Rural Dad

Chapter 146

In the office.

Zhao Han was already dressed. He had quit smoking for a long time, so he lit a cigarette and smoked it in a rare and comfortable way.

He slowly blew out smoke rings.

Afterwards, a cigarette was better than a living god.

Although he and Yang Xue still stopped at the light, it was not a bad thing to stop at a little.

Yang Xue's dress was half undressed, her cheeks were flushed, and she fell weakly on the sofa, her eyes were blurred, her tender red lips were slightly open with watery light, and her breath was as sweet as orchid.

Her long white legs were drooping, one high-heeled shoe was hanging on the toes, and the other fell to the ground.

It took a long time for her blank mind to have some thoughts, and she supported herself to get up and put on her clothes.

Every time she felt that she was going to be played to death.

But she could come back to life afterwards.

This kind of happiness between life and death.

Let her taste the marrow and can't extricate herself.

She said no, but her body was honest.

"Help me unzip my skirt."

Yang Xue turned her back to Zhao Han and lifted her long hair.

"What kind of broken zipper is this? Why is it so hard to zip it up?" Zhao Han complained as he pulled it up.

The zipper on the woman's skirt is too small.

This design is not humane at all.

Hearing this, Yang Xue turned her head and glared at him charmingly: "You were fast when you pulled it down."

"Isn't that a matter of specialization? I'm good at taking off people's clothes, and you're good at putting them on." Zhao Han said.

Yang Xue bit her red lips tightly, and stepped on his feet with her bare feet: "Shut up now."

After putting on her clothes, she picked up the black silk on the ground, rolled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can, while applying lipstick: "It's time to discuss Xingxing's matter."

"What to discuss? Ask his opinion. If he agrees, you can arrange it." Zhao Han lay leisurely on the sofa, crossing his legs.

Yang Xue said coquettishly, "I knew you were using this as an excuse to take advantage of me."

"You still cooperate with me, so doesn't that mean you want me to take advantage of you?" Zhao Han smiled evilly.

Yang Xue blushed and ignored the bad guy.

Zhao Han was still preparing to tease her again.

A phone call interrupted his elegance.

"Hello, who is this?" Zhao Han took a look and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and answered the call.

"Is this Mr. Zhao Han?"

The tone on the other end was very polite.

Zhao Han replied, "Yes, it's me."

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I am Gao Genji, the vice president of the Xiaguo branch of the Paradise Charity Foundation."

Then the other end introduced himself.

Zhao Han had heard of the Paradise Charity Foundation.

This is a world-class large private charity organization with branches in various countries.

But the Paradise Charity Foundation in Xiaguo has a bad reputation because of the scandal of embezzling donations and causing the death of the help-seekers who failed to receive timely treatment.

But they do a good job in public relations, and every time a scandal is exposed, it will be quickly suppressed.

So many people who don't go online don't know.

And those who go online will soon forget.

Zhao Han is disgusted by this kind of organization that cheats money under the guise of charity. It is simply a murder for money, so he set up a personal charity foundation.

He can see where every money is spent, and he can ensure that it is spent on people in need.

Instead of flowing into the wallets of despicable people.

It should be mentioned here that the charity dinner raised 170 million in donations, and his personal foundation began to invest in charity work in various places yesterday.

Helping the elderly, supporting poor students and poor families, building love primary schools, etc.

"The Heaven Charity Fund is very famous. I wonder if President Gao has any advice?" Zhao Han probably guessed the other party's purpose and asked knowingly.

Gao Genji chuckled: "It's not that famous, Mr. Zhao, you are well-known."

After flattering, Gao Genji said: "Our Paradise Charity Foundation is a charity organization dedicated to helping poor families around the world."

"Many celebrities and entrepreneurs have contributed through us, so I would like to invite you to join our loving family."

In the end, it was just asking Zhao Han for donations.

"Then I'll donate 100,000 yuan as a token of my appreciation." Although Zhao Han didn't like the Paradise Charity Foundation, he didn't want to make it too ugly, so he just wanted to perfunctorily forget it.

Gao Genji was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Zhao, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. 100,000 is just a drop in the bucket for Xiaguo's charity. You see..."

Zhao Han was already impatient, and quietly turned on the call recording function, and then said: "You guys are forcing donations? Are you crazy about money?"

"Mr. Zhao, we are not doing this for ourselves..."

"Fuck you, save your high-sounding words for your father's grave, you Paradise CharityI don't know what kind of person the foundation is! They are just a bunch of vampires. If I really donate money, will it reach the hands of poor families? "Zhao Han was too lazy to pretend and cursed.

Gao Genji was stunned by the scolding. He didn't expect Zhao Han to be so uncultured. He was also angry: "Mr. Zhao, if you donate, we will help you promote your positive image. If you don't donate, then... hehe."

The threat was already evident.

After all, most entrepreneurs don't mind spending millions or tens of millions to buy a positive image promotion.

There is no need to make a grudge with the Heaven Charity Foundation.

After all, businessmen value peace.

It's all about making money.

But Zhao Han is completely different. As a military man, he can't stand this style: "Get out! I won't donate through you if I want to donate, damn it. "

After politely expressing his cordial greetings to Gao Genji's mother, Zhao Han hung up the phone directly.

"The reputation of the Xiaguo branch of the Paradise Charity Foundation has long been bad, but I didn't expect that they would openly threaten people to donate money. What's the difference between this and asking for protection money?"

Yang Xue shared the same hatred and was angry.

"I'm a little angry now, help me calm down." Zhao Han gently touched Yang Xue's face.

Yang Xue rolled her eyes at him.

Well, the lipstick was applied in vain again.


Paradise Charity Foundation, Xiaguo Headquarters.

In the office, Vice President Gao Genji listened to the busy tone on the phone, his face was pale.

It was the first time he was humiliated like this!

In the past, when calling those rich people, most of them would not offend them, and would donate millions.

Even if they didn't donate, they were polite.

Even if there were people who looked down on them, they only didn't take it lightly behind their backs. Just a few words.

He wouldn't name names like Zhao Han did.

So he is very angry now.

Although they embezzled social donations and falsely reported the amount of donations, they at least distributed some money to help those poor people. Isn't that enough?

They can't have no benefits at all.

Wouldn't that really be a charity?

But now Zhao Han actually pointed at his nose and called him a vampire, and also cursed his mother. How can he bear it?

"Young man, you are young and frivolous. I will let you see what the consequences of offending us are."

Gao Genji showed a cold smile.

It's just right, Zhao Han is also used to make an example of others.

In case there are more people like this in the future.

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