After returning to the room, Fan Chengcheng couldn't help but send a message in the group.

Group chat without couples:

"@Everyone, you don't know what Brother Chen, Brother Kai and I saw just now, you can't believe it." Fan Chengcheng.

I didn't see it either, but I just knew a big secret.

This message blew up several members who didn't sleep.

They knew that Fan Chengcheng, Li Chen and Zheng Kai went to help Bai Lu deliver something, so what Fan Chengcheng said must be related to Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu, and it was said in a group chat without Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu, so it must be about them.

"What's wrong, what's the big deal again!!!" Yuqi.

"Just about to go to bed, I was instantly alert when I saw Fan Chengcheng's words, what happened?" Zhou Sheng.

"What melons do the young couple have to eat, Fan Chengcheng quickly tell us, don't keep us in suspense." Baby.

Except for Satay and Li Chen and Zheng Kai who knew about it, the other members were blown away.

Satay couldn't stay up late because he was old. He would be very tired after staying up late, so he fell asleep as soon as he returned to the room.

Li Chen and Zheng Kai had just returned to the room and had not slept yet. They knew the inside story, so they didn't say anything and let Fan Chengcheng play.

As for the others, they were all good at staying up late.

They started playing with their phones as soon as they returned to the room, and they couldn't stop playing.

"Just now, didn't I go with Brother Chen and Brother Kai to deliver the luggage to Sister Lu? Then we put down the luggage and came out. We waited at the door to see when Jiang Baichen would come out, but we waited for half an hour and he didn't come out." Fan Chengcheng.

"What do you mean!!! Jiang Baichen and Sister Lu slept together???" Yuqi.

"Ah? Is Jiang Baichen so quick?" Baby.

"Does that mean he will hit a home run tonight!!!" Zhou Sheng.

"Then is it a bit of a loss for me to book two rooms?" Yao Yitian.

Yes, you read it right, it was Yao Yitian. After Fan Chengcheng told Yao PD about Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu's relationship, he was invited to join the group and officially became a member of the melon-eating team.

"Yes, Jiang Baichen is really fast, but I don't know if Lu Jie can bear Jiang Baichen's physique (smirk)." Fan Chengcheng.

"That's not something we should worry about. It's just right to record tomorrow. Let's see if Lu Jie has any problems walking, whether she limps (smirk)." Yuqi.

If Jiang Baichen and Bai Lu saw these messages, Fan Chengcheng and Yuqi probably wouldn't be alive to record tomorrow's show.

But the two of them were sleeping soundly in each other's arms.

After that, they chatted for a few more words, said good night and went to sleep quickly. There was still name tag tearing tomorrow. If you don't sleep well and don't have energy, what can you do to tear the name tag! ! ! What can you do to get the little gold! ! !

So everyone thought of this and went to sleep.

And PD Yao started to appear again, and went to the room he had been to before to continue discussing tomorrow's arrangements with that person.

After the discussion, he returned to the room. As for why he didn't go to find Jiang Baichen again?

Nonsense, he is not stupid. If Jiang Baichen is in his room, PD Yao will go to him without thinking.

But he is in Bai Lu's room now, which is a bit inappropriate.

Moreover, not everyone can talk about the secret mission.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was 6:00 in the morning.

Jiang Baichen woke up from Bai Lu's bed and looked at Bai Lu in his arms who was still sleeping.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for recording, which was a little after eight o'clock, so Jiang Baichen thought about buying breakfast and then asking Bai Lu to get up and clean up.

Then Jiang Baichen carefully put down his hand on his waist, then stood up gently, stuffed a pillow that Bailu often hugged into Bailu's arms, and then tiptoed out of the bedroom.

Then he opened the door and closed it gently.

Then he went downstairs to buy breakfast. After all, he was in Thailand, and Jiang Baichen didn't know what to eat, and then he walked around downstairs.

Then he actually saw a store selling fried dough sticks and soy milk. Is there such a thing in Thailand? Jiang Baichen went up and bought some fried dough sticks and two cups of soy milk.

He carried it back to the hotel.

As soon as he got on the elevator, he saw Li Chen coming out of the room.

"Brother Chen, you woke up so early?"

Jiang Baichen smiled when he saw Li Chen.

"Yes, isn't it a recording today? I thought I would buy breakfast in the morning, eat and clean up, and then it's time to record. Baichen, you woke up so early too?"

Li Chen lookedI was also surprised to see Jiang Baichen coming back with breakfast. Can young people wake up so early? It's incredible.

"Yes, I have the same idea as you, brother Chen. We both go to record after breakfast and pack up."

Jiang Baichen also responded with a smile.

Then Li Chen saw the breakfast in Jiang Baichen's hand and asked curiously: "What did you buy? Is there anything delicious in Thailand?"

Jiang Baichen raised the breakfast in his hand and said: "Dough sticks and soy milk. I was also worried about what to eat. I haven't been to Thailand and don't know what's delicious. Then I was walking around and found a store selling fried dough sticks."

Li Chen was surprised and said: "There are fried dough sticks in Thailand?"

"I'm also wondering, there is such a thing in Thailand?"

Jiang Baichen was also confused. Forget it, why think about it, it's better to go back and eat.

"Where's Bailu? Didn't she go with you?" Li Chen asked.

"She was still asleep when I got up, and she probably hasn't woken up yet."

Jiang Baichen smiled and replied when he heard Brother Chen's question.

"The young couple is really addicted. They've been sleeping together for just a few days. Okay, go back quickly. I'll go down to see what to eat."

After saying that, Li Chen left without looking back.

Jiang Baichen was also stunned when he heard this. How did Brother Chen know that he slept with Bai Lu yesterday?

After thinking about it, it was probably Fan Chengcheng's credit. Then Jiang Baichen shook his head and smiled. Since Fan Chengcheng, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!!!

Although I promised to protect you when you tear off the name tag, I can torment you in other links. I still remember the grudge you told on me last time. I remember it very clearly!!!

He found that he also learned to hold grudges after being with Bai Lu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baichen showed a very scary smile, and then changed back in an instant.

Then he returned to Bai Lu's room with breakfast in his hand and humming a song.

He opened the door and entered the bedroom, and saw Bai Lu still sleeping with the pillow in her arms. She would rub her head against the pillow from time to time, probably thinking that the pillow was herself.

Then Jiang Baichen walked forward and gently woke up Bai Lu who was still sleeping.

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