Rural Dad

Chapter 46

After selling cherries in the morning, Zhao Han went to deposit money again.

As usual, he carried two baskets full of money.

He enjoyed the envy of countless people in the bank.

Manager Wang, whom he had met last night, came out to greet him again in person: "Mr. Zhao, congratulations on your prosperity."

"How can it be considered prosperity? We farmers just make some hard-earned money." Zhao Han said.

Others who heard this wanted to beat him to death.

You call that hard-earned money?

It's almost like picking it up for free.

Manager Wang also laughed dryly: "Mr. Zhao is really humorous. Let's go to the lounge to have a cup of tea and rest."

After entering the lounge, Zhao Han took out his mobile phone to check the Douyin comments of the new video, because this morning he uploaded the video of the monkeys carrying monkey wine yesterday.

By the way, he now has more than 3 million followers, and every video he uploaded so far has exceeded 10 million views.

The comment area is still as lively as ever.

"Fuck! There is actually monkey wine in the world!"

"When I have money, I must buy a mobile phone that can smell the fragrance. I really want to try it."

"The dad is not doing his job, not taking care of the children, and all he does is squeeze the surplus value of the monkey."

"You are a fan-gaining maniac. You gained more than one million fans in one day. Dad, are you selling this monkey wine?"

"I'll give you 100,000! Give me a bamboo tube."

Zhao Han received a lot of private messages in the background, all of which were rich people who wanted to buy the monkey wine in his hands.

After all, for rich people, hundreds of thousands are not money at all. Just buy a rare thing to try.

Because rich people may charge millions to play a game... Ordinary people can't understand it at all.

Zhao Han didn't want to sell this batch of wine, but one of the bosses gave too much!

A boss with the online name "Mr. Qin 91" sent him a private message saying that he would buy all the monkey wine in his hands for 5 million.

Who can refuse this?

So Zhao Han was really tempted, and replied to the other party that he only supported the other party to pick up the goods in person.

91 Mr. Qin: No problem, give me your phone number and address, and I will contact you when I get there.

Zhao Han sent the phone number and address.

He could only sigh that although he now earns hundreds of thousands of yuan a day, it is a drop in the bucket compared to these real rich people, and he is still a poor guy!

"Mr. Zhao looks very happy, did you encounter any happy events?" Manager Wang put a cup of hot tea in front of him and asked casually with a smile.

Zhao Han said calmly: "Nothing, just negotiated a business of 5 million."

Manager Wang: "…………"

He admitted that he was pretending.

That was 5 million! But when Zhao Han said it, it was just like 500 yuan. People are so annoying.

"Ahem, congratulations to Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao has a way of making money, which makes people envious." After a brief shock, Manager Wang decided to lick the other party even better.

If the five million is deposited in their branch, it will be a big achievement for him.

So the rich are the fathers of the bank.

Zhao Han crossed his legs and took a sip of the teacup: "I will temporarily deposit it in your bank."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for supporting my work. If you need a loan in the future, less than 10 million, just ask." Manager Wang said excitedly.

Zhao Han smiled and said: "It's convenient for each other. You don't need a few friends to do anything these days."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao said it very well."

Manager Wang has become Zhao Han's dog.

After a few more pleasantries, Zhao Han left.


Taiping Hotel.

Wang Bing stayed here last night.

Zhao Han knocked on the door at the door.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

After a while, the door opened, and Wang Bing, who was dressed neatly, turned sideways: "Brother Zhao, come in quickly."

"This is for you, don't eat it all, just keep a few samples." Zhao Han handed over a small bag of cherries and said jokingly.

Wang Bing's eyes lit up: "It's really big, I want to eat a bite just by looking at it, let me taste it first."

She couldn't wait to take out a cherry and took a bite without washing it. When the juice bloomed on her tongue, she almost floated.

"This... this cherry is amazing!" Wang Bing's face was full of disbelief, and she stammered: "I couldn't sleep last night, and I was not in a good mood, but after eating this cherry, I seemed to have a clear mind instantly."

She had seen various fruits and foods claiming to have various magical effects before.

But this time she really experienced it.

Zhao Han said: "All fruits in our Taoyuan Fruit Industry have this effect. Other fruits will be on the market soon. When the time comes, you are welcome to come to our Taoyuan Village to taste them and advertise for us.""Hehe, I won't let go of such a good opportunity for free." Wang Bing winked playfully.

Zhao Han asked again: "When can we see yesterday's interview clip?"

"I'll be back soon. You can see it on the Tongzhou News tomorrow night. You can also search it on the Internet at that time." Wang Bing added: "It will definitely cause a big sensation after it is broadcast, and there will be doubts. Brother Zhao has to bear it."

"Don't worry about it. I have always been able to bear it." Zhao Han laughed, and then said jokingly: "What's more, when the test results come out, those doubters will be slapped in the face."

"That's right, this is actually more conducive to the reputation of Taoyuan Village fruit." Wang Bing nodded.

Zhao Han stood up: "I'm going back. There are still things to do in the orchard. I can't delay it."

"Brother Zhao, take care, I look forward to seeing you again. I wish Brother Zhao a bigger and bigger career." Wang Bing said.

Zhao Han looked across the airport and also sent his blessing: "Then I also wish you to grow bigger and bigger."

Wang Bing: "…………"

"Brother Zhao is really humorous." She gritted her teeth and said with a smile, wishing to beat this man to death.

Zhao Han smiled: "Just a joke, I wish you success in your career, okay, I'm leaving, see you next time."


After returning to Taoyuan Village, Zhao Han gathered the monkeys and arranged work for them.

After all, the No. 1 orchard had been weeded.

Next, it was time to water the fruit trees with the spiritual spring.

He divided the orchards into No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 according to the size of the orchards.

No. 1 orchard is the one where Chen Quezi lives.

And No. 2 is the orchard on the back mountain of his family.

Zhao Han first took the monkeys to borrow buckets from door to door, after all, his family didn't have so many buckets.

After borrowing the buckets, Zhao Han took them to the No. 1 orchard, and then he played with his phone leisurely under the shade of the tree, and asked the monkeys to carry buckets to his place to fill the spiritual spring water for watering.

Zhao Han recorded the scene of the monkeys carrying buckets to water the fruit trees and uploaded it to Douyin.

Caption: Life is not easy, monkeys cry, what's wrong with being a national first-class protected animal? If you want to eat, you have to work!

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