Rural Dad

Chapter 174

"Fuck! He's the champion!"

"Too amazing! How old is he? Five or six? What were we doing when we were five or six?"

"I always thought Gan Luo was boasting when he became prime minister at the age of twelve. Today I know that there are such geniuses in the world. I'm not very knowledgeable."

The noise on the playground lasted for a long time.

Reporters kept taking pictures of Xingxing.

Yang Ao, who won the runner-up in the high school group, suddenly felt embarrassed. After all, Xingxing won the championship!

His future uncle was only the runner-up.

How can he control his nephew in the future?

"Now, please invite Director Xie of the Tongzhou Municipal Education Bureau to come on stage to present awards to the winners!" Principal Chen shouted.

The noise on the playground was much quieter.

Director Xie, who was over 50 years old, walked onto the stage with a smile and presented awards to each winning student.

Gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal.

And honorary certificates.

The first Tongzhou City Mathematical Olympiad for Primary and Secondary School Students came to a successful conclusion, and reporters rushed in.

Without exception, they all flocked to Xingxing.

All the other award-winning contestants became foils.

They could only smile bitterly and look at each other in silence.

"Forget it, there is no need to prepare the acceptance speech in advance, this award is as good as not."

"Yeah, today the limelight was all stolen by that little brat, who will remember us?"

Xingxing was surrounded by countless cameras, but he was not panicked at all, just a little nervous.

"Hello, student Zhao, do you have any special learning methods?" a reporter asked.

Xingxing thought for a moment and replied, "The book says there is no shortcut to learning, only hard work."

"Sure enough, no success is easy. Then Xingxing, can you share with us how hard you work? Set an example for other children."

"Yeah." Xingxing nodded, looked at the camera and said, "I study for an hour every day."

"What else?" Seeing that he stopped talking after that, the reporter thought he was nervous, so he asked again.

Xingxing was very surprised: "No more."

Isn't this hard enough for me?

It's very uncomfortable not being able to play for an hour.

Everyone: "…………"

They all received 10,000 critical hits.

So you call this hard work?

Good guy, there is indeed no shortcut to learning.

But he is so talented!

"Hey, Xingxing, did you learn all your knowledge by yourself?" Another reporter asked.

Xingxing nodded: "Yeah, these are actually very simple, you can understand them just by looking at them."

Everyone suddenly didn't want to interview him anymore.

Because they wanted to rush home to beat their kids.

This guy is really annoying!

After simply dealing with the interviews from the reporters, Yang Ao took Xingxing away from the crowd.

After Xingxing left, the reporters went to interview the champions of the high school and junior high school groups, and these two were backups.


"mua~ my Xingxing is awesome!"

In the hotel, Yang Xue hugged Xingxing and kissed him fiercely.

Xingxing had a look of despair on his face.

Guoguo was also jumping up and down: "Brother is awesome! Brother is awesome! I want to kiss brother too!"

"Xingxing's awesomeness is inseparable from my contribution, so you should all come and kiss me." Zhao Han said.

Guoguo made a face: "Dad is bragging again."

"You are such a jerk." Yang Xue rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile: "My Xingxing is a natural prodigy. He has nothing to do with a shameless person."

Xingxing agreed with this in her heart.

"Wait for me, I'll buy Xingxing a cake to celebrate." Zhao Han got up and walked out.

Guoguo was so happy that she almost flew up: "Great! I can eat cake. Brother is so great!"

"Dong Dong Dong~"

As soon as Zhao Han left, the door rang.

Yang Xue thought Zhao Han had forgotten to bring something, but when he opened the door, there was a large group of people outside.

The leader was Principal Chen of Tongzhou No. 1 Middle School.

"Principal Chen, hello, teachers, what can I do for you?" Yang Xue asked curiously.

Principal Chen smiled: "You must be Xingxing's sister..."

"I'm not... I'm..." Yang Xue didn't know how to introduce herself properly for a while.

Because her identity is a bit embarrassing.

She is not even a stepmother at the moment.

"She is my mother!"

Xingxing ran to Yang Xue and grabbed her hand.

Yang Xue's heart trembled, and she stayed where she was, with joy and excitement on her face.

For a while, she pursed her lips and couldn't speak.

"Yeah, yeah, she is our mother." Guoguo also ran to the door and grabbed Yang Xue's other hand.

Children are the most innocent.

At the same time, children are also the most sensitive. They can feel who is really good to them.

To XingxingFor Guoguo and Xu Qingyao, Xu Qingyao occupies a very small share in their limited memories.

Because Xu Qingyao only has career in her eyes, she left them to the nanny and didn't care about them for a month.

They acted like a spoiled child, and they always found them annoying. Gradually, they became more and more unfamiliar and alienated with Xu Qingyao.

Especially when Zhao Han and Xu Qingyao divorced.

Xu Qingyao took the initiative to propose not to have children, because children would delay her work and delay her remarriage.

She thought that the children were young and didn't understand anything.

But she never cared about the children, and she didn't know how smart her son and daughter were.

They knew clearly that their mother didn't want them.

This really hurt the two children.

Xingxing and Guoguo cried heartbreakingly that day.

But since then, the two children have never clamored to find their mother in front of Zhao Han.

And now they have found the motherly love that they have been missing since childhood in Yang Xue, and they have recognized her in their hearts.

"Yes, I... I am their mother." Yang Xue's eyes were filled with tears, but she didn't let them fall. She held the hands of the two children tightly with a smile on her face.

She was happy and touched, but also a little distressed.

How old are these two children? They are so sensible. I don't know what they have experienced before.

Looking at Yang Xue with tears in her eyes, Principal Chen didn't feel strange. After all, it is normal for a mother to be excited and cry when her children are successful.

"So you are Xingxing's mother. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful." Principal Chen complimented.

Yang Xue smiled embarrassedly: "Principal Chen, you are too kind. Everyone, come in and sit down."

Principal Chen and others entered the living room of the suite.

"It's like this, Xingxing's mother, Xingxing won the championship in the elementary school group and can enter our junior high school without examination. The class teachers behind me are all junior high school teachers. Xingxing can go to any class she wants."

Principal Chen pointed to the teachers behind him and said.

The teachers immediately volunteered enthusiastically.

"Xingxing, our first grade class is the rocket class. You can't go wrong if you come to our class."

"Xingxing, if you come to our class, I will pay for your pocket money every month."

"One hundred yuan? I'm giving money to beggars. Xingxing, come to our third class, and I will buy you a new PS5!"

"You are ruining your ambition by playing with things. You are harming Xingxing. Xingxing, come to our second grade class directly. I will give you a Huanggang secret scroll every month!"

It's rolling up. It's starting to roll up.

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