Running Away From The Hero!

Ambition - Memories of a Lady (59)

“Your Majesty! Breaking news! ”

My heart starts pounding with the sighing of a group of Intelligence personnel.

What... could it have been?

I wanted to yell at him, but I endured it.

Maybe Ast didn't tell you.

The line is long because of the high waitstaff at the high-end restaurants. You need to wait to eat good food.

“Tell me. ”

I closed my eyes and waited for the breaking news.

Ah... It's dark. Darkness where everything is dark.

“Duke Relligius Luisa has been confirmed as Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Mercia! ”

The soldier's words widen my eyes.

A light. Light begins to appear in a world where only darkness can be seen.

“Your Majesty!"


You overlap your hands with the delightfully expressing Ast.

The sound of my voice waving tightly at the sound of the roof was echoed.

“It worked! This crazy operation worked! ”

“Yes, it worked! Duke Relligius Luisa has become Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Mercia! ”

Starting with the shout of joy for me and Ast, many people cheered.

“Ugh... It was a difficult time……. ”

Among them were people who wiped their tears like Leah's.

That was a tough one.

“It was a strong enemy. ”

“I did.”

Duke Relligius Luisa has done a great job on this operation.

“I didn't even know Leah had someone to beat. ”

“I realized that there was a sky outside the sky. ”

“I can't believe we're frogs in a well.... ”

It was a really difficult opponent.

“Is that a compliment, Your Majesty? Isn't that right, Ser Ast? ”

“Sir Leah's victory was also an unexpected result. ”

“You're insulting the Duke of Lycia, right? You're not insulting me? Right?"

It was a really hard time.

Ordinary people would not have experienced the breakthrough of the schemes they made by squeezing their heads together.

Books called geniuses will never expect it.

The horror of winning after trying to lose!

The majesty of Duke Relligius cannot be expressed in words beyond the word "ignorant and brave"!

“I've been through a lot. Now we just need to get a little more involved. ”

“It was a difficult time……. ”

The soldiers look far away and think about what has happened.


“If I'd just wiped it out, I might have won more easily... …. ”

“I can't deny it. ”

There were many who were discouraged by Duke Relligius' actions.

They argued that they still had to resort to violence, and many agreed with their opinions.

However, Astor, who was in charge of this matter, pushed others hard and pushed them forward.

And in return for that effort, I was able to obtain sweet fruits.

“Our efforts have made General Merdea Duke Relligius Luisa. We can now defeat the Kingdom of Mercia even if we give the General to Lord Leah with our last words. ”

“Why does my name come out of it, Ser Ast! ”

Leah screams, blushing, but the others nod gravely.

Leah was blushing like she was ashamed... But that's not the point now.

“Are you taking the brute force now? ”

“No, I'm not.”

You won't take the brunt of it after you've accomplished your mission?

“What more can I get you? ”

That would mean drawing a bigger picture. And we had to give up something else for it.

“I'll give you this. ”

“Pesra Castle? ”

“Yes. Isn't that enough for our Commander Raisha to build a solid ball?" ”

The Node and its fortress guarding the border are all silent.

“Ser Ast, isn't that too harsh? ”

Even Leah of the underworld realized the seriousness of the situation.

“Once upon a time, the castle was taken over by the enemy. I'll just hand it over.”

And yet, Ast is talking nonchalantly, as if it were nothing.

“But what if everything was the enemy's ruse? ”

“You expect us to do this and make Duke Laisha a general? ”


If the enemy had anticipated and moved on, it would have been to just hand over Pesra Castle.

“Shouldn't we consider that? ”

Of course, Ast tilts his head.

“Do I have to think about it? ”


“Your Majesty, this is the place where strange people gather.... ”

“Now, wait a minute! Does that apply to me? ”

“What you're saying right now is unbearable! ”

“The same as the people here! I'm normal!”

I protested everywhere, but Ast asked me what I was talking about.

“Are normal people working this far to make Duke Raisha a general? ”

“ ……. ”

Everyone shuts up about Astor's words.

According to Ast, the sane man wasn't planning on proceeding.

“Lord Ast, that's...! ”

“In rank, everyone has the same authority as me, don't they? Even if you were authorized to do so, if you tried to stop it, you could have stopped it. ”

That was bullshit.

When someone tried to stop me, I knew that I was being driven away by the imperial order by giving my name.

“That's... what you want..." ”

“What I think is not true loyalty is worth dying for. I don't think anyone here lacks loyalty to the Imperial Court. ”

“ ……. ”

“Mmmm... ”

If I say normal people are sleepy, I become less loyal to the Imperial Court.

The trajectory didn't have this kind of trajectory, but I felt that the more I spoke, the more I would play at the clutches of Ast.

“Well, let's just say they're all abnormal. ”

Everyone looked at me with unfair eyes, but if I go on like this, it will never end.

As long as the General of the emptiness of the Kingdom of Mercia has been appointed, we must begin preparations.

“Now, can you start by telling me what is abnormal in these people and what does it have to do with considering enemy ruses? ”

Ast nodded at my words and gave me a really simple answer.

