Qin Wuwang once thought that he would have to stay alone in the empty bed tonight.

But while he was enduring the severe pain, Gu Yanluo came in.

This time, Qin Wuwang did not feel happy, but panicked.

He was afraid that Gu Yanluo would think he was pretending.

Now, he did not have the energy to explain...

He did not want any misunderstanding.

So, Qin Wuwang could only endure and hold on, trying not to let her find out, hiding in the quilt, not groaning in pain, and even breathing carefully.

His half-closed eyes were suddenly pierced by the light.

He felt the quilt being lifted.

It seemed... I couldn't hide it anymore.

Above his head, accompanied by a unique fragrance, came a cold and oppressive question.

A warm hand pinched his wrist, pulled hard, and brought him into his arms.

"Why didn't you say it hurt."

"Why didn't you say you were sick!" What if something happened!

Qin Wuwang felt a warm embrace wrapped around him.

But this time, he couldn't dispel his pain.

The severe headache caused by brain cancer became more and more severe. He had double vision in front of his eyes, his breathing was trembling, and his consciousness began to become unclear.

He bit his lower lip, sweating profusely, his eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't stop convulsing in Gu Yanluo's arms.

He took a deep breath, extremely weak, and his voice trembled.

"You are angry..."

Gu Yanluo narrowed her beautiful eyes, wrapped Qin Wuwang's cold body with a quilt, hugged him tightly in her arms, and used her fingertips to wipe away the cold sweat on his head.

She shouted coldly to the people in another bedroom outside the master bedroom: "Xiao Ling! Come here!"

Qin Wuwang's eyes were very beautiful, but at this moment, they were dim and weak.

He always liked to hug Gu Yanluo's slender waist.

But at this moment, he even lost the strength to reach out and wrap his hands around her.

He was conscious and murmured in a low voice: "I can't... take advantage of my weak body every time... to win your sympathy... to occupy you..."

He said: "You will annoy me..."

He groaned in pain, sucked in cold air, and huddled in Gu Yanluo's arms.

Gu Yanluo, just like you are electrocuted, you will also feel pain.

But you endure it, not wanting anyone to see it.

You won't even say a word when you feel pain.

He can endure it too.

As a proud person, in the past, he only wanted to win your favor, so he resorted to this desperate measure and deliberately acted weak. Now, he has no strength...

In the dim light, Gu Yanluo lowered her eyes, staring at the person in her arms, her charming and delicate face gradually tensed.

She gritted her teeth, "Okay, very good."

A few words to express her true feelings.

He was afraid that she would find it annoying. He knew that she was angry tonight, so he was obedient, really obedient. He didn't even dare to tell her that he was sick. He could only endure the pain by himself, stay alone in the room, and endure the severe headache brought by brain cancer.

He could have called Xiao Ling and told her that he was in pain.

But Qin Wuwang didn't.

Gu Yanluo was cold as ice, but the hand that touched Qin Wuwang's forehead was surprisingly gentle.

She knew that this person just wanted to make her feel distressed.

Gu Yanluo slowly closed her eyes, suppressed the anger in her heart, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Qin Wuwang, congratulations, you succeeded.

This time, it was really painful.


Xiao Ling pushed the door open.

He saw the elegant and noble girl, with half of her shoulders exposed, hugging his master tightly, soothing his pain.

"Miss Gu?"

Gu Yanluo stared at Xiao Ling sharply and asked, "Didn't he take painkillers?"

Xiao Ling had a blank expression on his face: "He did. A large dose, three pills, taken at twelve o'clock. I watched the master swallow it before I left. He asked me not to tell you. I don't want to bother you." Xiao Ling told him everything.

Gu Yanluo was shocked. It was now 1:05 in the morning.

In other words, the painkillers didn't work, and Qin Wuwang silently endured it for another hour.

All three pills didn't work?

Gu Yanluo lowered her eyebrows and head, kissed Qin Wuwang, who was struggling in pain in her arms, as if to comfort him, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with her warm palm.

She whispered, "Be good, I'm here."

Then she looked at Xiao Ling: "Give him a painkiller first, do you have one?"

Xiao Ling turned and walked away quickly. He had to go to the portable medicine box to find it.

