In an advanced high-tech basement.

The dark red alarm light flickered.

Qin Wuwang coldly called Xiao Ling and the artificial intelligence robot butler made by Qin Wuwang through the Bluetooth headset.

Xiao Ling looked solemn: "Master, it seems to be the collector. What instructions do you have? Should we retreat?"

The robot butler, mechanical automation, began to consciously and quickly pack up the important equipment, precision parts, Qin Wuwang's gun collection, semi-finished quantum electromagnetic pulse weapons, and dismantle the nuclear chip of the artificial intelligence system in the basement...

This robot looked like it was going to pack up and run away.

Qin Wuwang kicked it angrily and cursed: "Waste dog!"


The murderous intent was overwhelming.

Qin Wuwang was unusually calm.

"No retreat! Go get Yanyan's clothes, evacuate the servants, cooks, and bodyguards in the house, and take people to hide in the underground air-raid shelter."

"Alpha, take the quantum electromagnetic pulse and follow me."

Alpha is the "waste dog" robot butler.

Qin Wuwang's eyes flashed with sinister excitement and evil arrogance.

He finished drinking the pure milk in the can, threw it away, and began to stretch his muscles. His wrists, shoulders and neck bones "crackled", and his eyes were full of evil and murderous energy, as if he wanted to show his skills and vent his anger and depression due to Gu Yanluo's temporary departure.


In the dark night, hundreds of corpse puppets poured in like a tide at the iron gate of the mansion by the deep mountain lake!

Looking closely, each corpse puppet has several silver wires tied to its limbs, head, and joints.

But the source of the silver wires, the strange man who controls the puppets, is not seen.

In the dark mansion.

Xiao Ling and Alpha, the machine butler holding a quantum electromagnetic pulse, followed Qin Wuwang along the black spiral staircase and rushed from the basement to the first floor.

At the same time!

The gorgeous double doors at the end of the hall were broken open by the swarm of corpse puppets!

In the luxurious lobby on the first floor, five huge and clear French windows shattered, and ragged, bloody corpse puppets poured in like a wave.

Under the night, the entire mansion suddenly turned into a terrifying, gloomy, murderous Shura field!

Xiao Ling raised two UMPs and charged to protect the "innocent servants" at home.

The metal Alpha robot butler, as obedient as a dog, stood beside Qin Wuwang.


The robot butler had a stiff face, raised his mechanical arm, and took out a modified M134 Blue Fire Gatling rapid-fire machine gun, with a firing rate of 6,000 rounds per minute, in a circle, surrounding the swarming corpse puppets, and fired wildly!

As blood and flesh flew everywhere, blue fire bullets poured down like a storm!

Qin Wuwang sneered, calm and unrestrained, and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his trouser pocket.

Only one cigarette was left.

Yanyan was not there, so he stole a cigarette to stimulate his nerves.

He held a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, lit it, and his evil eyes half-closed as the smoke rose.

As for the "puppet" that appeared.

He seemed to have paid no attention to it at all.

He seemed to have known what it was and understood its structure.

He strode to the central vestibule of the mansion, hooked the samurai sword hanging on the wall with one hand, and lazily pulled off the black tie at the collar of his silk shirt with the other hand.

All the Gatling bullets were used up.

But those rotten corpse puppets had white eyelids and holes all over their bodies, but they could still move freely!

Under the control of the master behind the scenes, they avoided the machine butler and swarmed towards Qin Wuwang to block him!

The machine butler looked like he was going to run away first, and said stiffly: "Master, I can't kill you, run quickly, if you don't run, I will run."

Qin Wuwang held a samurai sword in his mouth, a cigarette between his fingers, and covered his eyes with a black tie.

He said cheerfully and evilly: "Go tell A Ling to avoid being bewitched by the Tibetan family's evil magic, and everyone should be blindfolded! You go to the lake and wait for me!"

It's better to leave first when disaster strikes, master, goodbye!

The robot butler disappeared in a flash, running faster than a dog.


