Rural Dad

Chapter 193

Fucheng is brightly lit at night.

At ten o'clock, nightlife has just begun for young people, so Fucheng is particularly lively at this time.

Bars, KTVs and other places are even more so.

In a luxurious private room of a KTV, colorful lights are shining, harsh music is mixed with screams, and a group of men and women twist their bodies wantonly.

Wu Lie is surrounded in the middle of the sofa like a moon surrounded by stars, with two hot, beautiful, but half-dressed women on his left and right.

At this time, he was a little drunk, and took out a small bag of white powder and shouted: "Who wants this!"

"Mr. Wu, give it to me, give it to me! I will smoke it with you, and we will fly together after smoking!"

"Mr. Wu, I want it too, I want it too..."

In an instant, the women in the private room surrounded Wu Lie like dogs, and some of them knelt on the ground.


Wu Lie laughed, took out several more bags from his pocket, and then started to smoke with tools.

The same is true for others.

The whole private room suddenly became a drug den.

"Didn't you say you hit someone? Why don't you go out and hide?" A young man approached Wu Lie.

Wu Lie was dizzy from the slap, and waved his hand with disdain: "Don't say that the person is not dead, even if the person is dead, what can he do to me? My dad can handle it."

"Young Master Wu is awesome! This is called domineering!"

"That's right, you are worthy of being the number one young master in Fucheng."

Others started to make a noise, and Wu Lie's face flushed with excitement: "Those mud legs, if they are sensible, give them more money. If they are not sensible, they will be killed, and don't even think about getting a penny of compensation."

"Young Master Wu is really awesome." A woman approached him with a dazed look and began to untie his belt.

Wu Lie pushed her away: "Get out! I don't play with sluts like you, I always only play with virgins."

"Hahaha, it's a pity that the women here are useless!" A young man laughed.

Wu Lie, who was high from smoking, stood up and said, "Then I'll go out and find someone myself, do it myself, and have enough food and clothing."

He led a group of friends out of the private room.

Just in time, he saw two girls coming together.

"Based on my rich experience, the one on the left must be a virgin! If you don't believe me, let's make a bet!" Wu Lie said with a smile, pointing at the girl with a ponytail.

He spoke loudly and without concealment.

The two girls almost turned their heads at the same time and looked at him with disgust, then lowered their heads and quickened their pace.

"Don't go! I made a bet with someone, take off your skirt so that I can prove that I won! If I win, I'll give you half of the money." Wu Lie ran over to stop the girl with a ponytail and stretched out his hand to pull her skirt.

Although he was high from smoking, he could also see his unscrupulous and willful nature.


"What are you doing? Are you sick?" The girl slapped him reflexively and cursed.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, Wu Lie, who had just taken a high, was immediately angry: "Alpaca!"

He kicked the ponytail girl down with one foot, cursed, and rushed up to punch and kick her.

"Stop it!" The ponytail girl's friends tried to stop him, but were also implicated.

"Alpaca, you dare to hit me! I'll kill you!"

The two girls fell to the ground and screamed, curled up and trembled constantly, and a large pool of blood soon flowed on the floor, but Wu Lie still didn't stop.

"Okay, Mr. Wu, okay, you still have something to do, don't beat me to death!" Wu Lie's friends saw that he was beaten seriously, and then went up to persuade him.

Wu Lie broke free from his friends, took out a stack of cash and threw it on the ground with an arrogant attitude: "Take it to the hospital for treatment, my name is Wu Lie, call the police if you have the guts!"

After that, he staggered away.

On the ground, two girls wailed helplessly, and the blood-stained money was scattered around them, which was particularly eye-catching.

Originally, those who wanted to stop Wu Lie from leaving closed the door silently and returned to their private rooms after hearing the word Wu Lie.

The outside world believes that Wu Qilong is an outstanding entrepreneur and philanthropist, but only the locals in Fucheng know what kind of people Wu Qilong and his son are.

Here, no one dares to offend the Wu family.


On Tuesday, Xiao Ba and Da Huang arrived in Fucheng.

"Wait for me in the car, I'll contact the local bird flock in Fucheng." Xiao Ba said to Da Huang.

It has to make a great sacrifice to contact the bird flock.

"Woof woof!" Da Huang wants to follow it.

Xiao Ba looked helpless: "Then let's go."

After saying that, it looked at the driver who was staring at them curiously: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and open the door. You have no eyesight at all. No wonder you have no future!"

The driver was very upset. I was actually despised by a bird. I'm afraid no one would believe it if I told others.

"I'll wait for you here?" The driverAfter helping Xiao Ba and Da Huang open the car door, he asked another question.

Xiao Ba said, "Go buy some food and wait for us here. I want to eat Tomahawk steak."

"Woof woof!" Da Huang said he did the same.

The driver pulled the corner of his mouth: "Brother, the most I have is enough to buy you Kangshifu beef noodles."

"Poor bastard!" Xiao Ba said contemptuously, then fell on the seat and took out his mobile phone: "Take out your mobile phone, and Master Ba will transfer some activity funds to you."

Driver: "…………"

Today is really a good experience.

When he saw the series of numbers on Xiao Ba's WeChat balance, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

Then his eyes were dull and motionless.

He has begun to doubt his life.

He is not as rich as a bird!

"Don't be in a daze during work hours. Go buy Master Ba a Tomahawk steak quickly. Master Ba will come back later to eat hot food." Xiao Ba scolded him.

The driver came back to his senses: "Okay, Master Ba."

These days, those who call themselves masters are not necessarily masters.

But those who are rich are definitely masters!

Xiao Ba then took Da Huang out of the car.

It first found a female bird, sacrificed its appearance to communicate deeply with the female bird, then chirped to inquire about the news, and finally flew to meet Da Huang below.

Da Huang stared at it blankly.

"What are you looking at? Do you think I want to? I am sacrificing my body all for official business. If my kidneys are overdrawn, it will be considered a work injury!"

Xiao Ba said to Da Huang righteously.

"Woof woof!" Da Huang barked twice, sternly warning Xiao Ba not to forget the business.

Xiao Ba rolled his eyes: "I think it's too slow to rely on me to contribute to the flock of birds. You can mobilize the dogs in Fucheng. The male dogs in the city are much more powerful than those in Taoyuan Village. They are all tall, rich and handsome."

"Woof!" Da Huang looked unkind. Do you think I'm as shameless as you?

Xiao Ba shrugged: "Well, you seem to be very old. The tall, rich and handsome men don't like you."

Da Huang: "…………"

It wanted to bite the bird to death.

It decided to seduce a few male dogs to prove that it still has charm and can still have a large group of licking dogs!

In the end, Xiao Ba relied on constantly sacrificing his chastity.

Finally, with the help of these female birds, he brought his words to most of the birds in Fucheng.

Let these birds gather from all directions to the suburbs. Xiao Ba will give them tasks here.

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