Painkillers are different from painkillers. They are more potent and addictive. You can't use them unless you have to.

Fortunately, Xiao Ling found one.

There is also an injection needle.

Gu Yanluo ordered: "I'll hold him, you do the injection."

The person in his arms struggled in pain and even began to hurt himself. His lips were bitten bloody.

Gu Yanluo could only hold him down, pinching his cheeks with her fingertips, forcing him to open his mouth, leaning over, pecking his lips, licking his blood, and kissing him gently.

Xiao Ling removed the needle neatly and drew out the painkiller with a serious look.

After giving Qin Wuwang an intravenous injection skillfully and quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Painkillers are usually 15-It takes effect in 30 minutes.

Gu Yanluo reached out and gently brushed the messy black hair of the person in her arms, and glanced at Xiao Ling beside the bed, "It's all sweaty. Turn up the air conditioner to the highest setting, twist a warm towel, and have someone change all the sheets and pillows."

Otherwise, Qin Wuwang will catch a cold and have a fever.

Xiao Ling looked at Gu Yanluo as if he was looking at a savior, and said respectfully, "Yes!"

He was relieved and understood that as long as Miss Gu was here, everything would be fine.


While Xiao Ling was calling for room service.

Gu Yanluo got up and put on her bathrobe again.

She got out of bed and didn't have time to hug Qin Wuwang for the time being.

Qin Wuwang, who thought Gu Yanluo was going to leave and had not taken effect after the painkiller injection, reached out painfully and helplessly, trying to grab the corner of Gu Yanluo's bathrobe beside the bed.

He felt insecure and anxious.

The voice was weak and hoarse: "Don't go..."

Gu Yanluo's lazy and hoarse voice revealed a charming charm that made people feel at ease.

"I won't leave, I'll always be here."

Gu Yanluo tied her belt, sat down on the bed, picked up Qin Wuwang, and wiped off all the cold sweat on his body.

Then she lifted the wool blanket thrown on the recliner sofa beside her and wrapped Qin Wuwang completely.

It happened that Xiao Ling walked in with two men and women from the room service.

Gu Yanluo's face suddenly turned cold, and her eyes revealed a cold light that was intimidating without anger.

She picked up Qin Wuwang horizontally, wrapped him tightly, and sat on the soft sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, elegant and noble.

She gently hugged the noble, weak, handsome young man in her arms, and stared at the strangers who entered the room indifferently.

The way Gu Yanluo looked at others was always like looking at lifeless decorations, or ants.

She was so arrogant, but also cold to the bone.

She ordered in a high and cold voice: "Bedsheets, quilts, pillows, change everything if they are wet."

The hotel room cleaner who entered was very scared.

A man and a woman were trembling with fear as they changed the bedding in the master bedroom. They couldn't help but frequently sneak a peek at the dazzling and cold girl, and the man who was held horizontally in her arms and protected.

They couldn't see the man's face clearly.

They could only tell from the vaguely revealed side profile that he was an extremely handsome man.

A moment.

All the bedding was changed to new ones.

The room service left.

Gu Yanluo put Qin Wuwang back on the bed.

The painkiller began to take effect, Qin Wuwang's breathing gradually calmed down, and the symptoms of splitting headaches began to ease. He was like a trapped beast with scars and tortured by illness, and he nestled in Gu Yanluo's arms, like returning to a safe haven, with a sense of security.

Gu Yanluo leaned against the bedside, letting Qin Wuwang rest his head in her arms, her fingertips gently lifted his hair and stroked his cheek.

She suddenly thought of the new phone Qin Wuwang bought for her, and the new phone card.

When he just came back, he was concentrating on tinkering with that thing.

She asked Xiao Ling to bring the new phone.

She wrapped her arms around Qin Wuwang in her arms, and fiddled with the beautiful new phone in front of him.

She touched his forehead with her lips and asked lazily:

"Do you miss me? I will always use the phone you bought for me in the future?"

Qin Wuwang half-closed his eyes, quiet and weak, "Well... couples... ok?"


Screaming like a pig, eating dog food together!

Wang Ye is sick and asks for a five-star rating for the author: give her a five-star rating, otherwise she will be too cruel.

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