Night Owl took out a strange metal ring with "For Collectors Only" printed on it, and put it on Gu Yanluo's neck with a "click".

Gu Yanluo smiled evilly, "What is this?"

Night Owl said in a deep voice: "Miss Gu, since the day you used witchcraft to kill Lin Yuyun in the hospital, you have been on our watch list. This is a magic seal ring, which is specifically designed to counter people like you and the collector who have magic. If you wear it, you can't use any witchcraft puppetry."

Gu Yanluo: "..."

It's great, there's also a magical little bracelet?


The Empire's No. 0 Supernatural Investigation Team is affiliated with the Empire's Secret Supernatural Research Bureau.

This is the most mysterious organization in the Huaxia Empire.

The No. 0 Supernatural Investigation Team is responsible for handling all the most difficult, dangerous, strange and terrifying emergency supernatural emergencies in the empire.

Night Owl is one of the best.


Like many mysterious foreign organizations.

The headquarters of the Empire Supernatural Research Bureau is 500 meters underground.

There are 70 floors in total, with strict security, hidden from the world, confidentiality level: top secret.

Like prisoners.

Lu Meng and Cersei wore special handcuffs, filled out information, had blood drawn, and were pushed into a closed space.

Directly opposite was a dark double-sided glass.

There was also a camera and an analyzer.

Lu Meng stood in front of the ruler casually, like a prisoner taking a photo, and the flash came on.

The intelligent analysis system began to broadcast——

[Name: Lu Meng]

[Age: 18]

[Height: 155]

[Type: Inferior biochemical gene modification]

[Superpower: Enhanced, born with supernatural power, not yet awakened]

[Ability level: A]

[Note: Originally an inferior gene modification experiment, it was enhanced later for unknown reasons and can be used for research. ]


Cersei also stood in front of the height ruler, posed in a praying pose, and took a photo.

[Name: Maisei]

[Age: 18]

[Height: 167]

[Type: Superior Biochemical Genetic Modification]

[Power: Psychic, by staring at the target, it causes extreme pain and death]

[Ability Level: S]

[Note: It is recommended to dissect the brain and eyeballs. ]


Gu Yanluo also wore special handcuffs, but there was an additional confinement collar around her neck.

She stood in front of the height scale and yawned lazily and gracefully towards the camera.

The analysis system short-circuited strangely and reported intermittently——

[Name: Gu Yanluo]

[Age: 18]

[Height: 175.6]

[Type: Death Biochemical Gene Experimental Subject]

[Power: Unable to analyze...]

[Ability Level: Measuring...]

With a "bang"!

The analyzer could not estimate Gu Yanluo's ability level and exploded directly.

Thick smoke billowed in the "small black room", and Gu Yanluo uttered a "huh".

"That's it?"

Are you kidding me?

I take you seriously.

Is this how you repay me?


At that time, the chief scientist of the Imperial Ability Research Bureau and Night Owl of the Ability Investigation Team No. 0, who were standing behind the double-sided glass, were all dumbfounded.

Night Owl pondered deeply, his eyes cold, and he questioned the genetic scientists behind him: "So far, the special ability level caused by biochemical genes is divided into 7 levels, D~A level, and then S level, SS level, SSS level. The maximum valuation of the analyzer is the peak of three Ss. You built this thing, and now it explodes, you give me an explanation!"

The scientists looked at each other.

Until someone proposed.

"Captain Ye Xiao! Inject her with a superpower terminating agent and neurotoxin! Let's study her to find out the result!"

Ye Xiao shouted angrily: "She is Gu Hongying's daughter! Qin Wuwang's woman! How dare you touch her?"

Ye Xiao hadn't finished the last word yet.

The soundproof double-sided glass was shattered into pieces by Gu Yanluo's cool roundhouse kick.

Gu Yanluo smiled slightly, with no warmth in her eyes, "The Huaxia Empire Superpower Research Bureau should also have superpower terminating agents, gene destroyers, neurotoxins and other experimental agents, right?"

Ye Xiao was stunned: "..." You know this too?

The scientists were stunned: "..." How is it possible? This is top secret!

Gu Yanluo seemed bored, her beautiful eyes half closed, and her tone was lazy, "I'll give you a chance to explore my secrets. Use it on me, so that I can feel the terminating agent and destroying agent of your organization, but I warn you, don't touch Lu Meng and Cersei, otherwise... you will bear the consequences."

[Superpower terminating agent: a biochemical agent usually used to destroy extremely dangerous, highly dangerous, uncontrollable, and inferior failed test subjects. Once injected, the superpower disappears, and they will turn back to ordinary people, and then die immediately. ]

[Gene destroyer: a biochemical gene-modified cell destroyer, which is the second type of destroyer of genetically modified people., the medicine that needs to be injected. 】

Ye Xiao thought Gu Yanluo was crazy, "You will die!"

Qin Wuwang might have to...

Gu Yanluo: "Whether I live or die is never decided by others."

Ye Xiao: "..." So crazy? Are you ok with your brain?


Gu Yanluo said she would use it!

Then who would stop her?

After signing the "Risk Notice" and the "Research Institution is not responsible for any responsibility" agreement.

Gu Yanluo, handcuffed, entered an extremely spacious, mysterious and advanced super biochemical laboratory under the personal arrest of Ye Xiao.

Around her were ten middle-aged and elderly top genetic scientists wearing masks and white coats.

Gu Yanluo sat on the cold metal chair, her delicate face as cold as frost.

She sat arrogantly and arrogantly, looking down on everything.

She let the researchers around her put on electrodes for electrocardiogram monitoring and brain wave monitoring on her.


Three reagents, namely, the ability-termining agent, the gene-destroying agent, and the central nervous system pain toxin 04, were injected into her neck at the same time...

After 30 seconds of long silence...

Gu Yanluo's heart rate suddenly soared!

At first, she tried her best to open her beautiful eyes, her pupils contracted and enlarged, and she tried to stay awake.

Soon, she felt dizzy and nauseous, and her internal organs and brain were violently shaken. A sense of extreme near-death, as terrifying as a volcanic eruption, engulfed Gu Yanluo.

The noisy sounds around her were far away from her.

Her cells, body tissues, and genes were rapidly collapsing.

Yes, that was the feeling.

A nostalgic death experience.

It was as if the soul had left the body and was trapped in the center of the storm...

She could return to her hometown again.

The neurotoxins that stimulated the pain nerves ravaged Gu Yanluo's brain.

The severe pain swept through like a flame.

Gu Yanluo gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and said nothing in the midst of cold sweat.

Enjoy it.


Ye Xiao, who stood in the distance and watched, had a fierce look in his eyes.

He admired this girl.

Because, after being injected with those horrible drugs, people who sat on that chair would die in extreme pain, and their screams would be heartbreaking, like the howling of ghosts.

Gu Yanluo was an exception.


How strong and horrible a will must a person have to reach this level?

She was so confident that she forced the researchers to inject her with the "death drug".


What happened to her?

How many secrets does she have?


For the sake of a fast pace, I abbreviated the description of the organization.

I don't want to spend a long article writing about how advanced the structure of a mysterious organization is, I just want to advance the plot.

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