Fan Chengcheng also smiled and said, "The next one is to hold your left foot in your mouth, hahahaha."

After hearing what Fan Chengcheng said, Bai Lu also rolled her eyes at Fan Chengcheng in this strange posture.

Then Bai Lu also sat back, but it looked like a goddess statue posture, which was still pretty.

A little fuzzy

Then it was Yang Yunqing's turn. She picked up a card. Before Yang Yunqing read it out, Satay behind her had already seen it, and then said incredulously, "One arm is around the thigh, what should I do with these two elbows facing this?"

Then Yang Yunqing also tried to reach it in a very difficult posture, but she didn't reach it, so she directly used a very difficult action to hug her thigh and her elbows also touched slightly, and then moved back with difficulty.

Then it was Satay. I saw Satay move to the table with his buttocks, then picked up a card, and then read out: "Heel touch."

Satay was also a little confused when he saw this. His posture was a little difficult to hold! ! !

After hearing what Satay said, the other members of the Running Man team also laughed. How should this action be done?

"Brother Sha, you do this, cross your legs together."

Then Baby also demonstrated it, crossing her legs and entwining them together, and then touching her heels.

Satay saw Baby's action and imitated it, but Baby's legs were too thin, so it was easy for her to do this action, but Satay couldn't, because Satay was too fat.

He tried to cross his legs for a long time but couldn't do it together.

Then he tried various things, and finally made the action that Baby did with difficulty.

Then Satay also moved back little by little with difficulty.

Next, it was Zhou Sheng's turn to draw a card. Zhou Sheng jumped to the table in small steps.

Then he picked up a card and read: "One shoulder is high and the other is low, and one leg cannot be bent."

After that, Zhou Sheng also pressed his body down a little, and then made this very charming action.

Then he jumped back to his position.

"It's my turn, right?"

After Fan Chengcheng finished speaking, he moved towards the table with difficulty.

Then Fan Chengcheng drew a card with a Thai massage service written on it.

Seeing this, Fan Chengcheng was overjoyed and shouted loudly: "Masaki!!!"

"Congratulations, Chengcheng, for enjoying a ten-second Thai massage service."

After seeing the card, Yao P'd also spoke.

Then an uncle in a green massage suit in the audience stood up and walked towards Fan Chengcheng.

Then, with Fan Chengcheng's happy expression, he began to massage his legs.

"No, no, don't massage your legs. You're not doing well with your kidneys. Wait a minute!!!"

After speaking, Fan Chengcheng felt the pain in his legs and quickly put his legs aside. Then the massage uncle bent Fan Chengcheng's legs back and continued his task.

Bai Lu couldn't help laughing after seeing Fan Chengcheng's action, and then she lay on the ground, but the action of her hands didn't change.

Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing after hearing Fan Chengcheng's exclamation. The whole massage parlor and even the pedestrians outside could hear Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu's laughter. They are really a couple!!!

The people in the Running Man team also laughed when they saw Fan Chengcheng's action.

Then Fan Chengcheng was lying on the ground in pain, and he cried out.

Then Fan Chengcheng couldn't help it anymore, and quickly raised his head and said to Yao PD: "It's definitely ten seconds, it's time to stop!!!"

After hearing what Fan Chengcheng said, Yao PD also said: "Okay, time is up."

Then Fan Chengcheng also sat up from the ground and continued to pose just now.

It was Bai Lu's turn again, but because of the laughter just now, Bai Lu was now lying down and couldn't get up, and then Yao PD' also said to Jiang Baichen.

"Bai Chen, go help Bai Lu up, otherwise Bai Lu can't get up like this."

PD Yao also said to Jiang Bai Chen with a smirk on his face. It wouldn't work if someone else helped her, but there was no problem for Jiang Bai Chen to help Bai Lu. They were a young couple, so it was even better!!!

Jiang Bai Chen had been staring at Bai Lu's condition, and when he saw that Bai Lu couldn't get up, he wanted to help her. Then PD Yao said it, and Jiang Bai Chen stood up and walked forward to help Bai Lu without any hesitation.

Bai Lu blushed when she heard what PD Yao said, and then she saw Jiang Bai Chen walking towards her.

Bai Lu felt happy when she saw Jiang Bai Chen walking towards her without any hesitation, and then she smiled happily.Jiang Baichen also walked quickly to Bai Lu's side, and then under the ambiguous gaze of everyone, he gently helped Bai Lu up, and then whispered: "Lulu, if you can't do it, just give up. It's okay. I'm here."

Bai Lu was also moved when she heard Jiang Baichen's words, and then whispered to Jiang Baichen: "I'm fine. I can still bear it in my current position. If I earn two more points, you can also relax later."

After that, Bai Lu also smiled happily.

Jiang Baichen smiled slightly after hearing Bai Lu's words, and then said: "Okay, remember to give up if you can't bear it, just don't hurt your waist again."

Jiang Baichen also remembered the bottle of special medicine at this time. After the recording is over, Lulu must drink it as soon as possible.

Then Jiang Baichen gave Bai Lu a look that said I'll go back, and then walked back to the rest area.

Then Bai Lu also moved to the front of the table little by little in the kneeling position just now.

Because Bai Lu was using both hands, she was about to lift her foot to hold a card, but then she found it was not realistic, so she stood up and prepared to bite a card with her mouth.

Then Bai Lu's face was pressed against the table but she couldn't bite a card.

Satay couldn't stand it anymore, and then said to Jiang Baichen next to him: "Baichen, go help Bai Lu, this is too strenuous."

Jiang Baichen saw Bai Lu's action and hurried forward to help Bai Lu pick up a card, and then read out: "Kneel on one knee."

Jiang Baichen was also surprised when he saw the words on the card, and then looked at Bai Lu's posture, which didn't seem to be very difficult, just one knee had to keep rubbing on the ground.

Bai Lu was also relieved when she heard Jiang Baichen's words. If it were anything else, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Yao PD also said at this time: "Bai Lu, you must keep one knee on the ground in all your movements."

Bai Lu nodded after hearing what Yao PD said, then smiled sweetly at Jiang Baichen next to her, and then walked back on one knee.

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