Rural Dad

Chapter 213

On Saturday, the Daqingshan breeding base was completed.

That day, Zhao Han asked Li Qiang's relatives to deliver the wild animals he had ordered before.

On this day, trucks carrying various wild animals drove into Taoyuan Village.

Zhao Han rode a rolling horse and took the monkeys up the mountain to each fixed water source to release spiritual spring water.

Only after drinking the spiritual spring water, their meat will become more delicious and nutritious.

Time flies, and it is Monday.

The day when Taoyuan Village is officially open to the public.

All construction sites in the village have stopped working today.

A banner has been hung at the entrance of the village: Warmly welcome friends from all over the world to visit Taoyuan Village.

A door control system has also been installed at the entrance of the village. You have to scan the ticket code to enter to prevent people from evading tickets.

There is a sign hanging on the big willow tree: Bear Monkey Car Wash, big discount, car wash only 50 yuan.

GunGun and Jiji wore the same clothes, carrying buckets, rags and mops, waiting to receive guests.

Villagers who worked in the fields continued to work.

Those who did not work in the fields stayed at their own shops or farmhouses, waiting for tourists to give them money.

At around eight o'clock, tourists arrived one after another.

"Wow! Look, it's GunGun and Jiji!"

"Woo woo woo, so cute, I want to rub them!"

"They can actually work and earn money by themselves."

The hundreds of tourists who arrived first couldn't wait to scan the code to enter, and then surrounded Jiji and GunGun to take pictures.

Those who drove here asked them to help wash their cars.

Jiji and GunGun immediately became busy.

But fortunately, they had a new helper.

Jiji directed the people who wanted to wash their cars to drive the cars to the open space near the river, and then the third prince floated to the surface of the water and swept the tail, and the water waves instantly wet the whole car.

Jiji and GunGun just went up to wash.

"What the hell! What was that just now?"

"What a huge black shadow, I was scared to death."

"Is there a water monster in this river?"

The nearby tourists were all startled by the mysterious giant monster that suddenly appeared and disappeared in the river.

It was not until the second car was washed that the prepared tourists saw the true form of the giant monster.

Then they were even more scared.

"Wow! What a big herring!"

"I would believe this thing if it said it could eat people."

"Taoyuan Village is really a place of outstanding people and beautiful scenery. Not only does it produce spiritual fruits, but even the animals here have spirits."

"The scales of this fish look so beautiful..."

Just after entering the venue, before enjoying the beautiful scenery, they saw golden monkeys and pandas washing cars, as well as giant herrings two or three meters long. The tourists felt that the ticket price was worth it.

"Dear tourists, welcome to Taoyuan Village. I am Wang Ying, a member of the village committee of Taoyuan Village."

"I hope tourists will not destroy crops and kill animals. If you violate this rule, you will bear the consequences yourself."

"There is a farmhouse in the village. You can have lunch at the farmhouse. The meat used in the farmhouse is the Taoyuan spiritual beast carefully cultivated by Village Chief Zhao. In addition to tasting better, it also has the same effect as Taoyuan spiritual fruit."

"And tourists who want to buy spiritual fruit can go to the orchard to pick them according to the map posted at the entrance of the village. Strawberries are 100 yuan each, and melons are 10,000 yuan each."

Wang Ying's crisp and pleasant voice resounded through Taoyuan Village through the radio and reached the ears of every tourist.

"Yes! Spiritual fruit! Taoyuan spiritual fruit!"

"Since we are here, we have to buy some local specialties!"

"Fuck, it's not enough to have spiritual fruit, but even spiritual beasts have come out. Village Chief Zhao has used a big trick."

"Let's try it at noon. Village Chief Zhao's credibility is beyond doubt. We are the first group of people to eat Taoyuan spiritual beasts today!"

As soon as they entered the village, they were attracted by Gungun, Jiji, and the Third Prince. Then they remembered that the purpose of this trip was Taoyuan spiritual fruit, and they all rushed to the orchard.

You can enjoy the scenery slowly for a while.

Buy the spiritual fruit first.

The tourists took a photo of the map of Taoyuan Village, and then rushed to different orchards.

All kinds of fruits and vegetables all over the mountains and fields exuded a strong fruity fragrance that made all tourists intoxicated.

"Fuck! Such big watermelons and strawberries!"

"That cantaloupe looks bigger than a basketball, doesn't it?"

"No wonder melons are sold for 10,000 yuan each."

"I'm afraid I can't even hold a watermelon."

The large fruits and vegetables all over the mountains excited the tourists, especially those who had bad intentions.

Two short, serious young men looked at each other with fiery eyes and rapid breathing.

They are Japanese.

They bought two tickets online at a high price and sneaked in just to steal various samples of Taoyuan Lingguo.

"Yamamoto-kun, you and I have accomplished our mission today!" The Japanese with a side-parted hairstyle whispered.

Yamamoto has a flat head and shows a mocking smile: "The spies of the Ugly Country are all idiots. They can't even do this.It is up to our Imperial Army of the Great Island Country to take action. Suzuki-kun, in order for the empire to be great again, we must cultivate spiritual fruits!"

"Chichichichi!" Several golden monkeys in charge of this orchard maintained order to prevent the tourists from destroying the vines in the excited rush.

Under the command of the monkeys, a group of tourists suppressed their anxiety and entered the orchard in order to pick fruits.

Yamamoto and Suzuki were also among them.

Taoyuan Fruit Industry staff will collect money after pretending to pick fruits while pretending to pick fruits.

The two thought their actions were very secretive.

But an eagle's sharp eyes had been staring at them for a long time, and then it flapped its wings and flew away.

After the tourists picked the fruits, Taoyuan Fruit Industry staff will collect the money on site.


In the yard, Zhao Han was leisurely.

What did he do? You don't need to do anything.

Just wait and count the money.

"1, 2, 3, 4... 55, huh..."

Xiao Ba was squatting on the ground.

In his words, he was a little weak recently because he had to take good care of his brother Huangliu's wife who was on a business trip.

He had to exercise quickly, otherwise he would be sorry for the 10 million breeding fee paid by his employer.

Since the employer spent the money, he had to give the mother bird the best seeds and the best enjoyment.

Zhao Han admired this deeply.

Although Xiao Ba was shameless and shameless, his work attitude was absolutely impeccable.

An eagle flew to Xiao Ba and called to it a few times, and Xiao Ba stopped exercising immediately.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Han asked.

Xiao Ba said, "The eagle said it saw two people stealing soil and melon vines in secret."

"Oh, I knew that these spies would not let go of such a good opportunity." Zhao Han smiled.

Xiao Ba walked over: "Go catch them? "

"Don't worry, it's useless for them to get the samples anyway, and it's the first day of opening, so we can't ruin the atmosphere for tourists, so wait until they leave the village before calling the police to arrest them." Zhao Han shook his head.

Then he asked again: "By the way, do you know which country the spies are from? Or from the Ugly Country?"

"No, the eagle said that they were two men with the same skin color as you, a little short, and with a little bow legs." Xiao Ba continued to do squats.

Zhao Han stood up: "Japanese? Go catch them!"

"Didn't you say that there would be no twists and turns now, so as not to affect the mood of tourists?" Xiao Ba asked puzzledly.

Zhao Han smiled meaningfully: "Catching two Japanese spies will make the tourists feel better."

When the Xia people meet the Japanese who are living a good life, they are like chicken blood.

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