Rural Dad

Chapter 200

It was already early morning when we returned to Taiping County.

"Mr. Zhao, it's so late, why don't you and Xiao Ba go to my house to spend the night, and have a simple meal tomorrow morning before leaving." Chen Hao looked at Zhao Han and said.

Xiao Ba shook his head: "No, no, no, I have done such a big thing, I can't wait to go back and show off to Gun Gun and Ji Ji! As the saying goes, if you don't show off when you are rich, isn't it like walking in the night in brocade clothes?"

"Wouldn't it be more fun if you let them attend the commendation meeting?" Chen Hao suggested.

Xiao Ba's eyes lit up: "Why didn't you think of it, when they will look at me enviously from the audience to receive the commendation on the stage, ha ha ha..."

Xiao Ba laughed up to the sky, it was already immersed in the picture of its own fantasy and couldn't extricate itself.

"No, I'd better go back and have a good sleep." Zhao Han yawned and said.

He was really tired tonight.

Not to mention killing people, even killing pigs is tiring.

It just so happened that he didn't go to pick up the child from school yesterday. The child lives at Yang Xue's house, so he doesn't have to send the child to school tomorrow and can sleep until he wakes up naturally.

Chen Hao heard this and stopped trying to persuade him: "Then I won't send you. See you at the commendation meeting."

"OK." Xiao Ba agreed for Zhao Han.

Zhao Han slapped it: "Why do you talk so much? Look how quiet Da Huang is."

"Because it can't talk." Xiao Ba said.

Da Huang: "…………"

No way, I will get shot even if I lie down?

Zhao Han drove the two little guys home.

"I am a small bird. I want to fly and fly but I can't fly high. I'm searching..."

Xiao Ba started singing again with a hoarse voice.

Da Huang squatted on the back seat and raised his two front paws to cover his ears. It can be seen how much Xiao Ba tortured the dog.

Zhao Han couldn't stand it any longer: "Stop singing, the ghosts in the graves on the roadside are crying."

"You mean, even ghosts will be moved to tears by my singing? Sure enough, when I sing, it's all emotion, not a single skill." Xiao Ba was moved.

Zhao Han looked hopeless: "Stop talking, I have lost the desire to communicate with you."

"Then communicate with singing, singing is a bridge for people to communicate with each other." Xiao Ba sang again: "String your heart and my heart together..."

"Sing again, I will string you together and roast you!" Zhao Han grabbed it and threw it out of the car, and quickly raised the window.

At this moment, he felt that the world was quiet.

Da Huang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Ba chased the car, cursing: "You don't allow me to sing, you are killing my dream!"

"I will sing if I want to, and I have to sing loudly..."

Xiao Ba just sang twice, and the birds sleeping in the woods beside the road were all scared and fled.

Xiao Ba felt good about himself: "The netizens in the live broadcast room are right, I am really the sound of nature, and these birds are moved by my singing."

At three o'clock in the morning, I finally got home.

Gigi and Gungun were sleeping soundly.

Xiao Ba shouted at the top of his voice: "Gigi, Gungun, get up quickly, I have something important to say."

Gungun and Jiji woke up in a daze, then opened their eyes and stared at Xiao Ba fiercely.

It seemed to say: If you don't have a reasonable reason, we will pluck all the hair on your body.

After all, it would be strange if they could have a good attitude towards Xiao Ba after being disturbed in the middle of the night.

"Master Ba, I have done a great deed again today..." Xiao Ba started to talk with his mouth full of foam.

After listening to it, Ji Ji and Gun Gun couldn't hide their eyes that wanted to kill a bird. You woke us up in the middle of the night just to show off?

Xiao Ba felt a little uncomfortable when they looked at him.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? Shouldn't you be amazed and admire me?"

"Roar!" "Chi Ji Ji!"

Gun Gun and Ji Ji roared at him.

Although Zhao Han couldn't understand what they were saying.

But from their expressions, it was obvious that they didn't have anything good to say.

After Gun Gun and Ji Ji finished yelling at Xiao Ba, they returned to their respective positions and buried their heads in sleep.

"Tsk, you beasts only pursue eating, drinking and sleeping well. It's really like a summer insect can't talk about ice." Xiao Ba shook his head in disappointment.

He was very unhappy that he didn't succeed in pretending.

It felt uncomfortable all over, no, it had to show off tonight!

But it looked around at a loss.

There was no one around that could show off.

"I'm going to town." Xiao Ba suddenly said.

Zhao Han was stunned: "What are you going to town for."

"Only Xingxing and Guoguo can make me feel the pleasure of showing off." Xiao Ba said and flew away.

Zhao Han was confused: "Are you sick!"

I just came back from Fucheng after a day of work, and you're going to fly to town just to show off.

Zhao Han really didn't know how to describe it.

"I have to show off today! Even Jesus can't stop me! I said it!" Xiao Ba shouted.

Zhao Han didn't bother to pay attention to it and went to sleep.


The next day.

Zhao Han was awakened by a phone call in the morning.

After seeing the caller ID, he suddenly remembered that he had to interview the senior executives of the tourism development company today.

Zhao Han answered the phone.

"My Mr. Zhao, it's almost nine o'clock, but where are you?" Ye Yingying asked helplessly.

Zhao Han said calmly: "Yingying, you don't think I'm late, do you?"

"What else?" Ye Yingying asked back.

Zhao Han chuckled: "In fact, the interview has already started. This is to test their patience. If they can't even wait for this little time, they will be unqualified."

Ye Yingying: "…………"

It sounds like it makes sense.

But why do I always feel something is not right?

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you the truth. I will test them for half an hour at most." Zhao Han said.

Because he can only get to the company in half an hour at the fastest.

Ye Yingying was convinced: "Okay, I thought you were late, but think about it, you have such a good sense of time, how could you be late."

"That's right, how could I be late?" Zhao Han said confidently: "I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he washed up hastily.

"By the way, where is Xiao Ba, hasn't he come back?"

He didn't see Xiao Ba in the yard.

"Woof woof." Da Huang shook his head.

Zhao Han was in a hurry and didn't care much. Anyway, Xiao Ba would not get lost, so he drove directly to the county town.

And Xiao Ba finally found the most suitable person for him to pretend to be, and he was pretending to be very successful at this time.

On the podium of a kindergarten classroom.

Xiao Ba was in high spirits and was full of vigor.

"I tell you, at that time, Master Ba was ordered to go deep into the tiger's den to explore intelligence in times of crisis..."

"Wow! Xiao Ba is so awesome!"

"Yes, yes, Master Ba is awesome!"

A group of four or five-year-old children kept exclaiming.

Xiao Ba is almost floating. Why didn't I realize it before? Kindergarten is simply heaven!

These human cubs are so cute!

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