This orange slice almost made Jiang Baichen give half his life to the King of Hell.

Then he quickly asked Bailu for a bag to spit it out.

"Oh my god, why is this so sour!"

After spitting out the orange, his mouth was still a little sour.

Then he said with a big tongue.

"You see, I said it was very sour."

Bai Lu shuddered as she watched Jiang Baichen so sour. It seemed that the slice she had just eaten was not the sourest one.

Then he laughed heartlessly.

"Hahahahahahahaha, you deserve it Jiang Baichen, you teased me just now."

Bai Lu raised her head and laughed.

Jiang Baichen was so angry when he saw Bailu laughing like this, and he broke off a slice of orange and threw it into her mouth that was just opened because of laughing.

Bailu stopped laughing because of this, and then habitually bit the orange in her mouth.

Just this one time, she frowned in an instant because of the sourness.

Then he quickly spit it out.

Then he looked at Jiang Baichen with a look of looking at a dead person.


Jiang Baichen regretted it as soon as he made this move. He probably had a few more teeth marks on his arm.

Sure enough, after Bai Lu shouted, she immediately grabbed Jiang Baichen's arm and found a place without teeth marks and bit it hard.

It was like a wolf biting its captured prey.

Jiang Baichen knew that he couldn't escape this bite, so he was mentally prepared, but when Bai Lu bit it, he felt that the orange he had just eaten was not so sour.

Now life is more sour!!!

Then Jiang Baichen endured for a while, and finally couldn't help it and shouted.

"Don't... don't bite, Lulu, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong everywhere, you are a big man, don't bite, let go."

Jiang Baichen said hurriedly begging for mercy.

Bai Lu loosened her teeth after hearing this, and didn't bite so tightly, but it still hurt!!!

After a while, Bai Lu seemed to have vented her anger, and then she loosened her mouth and moved her jaw. It was probably because her jaw was stiff that she loosened her mouth.

Seeing Bai Lu loosen her mouth, Jiang Baichen was also relieved. Then he didn't care about his arm anymore.

He handed the sweet orange to Bai Lu.

He said flatteringly: "Lulu, don't be angry anymore, try this, this is the one I ate at the beginning, a very sweet orange."

Bai Lu looked at the orange in front of her and Jiang Baichen's expression, and then took the orange and said.

"Then I'll trust you again." After saying that, she put the orange in her mouth.

After chewing it twice, she felt a strong sweetness bursting in her mouth, and Bai Lu's eyes lit up instantly.

"Jiang Baichen! This is really sweet."

Bai Lu said to Jiang Baichen.

Jiang Baichen was relieved when he saw this. He was really afraid that the orange he had just handed over was still sour. Although he ate a slice and it was sweet, there was no guarantee that there would be a Jesus.

"See, if I said it was sweet, it must be sweet." Jiang Baichen said confidently.

"Oh~ What's going on with this?" Bai Lu saw his arrogant look, rolled her eyes and took out the extremely sour orange just now and asked.

Jiang Baichen touched his nose awkwardly.

"This, this is an accident. Maybe it was put there by Yao PD to attack us, um! It must be."

Jiang Baichen said with certainty.

Poor Yao PD, he just took the blame again.

The audience in the live broadcast room who saw the interaction between the two almost laughed their teeth off.

"I'm dying of laughter. This orange is really their nemesis."

"Did anyone take screenshots of Jiang Baichen eating the orange just now? If so, I'll collect a set."

"You can rewind and take screenshots. It will save you money."

"I'm dying of laughter. Jiang Baichen was full of emoticons every second just now. It's so amazing."

"Poor Jiang Baichen, the big tooth marks on his arm, tut tut tut, it will take a few days to go away."

"Bai Lu's expression just now can also be used as an emoticon. They are so funny."

"What a pair of happy enemies. Hahahahaha."

"Our poor Yao PD has taken the blame again, hahahaha."

The two of them played around in the car for a while, and then ate the fruit slowly.

But every time Jiang Baichen took a bite, as long as it tasted sweet, he would pass it to Bai Lu.

At first, Bai Lu felt that it was a bit of an indirect kiss, but later it didn't matter. Between lovers, this kind of thing is very normal, um... very normal.

After a while, the car stopped and arrived at the next mission site.

After several people got off the car, the sharp-eyed Fan Chengcheng saw three rows of large tooth marks on Jiang Baichen's arm.

"IWhat are the young couple doing in the car? Why does Jiang Baichen have a few more tattoos? "

Fan Chengcheng said with a joking look.

"This tattoo is good, but it looks like a tooth mark no matter how you look at it."

Sha Yi said with a smirk.

Bai Lu lowered her head shyly when she heard the two people's teasing.

"It's okay, this tattoo is pretty good, I like it." Jiang Baichen came out and said.


Several people heard this and made a sound of "I see."

But their expressions were basically unbelieving.

After seeing that everyone had arrived, PD Yao said.

"Welcome to the gymnasium, this will be the venue for your third game, please come and get your task card."

Li Chen, a daily tool man, stepped forward and took the task card.

Then he read out the content on the task card.

"Couples' tacit understanding power challenge! The male members of several pairs of CPs gestured according to the words on the question board given, and the female members were responsible for guessing. After the female members guessed ten questions correctly, the male members had to quickly run to the female members and pick them up. Then the team that ran to the finish line first with the female members in their arms won. The first three groups with the shortest time in this game got the right to ask questions and exchange keys. "

When the rules were read out, the others were fine, but Zhou Sheng, Satay and Chengcheng were all dumbfounded.

"No, PD Yao, did you design this game for people to play? It's okay to give me a female member, but do you think I can pick up Satay?"

Fan Chengcheng looked at PD Yao with disbelief.

Zhou Sheng was even more questioning. Although his teammate was a female member and looked very thin, he couldn't do it. He and Huang Xiaoyun were basically the same height. How could he carry her over?

"Did you design this game for Jiang Baichen, Li Chen and Zheng Kai? Can't this game design respect the elderly? "

Satay's eyes widened in disbelief.

The others couldn't help laughing when they saw the few people coming out to protest.

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