Rural Dad

Chapter 43

Feeling the lip prints that were still hot on his face.

Zhao Han's body suddenly froze in place.

He really didn't expect Yang Xue to kiss him!

"Oh oh oh!" Xingxing and Guoguo started to make noises.

"Brother Zhao, drive." Yang Xue's neck turned red, her heartbeat accelerated, and her voice trembled.

This was the first time she was so bold.

Zhao Han glared at the two little guys in the back seat who were watching the fun and started the car silently.

Even if he was slow, he reacted.

Yang Xue coveted his body!

So the question is, does he covet Yang Xue?

He felt that he should be coveting.

After all, Yang Xue is beautiful, has a good figure, is kind-hearted, and has money. She is simply perfect.

But he is not planning to remarry!

For a moment, Zhao Han was in a state of confusion. It took him a long time to tell the truth: "Xiaoxue, I am a little confused."

"Brother Zhao, don't put pressure on yourself. Just get along normally. I believe that feelings are developed through getting along." Yang Xue's face was still flushed.

The night wind blew past the car window, blowing her black hair, and her fair and rosy face was particularly charming.

Zhao Han nodded and said nothing more.

Yang Xue suddenly asked in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Brother Zhao, can I take off my shoes? I feel a little uncomfortable wearing high heels for a day."

"This is your car." Zhao Han reminded.

Yang Xue answered seriously: "But you are in the car now. You should not only consider yourself when doing anything, but also consider the thoughts of others."

This is a girl with a very positive outlook on life.

"I've learned a lesson. Then you don't have athlete's foot." Zhao Han said jokingly.

Yang Xue blushed and glared at him: "Of course I don't have any. Girls' feet are all fragrant. Only your men's feet are big pigs' trotters, hum."

"Guoguo's feet are also fragrant, and my brother's are stinky." Guoguo can interrupt everywhere.

Xingxing was too lazy to pay attention to this childish kid.

He smelled it, and his feet were obviously not stinky!

Yang Xue took off her pink high heels, put her feet on the center console, and leaned back comfortably.

This posture made her figure more graceful.

Zhao Han took a look. Yang Xue's slender feet were not big, and they were slender and flawless. Her delicate toes were painted with red nail polish, which was slightly tempting.

Zhao Han discovered his foot control attribute.

From the feet up to the long beautiful legs, Zhao Han felt that he was obsessed with legs, and then with hips...

Well, actually he was not obsessed with anything, he was just lustful ( ̄ิ∀  ̄ิ๑).

Feeling Zhao Han's fiery eyes sweeping over her, Yang Xue felt her body numb.

Zhao Han's eyes seemed to penetrate her clothes and touch her skin, making her feel ashamed and annoyed.

"Brother Zhao, stop looking, concentrate on driving, be careful not to cause a car accident." Yang Xue finally couldn't help it.

Men are really lustful!

Zhao Han's old face flushed with embarrassment, and he decisively turned his head away and focused on driving.

He was at the age of full of blood and hadn't touched a woman since his divorce, so he would be greedy.

"Puff~" Seeing him like this, Yang Xue couldn't help laughing out loud, laughing so hard that her body shook.

Of course, it wasn't just the flower branches that were shaking.

There was also her heavy 32D.

Some people get dizzy with 3D, but Zhao Han gets dizzy with 32D.


At five o'clock, Taiping County Central Shopping Plaza.

After parking the car, Zhao Han and Yang Xue each walked towards the elevator with a child, talking and laughing.

Then they came to a restaurant on the fourth floor of the mall.

Because Yang Xue had booked a seat in advance and reported her mobile phone number, the waiter took them to the private room.

"Xiaoxue?" A surprised voice came.

Yang Xue looked in the direction of the voice and saw her best friend Ye Ying at a glance: "Yingying, what a coincidence!"

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing..." Ye Yingying looked at Zhao Han and the two children, her brows furrowed together.

Xiaoxue is really with a farmer.

Yang Xue was a little shy, but she was afraid that Ye Yingying would say something inappropriate, so she gave Zhao Han an apologetic look, and then pulled her aside to talk alone: ​​"Yingying, don't talk nonsense."

"Don't worry, even if I see your face, I won't be sarcastic to him. Do you think I'm a brainless villain in a novel?" Ye Yingying rolled her eyes and was angry: "Xiaoxue, you are really going to be a stepmother!"

Yang Xue didn't say anything, but obviously agreed.

Ye Yingying was furious: "You have academic qualifications and good looks, why do you like a divorced farmer, just because he is handsome? You can still go to farm with him in the future!"

She really felt sorry for this best friend.

"IIsn't it enough to support him?" Yang Xue smiled after she finished speaking: "Moreover, don't look down on farmers. How many families have been farmers for three generations? And Brother Zhao is also very good at making money."

"How good can it be to dig for food in the soil?" Ye Yingying rolled her eyes and said: "I am also going to introduce you to a branch manager. He is only 30 years old this year and has a bright future. Isn't he better than the one you chose?"

"Well, you marry him. It just so happens that I won't compete with you." Yang Xue said with a smile.

Ye Yingying was a little helpless: "Well, he is in the private room next door. You go with me to meet him. If it's really boring, how about forgetting this matter?"

"No, even if it's just a formality, it's very disrespectful to Brother Zhao." Yang Xue refused decisively, and then blocked Ye Yingying's words: "I can't let Brother Zhao wait for too long, I'm leaving first. "

She made a goodbye gesture, then returned to Zhao Han and took Guoguo's hand: "Brother Zhao, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Let's go. I'm hungry."

"You should eat more later." Zhao Han smiled slightly, and did not ask about her and Ye Yingying.

Looking at Yang Xue's back, Ye Yingying sighed helplessly. Her silly girlfriend was hopeless.

She also said that Brother Zhao was good at making money.

No matter how much he could make, could he make as much as the farmer who sold Taoyuan cherries recently? If you find someone like that, I won't say anything, but if you find someone who is useless except for being handsome, can I watch you jump into the fire pit?

Ye Yingying returned to her private room and looked at a young man in his thirties and said, "Manager Wang, do you remember that I said I would introduce my best friend to you?"

"Hahaha, of course I remember, but I'm still waiting." Manager Wang laughed and said.

Ye Yingying smiled slightly: "My best friend is in the next private room, Manager Wang, why don't you go over to meet her? "

If you don't come, I'll take someone over.

I have to arrange for you to meet.

"Okay, everyone, I have to go for my lifelong event." Manager Wang apologized to everyone, got up and followed Ye Yingying out of the private room.

Manager Wang was in a good mood. He had just retained a potential big customer for the bank during the day, and was about to solve his lifelong event in the evening. Life was really wonderful.

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