In a dark dead end.

The gray skylight poured down from the narrow alley, and it was extremely gloomy.

Ten people were gagged and their limbs were tied.

Qin Wuwang wore white gloves and squatted there evilly, holding a needle in his hand, slowly poking the needle tip into the gaps between the nails of these people.

The ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the piercing is intense, which is not something that ordinary people can bear.

It’s a pity that these people can’t scream.

He smiled sinisterly.

"The hospital is next door, you won’t die."

"I will cure your hand troubles for you."

"In a society ruled by law, obey the law and strive to be a good citizen. I am a reasonable person. I will pay for the medical expenses."

Qin Wuwang put on a delicate alloy hammer and broke the finger bones of ten people one by one.

He moved slowly, as if he was doing a delicate job.

There was a strange and dangerous breath in his voice, like a devil.

The ten people kneeling in two rows had fear and pain in their eyes and were trembling all over.

Qin Wuwang tortured people in many ways, with cruel methods that shocked those who saw it and frightened those who heard it.

Behind him, Xiao Ling, who had a paralyzed face, watched all this, with no ripples in his eyes, like a cold sculpture, and had long been accustomed to it.

He reminded appropriately: "Mr. Wang, it's been more than five minutes, Miss Gu might find out that you are not in the hospital."

Qin Wuwang stood up coldly, looked down with contempt, and stared at the ten people kneeling in two rows.

He threw away his gloves and gave them to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling took out a clean handkerchief and was wiping Qin Wuwang's hands.

"Something is wrong with this matter." Qin Wuwang was like a sinister king, thinking, "As soon as Yanyan left the court, some people gathered to make trouble. It was organized and targeted, and they were completely targeting her."

"What does Mr. Wang mean?"

"Do you remember that day in the hotel, a thug disguised as a waiter tried to assassinate Yanyan?"

"I remember."

"He acted rashly and his skills were too poor, just like these people."

"You mean... someone is secretly manipulating and trying to get Miss Gu?"

Qin Wuwang put his watch back on, with evil in his eyes, he sneered: "Check, it will never be the Xiang family's doing, the Xiang family's assets have been liquidated by us, they can't take care of Yanyan, and these people are not presentable... It seems..."

Xiao Ling: "Like revenge?"

Qin Wuwang strode and jumped onto the jeep that blocked the exit of the alley, "Childish revenge."

After speaking, Qin Wuwang's tall figure disappeared around the corner.


Gu Yanluo was released without guilt.

She, Gu Sijue and Gu Yunjue went to the ward where Qin Qing lived and reported in as usual.

Qin Qing did not wake up, Gu Yanluo did not plan to stay for long, nor did she plan to talk nonsense with Gu Hongying.

So after meeting Qin Qing, she left.

Gu Xiaosha's mother is a good one.

Gu Yanluo knows what to do.


Gu Yanluo has always felt that she is an independent individual.

She does not want to have too much contact with the Gu family.

Because two years ago, after coming to this imaginary world.

She created another world for herself.


Gu Yanluo went to the Department of Neurology alone.

She asked Qin Wuwang to wait for her in the office of the director of the Department of Neurology.

As a result, she knocked on the door and entered.

Qin Wuwang was not there.

Only Professor Wang, the director of the Department of Neurology, was there.

Professor Wang looked very solemn when he saw Gu Yanluo coming in. He stared at the young lady in amazement, then frowned and continued to observe the CT image of Qin Wuwang's brain on the viewing light.

Gu Yanluo raised her eyebrows. She saw the doctor's heavy face and became suspicious.

She sat down elegantly and coldly and ordered: "Tell me about his condition."

Qin Wuwang's condition, she really didn't know much about it.

She only knew that the thing had a brain tumor that turned into cancer and was in a very bad condition.

She speculated that the nosebleed when she first met him should be caused by the brain tumor compressing the anterior cerebral artery.

The private hospital under the Gu family chaebol must have the best brain experts in the empire.

Coincidentally, Professor Wang was a member of the team that treated Qin Wuwang's brain tumor.

