Rural Dad

Chapter 21

It was nine o'clock in the evening when Zhao Han returned home.

"You came back so soon. Did you catch the cherry thief?" Zhao Jiang looked at Zhao Han and asked.

Zhao Han said casually: "A group of monkeys, don't worry about them in the future. I have made an agreement with the monkeys."

"You have made an agreement with the monkeys?" Zhao Jiang looked at his son with a look of lunatic.

Zhao Han said seriously: "Dad, except for mosquitoes, everything has spirits, and I can speak monkey language."

"You can speak bird language." Zhao Jiang complained.

"Dad! I want to see monkeys!" Guoguo looked at Zhao Han eagerly.

Xingxing was also eager to move.

Zhao Han nodded and said: "I'll show you tomorrow morning. Now you go to bed quickly."

"Yeah, yeah." Because they thought they could see monkeys tomorrow, the two little guys were very obedient.

Zhao Jiang frowned: "What's going on this year? The cherry trees are so early."

"Who knows? Anyway, it's only more than a month early." Zhao Han said perfunctorily.

You can't say your son has cheats.

Zhao Jiang chuckled: "It's really strange. I haven't taken care of the orchard this year, nor have I applied fertilizers, but the fruits are big, sweet and beautiful."

"Tomorrow I'll pick some and sell them in the county to spread my reputation first." Zhao Han went to help his daughter wash.

Zhao Jiang asked: "Why do you want to go to the county?"

"I plan to sell them at a higher price. No one in the town will buy them. Besides, there are few people in the town, which is not conducive to the spread of reputation." Zhao Han said his plan.

Zhao Jiang: "How much do you plan to sell them for?"

"One hundred." Zhao Han replied.

Zhao Jiang pondered: "This price is okay."

He even thought it was a bit cheap.

After all, the quality of their cherries this year is really the best he has ever seen. Not to mention the taste, the size is not much smaller than an egg yolk.

"One." Zhao Han added.

Zhao Jiang blurted out: "Are you crazy?"

Who would buy cherries for one hundred yuan each?

"I'm not crazy. Our cherries are totally worth the price. And it's a gimmick and good for our reputation." Zhao Han explained seriously.

Zhao Jiang retorted: "You have a gimmick, but who would buy it?"

"Hey, Dad, you don't understand this. Rich people in the city don't care about this little money. And as long as they have tasted our cherries, they will definitely think it's worth the money." Zhao Han was confident about this.

He knew that these cherries have various miraculous effects.

Zhao Jiang still didn't want to believe it, but he was too lazy to argue with his son: "You will cry tomorrow."


The next day, Monday.

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhao Jiang got up to make breakfast.

Zhao Han went to the orchard to pick cherries.


Seeing Zhao Han, Jiji ran out of the orchard with two monkeys and walked and jumped in front of him.

"Where are the other monkeys?" Zhao Han asked.

Jiji pointed at the forest and gestured.

Zhao Han understood that it was Jiji who asked them to go back to the forest. It was good that way, so that the monkeys wouldn't jump around on the fruit trees and knock all the buds off.

"Go and help me fill the basket, pick the big ones."

Zhao Han handed the fruit basket over.

Jiji took the fruit basket and ran to the cherry forest.

Ten minutes later, Jiji came back with two monkeys carrying a full basket of big cherries.

The three monkeys stared at the fruit basket eagerly.

"Just eat." Zhao Han shook his head and took a handful of fruit from the basket and gave them to the three of them.

The three monkeys jumped with excitement.

"Come back with me and get to know the place." Zhao Han said to Jiji who was carrying the fruit basket.

The main thing was that he had promised his son and daughter to take them to see the monkeys, and as a father, he couldn't break his promise.

"Chiji." Jiji called to the two monkeys twice, then followed Zhao Han with the fruit basket.

It is now obviously the king of this monkey group.

"Wow! How come Xiaohan is so obedient to you!" Uncle Zhao Hai was shocked when he saw this scene while driving cattle. He thought he was dazzled at first.

Zhao Han grinned: "This monkey is greedy."

"That's right, this group of monkeys have lived in the mountain in the village for a long time, and they often go down the mountain to find food."

"Hanzi has become the king of monkeys!"

"Monkeys working, it's really strange..."

The villagers who went to work in the fields in the morning saw this scene and talked about it.

"Woof woof woof! Woof woof!"

When Zhao returned home, Dahuang ran out of the yard with his two dog sons and kept barking at Jiji.

Jiji also grinned at the three dogs.

"Enough! Dahuang!" Zhao Han scolded.

Dahuang immediately tucked his tail between his legs.

Zhao Jiang was also shocked when he saw this scene: "Oh my God, you really have a deal with the monkey!"

"Golden monkey! Wow!What a cute monkey!"

"I want to touch the monkey too!"

Guoguo and Xingxing ran over and rubbed Jiji, who was trembling.

"It's okay, they'll play with you." Zhao Han comforted Jiji, then said to Xingxing and Guoguo: "It's called Jiji, and it's Daddy's pet."

"Dad is so awesome! "Guoguo looked adoring.

Zhao Han enjoyed his daughter's admiration.

Zhao Han divided the cherries into two parts, one part was packed in a bag and prepared to be given to Yang Xue as a thank-you gift.

The other part was packed in a basket and sold in the county.

At 7:30 in the morning, after breakfast, Zhao Han took Xingxing and Guoguo to the town on his bike.

Jiji had only temporarily escaped the disaster and ran into the woods quickly. His smooth fur had already been ravaged by the two children.

After all, children are more skinny than monkeys.


The car was very fast and arrived in half an hour.

It was only ten past eight at this time, and the kindergarten would not open until half past eight. Zhao Han could only call Yang Xue and ask her to help look after the child temporarily.

After all, he was in a hurry to go to the county.

"Brother Zhao, Xingxing, Guoguo. "

Yang Xue's home is not far from the kindergarten. Soon she ran over with a smile on her face, waving.

Today she had long hair and wore a light blue suspender dress with a white waistcoat. When she ran, the hem of her dress and her hair flew up.

She was as pure as the spring in March.

"Auntie Yang!" Guoguo and Xingxing also jumped and waved at Yang Xue, looking very happy.

Yang Xue pinched Xingxing's face first, then looked at Zhao Han and said, "Brother Zhao, if you have something to do, go and do it first. I'll take care of Xingxing and Guoguo."

"Thank you for your trouble. These are cherries from my own orchard." Zhao Han handed over a bag of cherries.

Yang Xue was not polite. After taking it, she took a look and was so surprised that her red lips became an O shape: "So big."

"Isn't it good to be big? " Zhao Han asked.

Yang Xue quickly said: "No, no, no, I'm just a little surprised, I just like big ones..."

She suddenly blushed and couldn't continue, because this conversation sounded so dirty.

"Well, I'm leaving first." Zhao Han also reacted, secretly scolded himself for being too talkative, and said goodbye and left.

Yang Xue nodded with a red face.

"Goodbye, Dad."

Guo Guo and Xing Xing waved and shouted.

"Goodbye, good boy, listen to Aunt Yang at school, Dad will pick you up in the afternoon."

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