Jiang Baichen felt that he had more and more snacks in his hand, and he felt helpless. There was no way, just eat them, anyway, these snacks were also very good, just treat it as a indulgence!!!

Thinking of this, Jiang Baichen also began to eat them like a whirlwind. Bailu kept buying in front, and Jiang Baichen kept eating behind.

Jiang Baichen didn't know how much he had eaten, he just felt very full.

Just as he was about to call Bailu to stop buying, he saw Bailu coming back, and then said to Jiang Baichen: "I'm full, Chenchen, let's go ride the Ferris wheel, and then buy some more for midnight snacks later, and then we'll go back to the hotel. We had a lot of fun today!!!"

Bailu said excitedly.

Jiang Baichen was relieved to hear Bailu's words, and then said to Bailu: "Lulu, fortunately you are full, if you don't eat more, I will be full to death, you really have too much left."

Jiang Baichen was still chewing something in his mouth, and complained to Bailu.

Bai Lu looked at Jiang Baichen with an embarrassed look on her face, then smiled and said, "Hey, let's go to the Ferris wheel quickly, let's walk over there, it's not far anyway, just treat it as digestion."

After that, she pulled Jiang Baichen out.

Jiang Baichen was also helpless about this girl's feeling of doing one thing after another, there was nothing he could do, just spoil her.

Then Jiang Baichen took Bai Lu's hand and walked towards the Ferris wheel.

Jiang Baichen took Bai Lu's hand and strolled on the path. Bai Lu was jumping around, not like she had just eaten. Jiang Baichen looked helpless and then said.

"Lulu, stop jumping. You just had a full meal. It would be bad if you vomited everything you just ate."

After that, Jiang Baichen pulled Bai Lu directly into his arms and looked down at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu was startled by Jiang Baichen's move, and then she went into Jiang Baichen's arms and said, "Hehe, isn't this happy? It's my first date with you, and I'm very happy. I haven't stopped smiling all day, hahaha."

Bai Lu said very happily.

Jiang Baichen was also happy to hear Bai Lu's words. After all, he had a lot of fun today, mainly because of his Lulu, but he still said, "It's not okay to be happy. Walk slowly. Isn't it said to digest? How can you digest by jumping?"

Bai Lu also said softly when she heard Jiang Baichen's words, and then came out of Jiang Baichen's arms, held Jiang Baichen's hand and began to walk slowly forward.

"Chenchen, do you know what I'm thinking now?"

After walking for a while, Bai Lu suddenly turned her head and looked at Jiang Baichen and said.

Jiang Baichen smiled and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Bai Lu said happily, "I'm thinking about having a child. Just like this, each of us holding a child's hand, walking on such a small road, what a wonderful thing that would be~"

Bai Lu couldn't help laughing after she finished speaking, and happiness was all over Bai Lu's face.

Jiang Baichen also smiled happily when he heard Bai Lu's words, and then said, "Why, you're thinking about children before you get married? Then do you want to think about what our child's name will be?"

Jiang Baichen responded to Bai Lu with a smile.

Bai Lu turned around and glared at Jiang Baichen when she heard what he said, and then pouted and said, "Tsk~ It's really a bummer. I'm thinking about it well here, but you have to come and ruin this atmosphere. You really hate Chenchen~"

After that, Bai Lu also twisted her eyes to Jiang Baichen.

"Okay, okay, I won't say these anymore. I have also imagined the scene you mentioned, and it feels very beautiful. We will be more loving with a child, hahahaha."

Speaking of this, Jiang Baichen couldn't help laughing. This scene really feels very happy! ! !

Bai Lu looked at Jiang Baichen's smiling face and made up her mind. Then she said to Jiang Baichen seriously: "Chenchen, let's make an official announcement after we finish recording this episode and return to China. I really don't want to hide from people every day after returning to China. This is really depressing."

Jiang Baichen was stunned when he heard Bailu's words, and then he took Bailu into his arms, looked down at Bailu seriously and said: "Lulu, have you thought about it? The official announcement means that you may face a major blow in your career. Have you really thought about it?"

Jiang Baichen asked Bailu seriously.

Bai Lu also poked her head out of Jiang Baichen's arms when she heard what he said, and looked at Jiang Baichen and said, "I've thought about it. It's okay abroad, few people will know us, but it will be different if we return to China. I have a lot of fans in China, and Chenchen you now have your own fan group. If we return to China and we are still like this, I guessIt will definitely be exposed."

"Instead of being exposed by some paparazzi writing articles and scolding, it is better for us to directly announce it ourselves and let those scoldings have their fun. I just want to announce it, you can scold me if you want."

Bai Lu answered Jiang Baichen's question very seriously.

After hearing this, Jiang Baichen also hugged Bai Lu tightly in his arms, touched her hair, and then said: "Okay, then I will listen to you. After this episode is recorded and returned to China, we will announce it officially. After the official announcement, no one will check Weibo to avoid affecting the mood, okay?"

Jiang Baichen asked Bai Lu's opinion.

"Okay~ After we post on Weibo, we will not check Weibo within three days, and we will not check other hot searches!!!"

Bai Lu was also very happy because Jiang Baichen agreed, and they finally didn't have to hide it anymore!!!

Then Jiang Baichen said: "Okay, we have to leave quickly. It's almost nine o'clock now. I don't know when the Ferris wheel will close. We have to go quickly!!! "

Jiang Baichen glanced at the time and quickly said to Bai Lu.

When Bai Lu heard that it was already nine o'clock, she quickly got out of Jiang Baichen's arms and pulled Jiang Baichen to run towards the Ferris wheel.

Jiang Baichen was pulled by Bai Lu to run to the Ferris wheel. As soon as he arrived, he saw that the staff were already packing up. It was obvious that they were already in seclusion.

Bai Lu looked at the Ferris wheel with disappointment and said unhappily: "Ah~ Why is it closed? Or are you late?"

Jiang Baichen was also very uncomfortable to see the disappointment on Bai Lu's face, so he quickly walked up to the staff who were packing up and asked: "Hello, can't we ride the Ferris wheel now?"

The staff was also stunned when they saw Jiang Baichen coming to ask him, and then smiled and said: "Yes, you are a step late, we just closed."

Jiang Baichen was also very unwilling to hear this answer. He was very uncomfortable if he didn't sit down after coming here.

But there was no way. The door was closed, so he couldn't force himself.

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