"Wang Shao has a malignant glioma in his cerebral hemisphere, accompanied by a cerebral aneurysm. In the middle and late stages, because the locations of the two sites are too dangerous, he has been treated conservatively and has not undergone a craniotomy. However, with the advancement of medical technology, we have used argon-helium knife to cryoablate the tumor in the past, which was quite successful."

"It's just that... because it is malignant, even with argon-helium knife ablation, the tumor will continue to grow."

"As shown on the CT scan now, his glioma in his cerebral hemisphere has expanded again and has a tendency to infiltrate."

"In short, it's not good."

"However, you said that he was hit on the back of the head by a hard object when he came here. Fortunately, he is fine for the time being."

Gu Yanluo's expression was indifferent and calm.

But in her heart, complex emotions surged.

She said: "As far as I know, thisBoth brain tumors will cause him to lose self-control, showing symptoms such as bad temper, irritability, moodiness, mental anxiety, depression and mania. They will also cause frequent headaches, nausea, vomiting, persistent headaches, and occasional uncontrolled bleeding, right? "

Professor Wang was slightly surprised, "Yes, he will be very weak most of the time. "

The sky outside the window was gloomy and dark.

In the consultation room, the silence was strange and terrifying.

Gu Yanluo lowered her eyebrows and eyes, and a gold coin from the European Empire turned between her fingers.

Her pupils were calm and there was no clue.

But Professor Wang, who was over fifty years old, was frightened by the unfathomable, depressing and frightening aura of Gu Yanluo, which made his heart beat suddenly, his breathing quicken, and sweat on his forehead.

She was obviously just sitting there.

But she was like a dark empress with deep emotions, giving people a terrifying courage that could stir up strange winds and clouds at any time.

Professor Wang was so scared that he took a heart-saving pill.

Suddenly, Gu Yanluo spoke.

"How long can he live in a case like his?"

"Uh..." Professor Wang drank a sip of water and wiped his sweat, "If you take the risk of surgery and take good care of him after the operation, it is possible to live 1-6 years."

"Thank you. "

Gu Yanluo stood up suddenly, flicked the gold coin in her hand with her thumb, and turned to leave.


The gold coin fell to the ground.

It was like a decision, and it was settled in Gu Yanluo's heart.


Gu Yanluo learned two things.

1. Qin Wuwang's condition was very serious, but he still did his own thing.

2. She saw Qin Wuwang's brain CT. The C4 drug injected on the snowy night had expired. After a short shrinkage, the tumor rebounded in a short time and became larger than before. The C4 drug saved him, but also harmed him.

Gu Yanluo was thinking a lot, her eyes were dark, and she got off the elevator.

She planned to find Qin Wuwang.

I don't know where this thing went.

The lobby on the first floor of the hospital, at the door.

"My hand!"

"Doctor, save me!"

"My hand is broken! "


Noisy wailing and screaming echoed throughout the hall.

Doctors and nurses rushed to the door of the hall to receive ten patients with serious hand injuries.

Gu Yanluo's black hair, curled like a waterfall, fluttered in the wind.

The sky was gray and dark clouds gathered for a long time.

Gu Yanluo stood high on the steps, her beautiful eyes half-closed, and she saw the slender, beautiful and pale boy from afar, with one hand in his pocket, a slight smile on his lips, walking towards her.

His black hair was slightly messed up by the wind, his face was tired and haggard, and his handsome charm was amazing.

"Yan Yan."

Gu Yanluo opened her eyes coldly with her misty eyebrows slightly gathered, and responded calmly: "Yeah. "

Qin Wuwang walked over quickly, stretched out his arms, and tightly wrapped his arms around Gu Yanluo's waist. He approached, buried his head in her neck, and sniffed.

She stood on the steps.

Qin Wuwang was at the bottom of the steps.

In the wind and snow.

The hazy sky finally broke through the mist, poured down, and sprinkled on the two of them.

"Qin Wuwang, are you afraid of death?"

Gu Yanluo looked up at the dark sky and murmured.


"Then what are you afraid of?"

Qin Wuwang hugged her tightly, buried his head deep in her neck, and sighed.

"For me, separation is too painful."

"I'm afraid you'll leave."


She understood.


A mediocre author, begging for five-star reviews online.

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