Then Jiang Baichen also looked at the other two things. Jiang Baichen focused his attention on another thing in the system space, which was the special medicine, a small blue bottle with a big white lid that didn't seem to belong to the bottle.

When Jiang Baichen saw this, he took it and unscrewed the lid. He smelled a fresh fragrance with some sweetness.

Jiang Baichen was relieved when he smelled this smell. He was afraid that it would be bitter or have other strange tastes. If it was these tastes, Lulu probably wouldn't drink it. This taste is just right, a bit like peach wine, but without the taste of wine.

I have to find a time to let Lulu drink this. Drink it as soon as possible and get better as soon as possible, so I don't have to worry about Lulu's waist injury every day.

Then I looked at another skill, proficient in languages ​​​​from all over the world. Don't think about it, just use it directly.

After using it, Jiang Baichen suddenly felt a splitting headache. There was too much knowledge, which caused a little impact on Jiang Baichen's brain space.

Then Jiang Baichen couldn't help it anymore, and fell to the ground with his head in his arms and screaming.

Bai Lu was still happy for Jiang Baichen when she suddenly heard Jiang Baichen's scream. She quickly turned around and saw Jiang Baichen lying on the ground with his head in his arms, yelling and screaming.

Bai Lu was also anxious when she saw this scene. She quickly ran to Jiang Baichen's side and said anxiously: "Chenchen! Chenchen, what's wrong with you! Don't scare me, what's wrong with you!!!"

Bai Lu looked at Jiang Baichen who was still rolling on the ground anxiously, and she didn't know how to help Chenchen. Then, seeing Jiang Baichen's appearance, Bai Lu's eyes turned red, and then she continued.

"Chenchen, don't scare me, what's wrong with you, Chenchen!!!"

Bai Lu's tone was already crying. She didn't understand why she was fine just now and suddenly became like this!!!

The members of the Running Man Team who were still learning heard Jiang Baichen's scream and quickly turned their heads to look over. They saw Jiang Baichen rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, and Bai Lu was at a loss and almost crying.

Everyone's pupils shrank when they saw this scene, and then everyone stood up and walked to Jiang Baichen.

"What happened to Baichen? He was fine just now!"

Satay looked at Jiang Baichen anxiously and said.

Bailu cried and shook her head, and then said: "I... I don't know, just now... I was teaching Chenchen to read the Thai on the blackboard, and then I saw Chenchen suddenly stunned for a moment, and then he lay on the ground and rolled, holding his head and screaming, I don't know what happened, wow!"

After saying this, Bailu couldn't control herself anymore and cried with her head raised.

Everyone was anxious when they heard Bailu's words. Li Chen looked at Jiang Baichen who was still rolling on the ground, and also looked at Yao PD and yelled: "Yao Yitian, where are the medical staff? Call them over quickly, or someone will die!!!"

Everyone looked at Yao PD anxiously, and was very worried about Jiang Baichen's condition.

After recording and interacting with each other for several episodes, everyone was very considerate of Jiang Baichen, the newcomer, and they liked him very much. He was humorous and generous, and was very likable.

Jiang Baichen was in trouble, and everyone was of course anxious.

Yao PD also reacted to Li Chen's roar, and hurriedly asked someone to call for medical staff, and then hurriedly stopped the recording. If something happened, he would not be a director anymore!!!

And Jiang Baichen was already cursing the system in his mind: "System, you didn't tell me it hurts so much!!! How can I stop it? I feel like my head is about to split, system, find a way!!!"

Jiang Baichen also heard Bai Lu's cry at this time, and then his heart tightened, and he hurriedly said to the system: "System, find a way!!!"

At this time, the system finally responded.

[Ding! The host had a skill that could use the part pain immunity skill before. Does the host want to use it? ]

"Use it!!!"

Nonsense, if you don't use it, you will die of pain! ! !

As Jiang Baichen finished speaking, Jiang Baichen suddenly felt no more pain in his head. Feeling that his head was no longer hurting, Jiang Baichen was relieved. It should be that the skill was activated.

Then Jiang Baichen opened his eyes and saw Bai Lu looking at Jiang Baichen with tears on her face. The other members of the Running Man team also looked at Jiang Baichen with worry.

Seeing Jiang Baichen open his eyes, Bai Lu rushed into Jiang Baichen's arms and cried, "Chenchen, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!!!"

Hearing Bai Lu's voice, Jiang Baichen was also very happy. Then he patted Bai Lu's back and said, "I'm fine, Lulu, I just had a headache suddenly. Now it's okay. Let's stop crying, okay?"

Jiang Baichen gently raised Bai Lu's arms after speaking.Lu's head, gently wiped the tears from Bai Lu's face.

Then Bai Lu was still lying on him crying, and Jiang Baichen continued to say: "Okay, Lulu, I'm fine, let's get up first, okay? You're pressing me a little uncomfortable."

Bai Lu also stood up quickly after hearing Jiang Baichen's words, and then helped Jiang Baichen, and the other members of the Running Man Team also helped Jiang Baichen up.

Jiang Baichen, who had just stood up, saw Bai Lu standing in front of him and crying, "Chenchen, what happened to you just now? I was scared to death. No, we have to go to the hospital now!!!"

After Bai Lu finished speaking, she also pulled Jiang Baichen out.

Other members of the Running Man Team also responded quickly.

"Yes, Baichen, you didn't look like you were fine just now. Let's go to the hospital. If something happens, you can get treatment earlier!"

Li Chen also stood up and said worriedly after hearing Bai Lu's words.

"Yes, this headache is not a small matter. You should listen to Bai Lu and go to the hospital."

Satay also said with a worried look on his face. Although Jiang Baichen is a bit talkative sometimes, Satay likes this child very much and almost treats him as his own son.

Others also came out to persuade Jiang Baichen.

Jiang Baichen felt warm in his heart when he heard what Bai Lu and the others said. Then he smiled happily and said to everyone: "I'm fine, really fine. Look, I can run. I'm really fine."

Jiang Baichen even trotted two steps while saying this.

After seeing that Jiang Baichen seemed to be fine, everyone was relieved and told Jiang Baichen to take care of himself.

Jiang Baichen also responded with a smile, and at the same time, his heart was warm. It was really right to join this big family. Everyone here is very good.

After everyone finished speaking, they moved aside to give Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu some space. Bai Lu had cried so miserably just now that those who didn't know would have thought that Jiang Baichen had already left.

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