Svein is worthy of being a great commander and full of momentum.

However, Camille and Planck are also the leaders of their forces, and naturally they are not lost to Svein.

The three parties soon negotiated a series of rules and regulations in the conference room of the Meditation Pavilion.

Armistice, unity, imperative.

Although Birjiwater has a lot of pirates, in terms of numbers, it is still far from that of Nanoxus.

If Planck wanted to open up his starry voyage, he would need more manpower.

Noxus can fully compensate for the lack of manpower in Birgewater.

Piltover can also provide technical support for this.

After all, those spaceships and space protective suits were all made by Professor Heimerdinger of Piltover College.

Piltover and Noxus will strongly support Planck’s space program on the condition that he share rare resources with the other two when he obtains rare resources in the starry sea.

The three parties benefit each other, support together, and open up new areas beyond the Rune Lands.

The negotiations lasted a long time, and the terms of the agreements were very detailed.

Even after the three parties reached an agreement, they specially invited Li Fulang into the conference room to testify for each other.

In other words, any other person believes that these three forces will be suspicious of each other.

But this witness was replaced by Li Fulang, and it was different.

The existence of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion can be said to be the most special place in this Rune Land.

Powerful and mysterious, but never do anything to fight for power.

Moreover, the benefits obtained by these three parties in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion cannot be explained clearly in three words.

Therefore, the leaders of these three forces were very convinced of Li Fulang, and believed that under the witness of the shopkeeper of Xiu Xin Pavilion, the other two parties would not play any tricks.

Li Fulang was also happy to watch a lively scene on the side.

Finally, under the witness of Li Fulang, the three parties happily signed dozens of pages of cooperation agreement terms.

The three forces of Birdgwater, Piltover and Noxus formally reached a cooperation to stop all armed forces hostile to each other and establish an alliance.

Wanting to sail to the starry sky is not a simple trivial matter, it is definitely a big project.

Planck, as a pirate with the strength of the gods who is about to reach the realm of gods, is also unique among pirates.

Planck of such strength may be able to survive without wearing protective clothing when he reaches the sea of stars, but other human beings with mortal bodies cannot.

They not only have to wear very heavy space protective clothing, but also carry out various training on land and select them layer by layer to become a qualified astronaut.

Svein also had a conversation with Li Fulang in the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, and although Li Fulang did not say it directly, Svein could feel that Li Fulang did not approve of war.

This kind of thinking was a little shaken, and he continued to fight the Rune Land’s mind.

Constantly waging wars and expanding the territory of Noxus, in addition to the warlike spirit that Noxus is born with, there is also the hope of obtaining more resources.

Now Planck is going to the Star Sea, which is a way to bring in more resources.

But he had never been to space, the celestial realm, but Svein still knew that the good resources of those places were definitely better than anywhere else in the Runeterra.

Otherwise, how could those who became gods abandon the Rune Land and fly above the Celestial Realm?

So after returning to Noxus, in order to arrange for the training of men capable of interstellar voyages, he withdrew his order to fight against Freyrdrand and Demacia.

In this regard, the Demacians are still a little confused.

Why did the Noxians suddenly retire under the guise of fighting?

But then I also learned that it turned out that Noxus had other goals and could not care about them.

This made the whole Demacia breathe a sigh of relief.

The nerves, which had been tense for months, finally relaxed.

After that, because of the matter of entering the Star Sea, the people and horses of these three parties would always come to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.

This is also the most lively part of the world of Xiu Xin Pavilion, and people come to the door every day.

Lilia loves to be lively and is happy about it.

Raven even opened a small canteen for Xiu Xin Ge, which brought an additional income to Xiu Xin Ge.

Every time those heroes came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, they would order a few magical dishes cooked by Raven to taste.

Raven is also happy about this.

Ever since falling in love with cooking, Raven has been researching a wide variety of different dishes.

In the past, only Lilia and Li Fulang could help her taste.

Now Raven’s cooking has been recognized by more people, which makes Raven very happy.

Since Heimerdinger came to the Meditation Pavilion, he has been immersed in the Creator’s laboratory.

Although a little tired, Heimerdinger enjoyed it.

For someone as a science lover as him, nothing makes him happier than having developed a better technology.

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