After Jiang's mother finished speaking, Jiang's father also said: "Yes, yes, yes, you kid, go aside, let's talk to my daughter-in-law for a while."

Bai Lu, who was standing by, blushed even more when she heard Jiang's father say the word daughter-in-law, but she was very happy. Does this mean that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother accept me?

Bai Lu thought so, and she was very happy in her heart, really too happy!!!

Jiang Baichen also held his forehead when he heard what Jiang's father and Jiang's mother said, and then said: "No, Mom and Dad, I am your biological son, why do you treat me like this."

Jiang Baichen's tone was full of resentment.

Jiang's mother said disapprovingly: "My biological son, go aside too, give the phone to Lulu, Lulu, are you still there, Lulu!"

Jiang's mother called Bai Lu directly after she finished speaking, and she didn't want to talk to Jiang Baichen, her silly son, for a second.

Bai Lu was trying hard to hold back her smile, but she was about to burst out laughing. When she heard Jiang Ma calling her, she blushed and responded, "Auntie, I'm still here."

Jiang Ma happily said, "Hey, Lulu, take Jiang Baichen's phone and let him play with it. Let's have a good chat."

Jiang Ma's tone was completely different from when she spoke to Jiang Baichen just now, as if Bai Lu was their biological daughter.

After hearing what Jiang Ma said, Bai Lu looked at Jiang Baichen, and saw Jiang Baichen handing the phone to Bai Lu with a helpless look on his face, and said, "Mom, this is the first time, don't scare Lulu."

"You don't need to worry about it. I'm talking to Lulu, you just listen to me, don't interrupt."

Jiang Ma said unhappily when she heard Jiang Baichen's voice.

Bai Lu couldn't help herself when she heard what Jiang Ma said, and burst out laughing.

Jiang Baichen held his forehead with helplessness on his face, then handed the phone to Bailu and went to wash some fruit.

I can't stay in this house any longer!!!

Jiang Baichen went to the kitchen to wash the fruit, while Bailu blushed and held the phone. She didn't know how to start, but she still said: "Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm Bailu, also called Bai Mengyan, you can call me Lulu or Yanyan."

After Bailu said this, Jiang's mother said excitedly: "Lulu, are you really dating my Chenchen? I can't believe it."

After all, Bailu is a big star, and Jiang's mother has seen several dramas played by Bailu. Her son is just an 18th-tier star she has never heard of. She really can't imagine that her son can date Bailu.

Bai Lu also smiled when she heard what Jiang Ma said, and then said: "Yes, Auntie, I am dating Chenchen, this is true."

Jiang Ma on the other end of the phone also smiled happily when she heard Bai Lu's answer, and then she heard Jiang Ma say: "My Chenchen is really lucky to be in love with Lulu, it's really too high!"

"No, no, Auntie, I feel very lucky to meet Chenchen. We like each other very much. There is no such thing as too high. Chenchen treats me very well and spoils me very much. Meeting Chenchen is the greatest happiness of my life."

Bai Lu also said hurriedly when she heard what Jiang Ma said.

Jiang Dad and Jiang Ma on the other end also smiled with relief when they heard what Bai Lu said. Who wouldn't like such a daughter-in-law!!!

Then Jiang Ma started chatting with Bai Lu enthusiastically. Jiang Dad couldn't get a word in at the side, so he could only go to the kitchen to wash fruits for Jiang Ma.

After Jiang Baichen washed the fruits in the kitchen, he came out with the fruits. As soon as he came out, he heard Lulu and his mother chatting enthusiastically.

Bai Lu was no longer as reserved as she was at the beginning, but laughed without caring about her image. I don't know what Jiang Ma told Bai Lu to make her laugh like this.

Jiang Baichen walked to the sofa, put the fruit in his hand on the coffee table, and then forked a piece of watermelon to Bai Lu's mouth.

Bai Lu smiled happily when she saw the watermelon handed over by Jiang Baichen, and then ate it in one bite, and then continued to chat with Jiang Ma.

"I'm telling you, Lulu, Jiang Baichen has been dishonest since he was a child. He fought every day when he was a child. Every time I went to school to take him out, I didn't mention how embarrassing it was at that time."

Jiang Ma also began to expose Jiang Baichen's shortcomings to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu looked at Jiang Baichen with a cunning face when she heard what Jiang Ma said, as if to say that you have this past, you can't see it, Chenchen.

Jiang Baichen was helpless when he heard this, and didn't say anything, because he estimated that if he spoke, Jiang Ma would ask him to go to the side.

So Jiang Baichen didn't say anything, just kept feeding Bailu fruits.

Bailu also ate them one by one without any hesitation.

Jiang's mother told Bailu all the embarrassing stories of Jiang Baichen, such as when he mistook the manure pit for water when he was a child.Pit and then jumped directly into it, or climbed a tree to take bird eggs, and then was chased and bitten by a swarm of bees. Anyway, whatever embarrassing Jiang Ma said, Bai Lu almost laughed crazy, and kept patting Jiang Baichen's thigh.

Jiang Baichen was helpless, what could he do, he was also desperate! ! !

There is no place for me in this family! ! !

But seeing Lulu and her mother chatting like this, Jiang Baichen was also very happy, which showed that Jiang Ma had accepted Lulu. As for Jiang Dad? There is nothing to say, his father has no face in front of his mother.

Is it that the Jiang family is inherited from their ancestors to be afraid of their wives?

I am not afraid of Lulu. I and Lulu are sincere to each other. If Lulu cries, I will definitely admit it directly. He really can't stand seeing Lulu cry, and he can't stand it. This is not called cowardice, this is called a good man, who can't stand seeing women cry! ! !

As Jiang Baichen was thinking, he heard Jiang's mother on the other end of the phone say, "Lulu, when are you going to come home? Your uncle and I should prepare early."

Bai Lu turned her head and looked at Jiang Baichen next to her, with a questioning look in her eyes.

Jiang Baichen also heard what Jiang's mother said, and then said directly, "Mom, we plan to return to China after recording this episode and announce it online. We will go back after the official announcement."

This time, Jiang's mother did not refute Jiang Baichen, but said, "I'm telling you, Jiang Baichen, your father and I like Lulu, our daughter-in-law very much. You can't bully Lulu. If you let me know that you bully her, don't go home. I'll break your legs when you go home."

Jiang Baichen was also helpless when he heard what Jiang's mother said. How could he bully Lulu? He spoils her every day, so how could he bear to bully Lulu?

After saying that, Jiang's mother continued to say to Bai Lu next to her: "Lulu, if Jiang Baichen bullies you in the future, you can call me. My phone number is my WeChat. You can tell him directly on WeChat, and then I will tell your uncle about it. If it doesn't work, your uncle and I will buy a ticket and go over there and break his legs."

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