Jiang Baichen was relieved when he saw Brother Chen pointing the camera outside, and then he took Bailu into his arms.

Bailu also saw Brother Chen pointing the camera outside the window, so Jiang Baichen took her into his arms without saying anything.

Then Jiang Baichen suddenly remembered another skill given by the system before, and then whispered to Bailu in his arms: "Lulu, I'm going to take a nap now. It may be the sequelae of the headache this morning. I'm a little sleepy. Call me when we get there."

Bailu hurriedly said after hearing Jiang Baichen's words: "Are you okay, Chenchen? Are you just sleepy? Are you uncomfortable in other places?"

Bailu was very worried about Jiang Baichen's condition, afraid that he would feel as uncomfortable as he did in the morning.

Jiang Baichen felt warm in his heart after hearing Bailu's words, and then touched Bailu's head and said: "Everything else is fine, just a little sleepy, don't worry, my little Lulu."

After saying that, Jiang Baichen pinched Bailu's face.

Bai Lu was relieved to see Jiang Baichen in this state, and then said: "Okay, go to sleep, Chenchen, I'll call you when we get there."

Jiang Baichen smiled when he heard Bailu's words, and then kissed Bailu on the mouth, and then lay directly on Bailu's legs, with a knee pillow.

Bai Lu smiled happily when she saw Jiang Baichen lying on her legs, and then patted Jiang Baichen's head gently, then lowered her head and kissed him on the face, and then continued to look at her phone.

Jiang Baichen entered the system space, and then saw the skills he obtained yesterday, the hall-level music skills.

Then Jiang Baichen also thought, is the system asking me to be a singer? Are there hall-level performance skills later?

Jiang Baichen was also excited when he thought of this skill. His acting skills can't be said to be good or bad, but it can only be said that it's not even as good as garbage. If this really comes, Jiang Baichen will be very happy.

But the current task is to use this hall-level music skill.

After using it, Jiang Baichen felt that his throat was very comfortable and very magnetic.

But Jiang Baichen said a few words and didn't feel anything wrong. Then Jiang Baichen also remembered that this was a music skill, not a sound card skill. His brain was really crazy.

Then Jiang Baichen cleared his throat in the system space and sang: "Do you know that Mingzhe's soul has been lightly lingering over the fall, and a heart torn by love and hate is unwilling to fly away."

Jiang Baichen was stunned after singing just two sentences. Is this the sound he can sing?

Before, his singing was not good, but it was also audible. It was not the kind of tone-deaf singing. But now, he felt like he was going to heaven when he heard his own singing.

Jiang Baichen then smiled, and then thought that since he came to this world, the music in his previous life could not be wasted. I'm sorry to everyone on Blue Star, I still have to be a plagiarist! ! !

What's the point of not being a plagiarist after getting such a good skill? After all, we can't let the previous talents be buried. I'm doing this for their own good, Jiang Baichen defended himself in his heart.

Then Jiang Baichen began to think about which song to sing first. He and his Lulu were extremely difficult to choose, mainly because there were too many good songs in his previous life and he didn't know which one to copy.

Lao Xue's Actor, Gentleman, I think I've seen you somewhere, Skyscraper.

Jay Chou's? There are too many, Rice Fragrance, Sunny Day, Seven Mile Fragrance, Nocturne, Confession Balloon... Confession Balloon? ? ?

Thinking of this, Jiang Baichen suddenly thought of the song Confession Balloon, and his eyes lit up. Yes, I can sing this in this episode, just in time for the official announcement of myself and Lulu tomorrow! ! !

Thinking of this, Jiang Baichen no longer hesitated and chose this song. This song is very suitable for the current state of himself and Lulu. Although he confessed a long time ago, this song is still very suitable and sweet now.

Then Jiang Baichen stopped struggling and exited the system space, then opened his eyes.

Then Jiang Baichen saw Bailu still playing with her phone, with an inexplicable smile on her face, as if she had seen something on her phone.

Jiang Baichen was also puzzled, and then he slightly raised his head from Bailu's lap to look at Bailu's phone. He wanted to see what this girl was looking at.

Bailu was looking at her phone and grinning, so she didn't notice that Jiang Baichen, who was lying on her lap, had woken up and was still grinning at the phone screen.

Jiang Baichen put his head under Bailu's phone, just to see the phone screen, he didn't want to be seen by this girl peeking.

Then Jiang Baichen focused his attention on Bailu's phone screen and saw Bailu's phone screen.In Lu's phone were photos of him sleeping just now.

Five minutes ago, Bai Lu felt bored looking at her phone. It was so boring without Chenchen to chat with her. She didn't dare to wake Chenchen up. She was afraid that Chenchen's head would start to hurt again, so she didn't dare to disturb Chenchen's sleep.

While she was bored, Bai Lu suddenly saw the emoji package of Jiang Baichen eating oranges on Weibo. Bai Lu was very curious, so she also downloaded a set of emoji packages of Jiang Baichen eating oranges.

After seeing these emoji packages, Bai Lu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. These photos of Chenchen were so funny!!!

Then Bai Lu also remembered the matter of taking pictures, and then an idea suddenly came to her. Yes, now she can take a picture of Chenchen's sleeping face. Anyway, she is almost bored to death, so she might as well find something fun.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu also smiled, then turned on the camera of her mobile phone and took pictures of Jiang Baichen's sleeping face. She took many pictures from different angles. Although she usually took pictures of herself, she also learned a lot, at least she didn't ruin it.

Then Bai Lu looked at the photo of Jiang Baichen on the phone and laughed foolishly. Jiang Baichen's sleeping face was so handsome! ! !

Then the scene just now happened. Jiang Baichen was looking at his mobile phone, but Bai Lu didn't notice it at this time.

Jiang Baichen looked at his photo on Bai Lu's mobile phone screen and felt helpless. Then he saw Bai Lu was still laughing foolishly.

Then Jiang Baichen whispered: "Does it look good, Lulu?"

After Bai Lu heard Jiang Baichen's words, she didn't react yet, and she just smiled foolishly and said: "It looks good..."

After saying that, Bai Lu felt something was wrong. Who was talking to her? Then Bai Lu also looked down and saw Jiang Baichen looking at her with a playful look on his face, and occasionally glanced at her mobile phone screen.

Bai Lu's face instantly turned red when she saw this scene. This was too embarrassing. She was caught secretly taking photos!!!

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