Diana would not have risen up and killed all the elder priests in one fell swoop.

The upper echelons of the Flaming Sun Sect were all destroyed overnight with Diana’s subordinates, and Leona had a chance to ascend to the throne.

However, after ascending the throne, Leona became more and more questionable about the teachings of the Flaming Sun Sect itself.

Diana also once told Leona that the Flaming Sun and the Moon originally belonged to the same camp, and they fought together against the dark creatures and guarded the Runeterra.

At that time, although Leona had a little doubt in her heart, she still did not believe what Diana said.

It wasn’t until later, when Diana became the leader of the Flaming Sun Sect, that she could see some ancient texts that ordinary sectarians could not see, and she learned part of the truth of the past little by little.

Leona felt that what Diana said was definitely not untargeted, and she must have some basis for saying so.

Although Leona’s own observations of the records of the Upper Classics were not complete, it also fully proved that the current Flaming Sun Sect was not the same as it was at the beginning.

In ancient times, the Lieyang Sect and the Jiaoyue Sect were really one, and at that time, the Lieyang Star Spirit and the Jiaoyue Star Spirit did not become mortal enemies.

And the reincarnation of the bright moon and the blazing sun is the truth between heaven and earth.

Later, with the death of the god of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit, this made Leona’s faith collapse a little for a while.

She was confused and didn’t know if she should continue to believe in the sun.

When the gods fell, all things were sad, and when the blazing sun star spirit fell, Leona cried because she felt the infection of the fall of the gods.

But there was no real sadness in her heart, only confusion.

The power given by the Flaming Sun Star Spirit in her body also dissipated because of the fall of the Flaming Sun Star Spirit.

Leona was very confused, not knowing which was righteous, Jiaoyue or Lieyang.

I don’t know if the experience I have had in the past ten years is meaningful.

Later, following the pull of cause and effect, Leona knew that the direction she was guided to stop Ionia, so she left the entire Flaming Sun Sect behind and embarked on the journey to Ionia alone.

Although Leona had never set foot in Ionia, there was an intangible and looming green thread pulling her in the direction of her progress.

Despite the difficulties along the way, she crossed Shurima, through the vast desert of Dasai, through Calduga, through the Kumanggu rainforest and mountains.

He passed through the Sea of Watchmen, landed in the province of Zhiyun in Ionia, followed the traction again along the way, and finally came to Precidien.

In addition to the hard work along the way, she also encountered a lot of people and things.

She found that in different regions, those people had different beliefs.

It is not like the jurisdiction of the Lieyang Sect, all people must compulsorily believe in the Lieyang and the Sun.

If you show the slightest doubt about the Lieyang Sect, you will immediately be labeled as a heretic, evil, and blasphemous on the shore.

Then all kinds of unbearable punishments are imposed.

The Flaming Sun Sect believes that the sun is the source of all life, and for them, all other rays of light are hypocritical.

So all those who believe in other rays are pagans and deserve to die.

However, Leona found that such an authoritarian rule was too cruel and ruthless, and it was not conducive to the development of the nation.

All this made Leona more and more suspicious that what she had believed in for more than ten years was a pile of meaningless waste.

When Leona came to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion and stood at the door of the Heart Cultivation Pavilion, looking at the three big characters of the Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance Heart Cultivation Pavilion, Leona only felt that such a long journey had finally come to an end.

Entering the store, Li Fulang was chatting with Lilia, and when Leona came in, Lilia immediately jumped forward to welcome new customers.

“Welcome to the Heart Cultivation Pavilion.”

Lilia was in a very good mood because she was chatting with Li Fuwan just now, so she was even more enthusiastic about receiving Leona at this time.

Leona was startled by the magic fawn that suddenly jumped in front of her, and unconsciously took two steps back.

“Lilia, slow down, you scare the guests.”

Li Fuwan’s very spoiled voice sounded, although he was talking about Lilia, but he didn’t feel that he was accusing at all, but more like he cared.

“Well, sorry new guest, my recklessness scared you.”

Leona then understood that the magic deer was greeting her, and there was no malice towards herself, so she also smiled reluctantly at Lilia.

“It’s okay.”

Seeing that the guests said it didn’t matter, Lilia’s ears that had just been pulled down turned up excitedly again.

“This guest, what would you like to buy?” Lilia can introduce you to you. ”

Hearing this, Leona was confused.

She only knew that she came here because of the guidance of the underworld, and did not know that the Cultivation Pavilion was a shop, and at this time she was completely confused.

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