The huge mansion was dark and filled with stench. The cold moonlight projected from several floor-to-ceiling windows was reflected in the hall full of rotten corpses and puppets!

A total of 308.

Qin Wuwang covered his eyes, holding a ignited cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and strode forward. While listening to the sound and identifying the position, he murderously sacrificed the samurai sword that guarded the house!

He didn't hesitate at all, and jumped directly into the air!

He stepped on the heads and shoulders of all the puppets, slashed their skulls with samurai swords, and splashed black blood. Every step he took was as fast as thunder and lightning, and his ghost steps were unpredictable.

Killing "puppets" on a dark and windy night.

Qin Wuwang was alone, venting his anger, violently and manically shuttled among hundreds of corpse puppets.

Sometimes he jumped onto the wall, and then suddenly descended from the sky, holding up a samurai sword, and pierced through the skulls of corpse puppets from above.

Sometimes he moved vertically, wandered, and crossed, cutting off the skulls of ten puppets in one step.

That momentum was unstoppable, like "the sword energy went vertically into the sky, and the fierce sword light was cold for thousands of miles." It was so terrifying, like the arrival of a demon..

Qin Wuwang's mouth was filled with evil, and his face was full of violence. He seemed to be even more terrifying than a manipulated puppet!

As the blood filled the air, the sound of fighting suddenly stopped.

Qin Wuwang flipped forward in the air, holding a samurai sword in his hand, kneeling on one knee, and landed firmly on the open space outside the gate of the mansion.

The burned out soot fell to the ground.

The last mutilated wight puppet fell.

Qin Wuwan heard the sound and took off his blindfolded tie. His handsome, pale and sinister cheeks were splashed with a few drops of black blood. Like a warrior, he stood up and put his sword into its sheath.

"Trash, boring."

He wiped the blood off his face, turned around, and spat contemptuously and arrogantly.


The lifeless mansion faces the lake.

Qin Wuwang strode up to the robot butler and took away the quantum electromagnetic pulse weapon held in the robot butler's arms.

The robot butler panicked: "Master, what are you doing?"

Qin Wuwang flashed an evil light, "Try it."

Machine Butler: "No need!"

The shape of the quantum electromagnetic pulse weapon is like a giant laser gun, made entirely of silver metal. The energy level can be adjusted, with 0.01 being the minimum and 10 being the maximum. The destructive power is unknown. It may not even kill ants, it may be the entire mountain... …

This high-tech weapon is being developed intensively by all the secret laboratories of the four major empires in the world.

Qin Wuwang ignored it and opened the valve, and the energy bar continued to surge.

The machine butler advised: "Step back a hundred meters!"

"Or, aerial testing!"

"Master, it's too dangerous! The risks are unknown and the destructive power is unknown. You may die here!"

Cherish your life!

Gu Yanluo's instructions were like a spell, calming Qin Wuwang quickly.

One minute later.

A black helicopter took off from the helipad behind a private house.

When it lifts off to about 2000 meters, it will hover.

The mansion is full of blood and flesh, and the place must be cleared to avoid unnecessary complications.

Qin Wuwang opened the door of the helicopter and looked down at his mansion in the mountains. He set up the quantum electromagnetic pulse in his hand, raised his eyebrows high, aimed at the roof, and pressed the start button.

The energy continues to surge.


A dazzling energy beam shot towards the mansion.

In an instant, an explosion like a sky-shattering explosion resounded throughout the sky.

A dazzling white light burst across the sky and earth, making the night look like day.

The mansion was razed to the ground, and a huge crater appeared. The lake set off huge waves, covering a hundred meters in radius. Thick smoke billowed in the mountains and fields, and not a single blade of grass grew...

The helicopter hovering at an altitude of 2,000 meters was picked up by the shock wave, spinning in the air, its engine failed, and was about to crash.

Qin Wuwang put on his parachute without changing his expression, holding his "treasure weapon" and carrying the mechanical butler.

Under the cover of night, he jumped.

This thing is not bad at all. It only has a magnitude of 0.01 and it blew up my house into a crater.

You can keep it for Yanyan to play with.


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