“Simple, Your Majesty. Would a normal person do that? ”


“Your Grace, a normal person would proceed with the plot not to make a man like Duke Lysha a general. ”

“Huh…? ”

I can't believe it came out of Astor's mouth because it was so normal.

“Being a general is not a position that can be taken lightly. The General's seat, responsible for all the troops in one country. That's the general's position. ”

“I know that. ”

It was the position of Chancellor and General that was the best position in a country except for the king.

A tribute to the king in order to solve all internal affairs.

A general who takes care of the king and solves everything that prevents him from turning his back.

Even if the king is unwise, a country with extraordinary gifts can enjoy the pacific zone.

Even if the king does not have military abilities, a country with a great general does not lose even when fighting against a strong kingdom.

The position of Chancellor enough to exist and the position of General was important enough to determine the fate of a country.

“A general is the king's position, but it cannot be yours alone. ”

“That's right."

Nobles cannot easily grant you the highest authority in the military.

In other words, the commander should be recognized by the nobles while receiving the king's trust.

“Your Grace, there are many people here who are not normal, so we have been able to carry out tricks that are not normal. ”

I wanted to ask you how abnormal you were when you thought of the tricks that weren't normal, but I endured it.

“But the kingdom of Mercia is different. We cannot carry out a plan to make Duke Raisha a general unless the kingdom goes mad. ”

“Right... right? ”

I had to if I wasn't crazy.

“Ser Ast, isn't there a way to achieve your goal and terminate the General? ”

“This is a general. You cannot terminate without a special reason. ”

You were right. Terminating a General without a valid reason is not as easy as it sounds.

Especially when the greedy Duke of Raisha has laid down the position of a general with all his forces.

“Even if the enemy really dared to use such a strategy, Duke Lysha would not accept it. ”

If Duke Laisha finds out that he has been manipulated, and that he intends to terminate his position at the same time as the conspiracy,

“Someone to raise a coup. ”

“That's right, Duke Reisha is still quite talented. ”

Duke Laisha was a true talent.

“If Duke Raisha had planned it all……. ”

Ast sighs deeply, seeing a military official who could not easily accept his words.

“Then you'll have to do it. ”


“If you say you planned it all, it's polite to accept it. Wouldn't it be polite for you to take the honor of the once prestigious nobleman of Mercia, the Laisha family, and plan to plunge tens of thousands of soldiers into the pits of hell in a ridiculous manner? ”

“Eh……. ”

“How do you stop it when you anticipate everything and live your whole life for this ruse? ”

“That's ……. ”

“It's polite to be tolerated. ”

It was similar to what he told me the other day.

Ast looked at me when everyone shut up about it.

“Your Grace, this is Duke Lysha. You're not going to be able to do this. ”

“What if it doesn't work? ”

“We will not fail unless there is a spy among them. ”

That meant that if there was a spy, it could fail.

To be honest, there are some suspected spies.

“You're the most suspicious. ”


It was an asthma.

“Honestly, I've done all kinds of crazy things, and I've done all of them. This doesn't make any sense unless you're in contact with the enemy. ”

“That's true, but if I were a spy, I would have traded Prince acetias and duc Laisha. Is it worth it in Peshra Castle?" ”


If the late Earl of acetias had commanded the entire army, the war with the Kingdom of Mercia would have been a long and long war to capture for at least three years.

Even the Imperium army would have died an unbelievable death, otherwise it wouldn't have been so idle.

“If I'm a spy, the Empire will have to give me a medal. ”

“I suppose so.”

General Aricetias has been replaced by General Raisha.

If you studied this much, you would not need a medal if you were a spy for your enemies.

“Do you want me to spy on you? How easy it is for a spy to die. ”

“That, too. ”

He was my butler, and if I ever got in a dangerous situation, he would abandon me and run away.

He wouldn't risk his life to do something this dangerous.

“If this operation fails, I will strike your head in exchange for your legacy. Will you still do it?”

I still have the safety on.

If Astra refuses to be promoted, she may be willing to sell one of her allies' castles for a cut.

“Your Majesty, you don't have to leave anything behind. Can you not blow my head off?" ”

“No, I can't. ”

The astonishment of strangling him for abandoning his accomplishments as expected.

“What do you think? Do you still want to do it? ”

“Hmm……. ”

Everyone sighs of relief as Astor ponders.

“Ser Ast, let's not go back far. Let's go into civil law. ”

“Yes. What are you afraid of when Duke Raisha becomes a general?" ”

“Even Leah has someone she can beat. Our victory is already promised. ”

Many of the military's men have begun to seduce the astronaut.

In that temptation, Ast…….

“Let's give up Peshra Castle, Your Majesty. ”

“Sir Ast! ”

“Your Majesty! This is ridiculous! ”

I pushed my intentions.

“All right, Ast is hanging himself... I'll trust him. ”

I really didn't intend to strangle him, but I was planning to punish him accordingly.

So, Ast,

“Bring about results that meet my expectations, as I have so far. ”

Can we expect some crazy shit from now on?

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