.”

Li Fulang did the same, placing the materials he had prepared before in front of Heimerdinger’s eyes, and introduced them one by one.

Building a spaceship is definitely a big job, and all the indicator data requires some precise calculations.

However, these materials provided by Li Fulang can completely avoid those unnecessary troubles.

This also speeds up the development process.

After testing the materials provided by Li Fulang, Heimerdinger was even more skeptical.

Each of the materials here can be said to be the top materials that Hemmedinger has ever seen, and Hemerdinger firmly believes that these materials are simply not found in the Rune Land except for the Cultivation Pavilion.

Later, Li also discussed with Heimerdinger what he needed to study next.

In addition to creating spaceships, Heimerdinger needed to create something that would allow people to survive in the space environment.

“What are you talking about? Protective measures? ”

Heimerdinger’s mind kept receiving all kinds of information about the spacecraft, and some of the things that Li Fulang said to provide people with survival in the space environment could not be reflected for a while.

Li then explained to Heimerdinger some ideas for spacesuits.

It is necessary to ensure that those ordinary mortals of flesh and blood wear protective clothing, even if they leave the protection of the spacecraft, they can not be harmed by the vacuum and high and low temperatures in space, various radiations and other aspects.

And he described to Heimerdinger some of the dangers that are likely to be encountered in space, and the inability of human flesh and blood to adapt to those dangers.

This made Heimerdinger understand the importance of space protective clothing.

“I see, it should be possible to make that kind of protective clothing out of these materials.”

Heimerdinger is worthy of being Piltover’s most brilliant scientist.

Not only is the brain extremely intelligent, but the attitude towards science is also very serious.

The situations that Li Fulang explained to Heimerdinger are not specific to each example, but with just some descriptions, Heimerdinger can quickly make inferences.

And very rigorously analyzed each situation in detail.

Li Fulang watched Heimerdinger’s research on the side, and after a while, he found that handing this matter to Heimerdinger was definitely the most correct choice.

This rigorous and intelligent yodel scientist will definitely not let him down.

After that, Li Fulang basically stopped caring about it.

In addition to providing some necessary materials to Heimerdinger, all the design and assembly and commissioning of the spacecraft and space protective suits and testing were left to Professor Heimerdinger.

Planck has been staying in Presidian these days, and his mind has always been thinking about his spaceship.

The battle between Noxus and Demacia is still in full swing.

Although Noxus is strong, the people of Demacia from top to bottom are all twisted into a rope and united as one.

This prevented the Noxus army from invading Demacia from taking a step further.

Although he captured part of the city of Demacia, Demacia’s powerful counterattack also gave Noxus a headache.

Because the Noxus troops divided into several lines, they attacked Freyrdrand and Demacia at the same time, while also sending people to garrison the direction of Iltover and Zuan.

There are also quite a few strongholds in Ionia and Noxus on the continent of Shurima that need to be garrisoned.

Therefore, it is impossible to attack Demacia with all your might.

So now the battle between Demacia and Noxus is deadlocked.

Demacia, as the defender, naturally has a greater advantage than Noxus.

If such a battlefield lasts too long, it will be absolutely harmful to Noxus.

But Noxus was not willing to give up, and now he had the opportunity to attack Demacia.

After all, the interior of Demacia has now undergone a big shuffle, and it is not too stable, and if it is based on the opportunity to develop Demacia now, it will be more difficult to occupy Demacia in the future.

Planck’s previous partnership with Noxus was nothing more than to assist Noxus in attacking Demacia’s navy by sea.

This task was very simple for Planck, and it was completed easily.

So now Planck doesn’t care at all, how the battle between Demacia and Noxus is, these have little to do with him.

And the return given by Noxus has also arrived, which makes Planck pay no attention to it, and he is focused on his spaceship.

Li did not participate in the design of the spacecraft and space suits, but still made some training plans and handed them to Planck to train his soldiers.

Since Planck wanted to take her men on a space voyage, she had to train again.

After all, there is still a big gap between being in the Rune Land and in spaceflight.

Under Planck’s rule, Birgewater is now in a stable position.

Salad was no longer against him, which made Birjiwater now much more harmonious, and there were no rivers of blood at every turn like usual.

So the little pirates under Planck also had the opportunity to train.

It took almost a few days for Heimerdinger to assemble the first spacecraft.

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