Rural Dad

Chapter 49

After Zhao Han left, Yang Xue quickly took out her phone and called Ye Yingying on video, asking her to reserve a table tomorrow night.

"Didn't you, a woman who has no humanity for the opposite sex, refuse on behalf of your husband? Why do you want me to reserve a table?" Ye Yingying asked weakly.

Yang Xue said happily, "I did refuse, but I told Brother Zhao about it. Brother Zhao was afraid that I would be embarrassed in front of you, so he agreed."

"Your Brother Zhao is really good to you." Seeing the smile on Yang Xue's face, Ye Yingying felt jealous.

Yang Xue smiled and said, "Well, he has always been good to me, do you need to say this, hum."

In fact, Zhao Han treated her in a normal way of getting along with her, but she has been unilaterally giving, but she is already very satisfied.

"Damn it, I can smell the sour smell of love through the screen. I, a single dog, have been strongly hurt. I'm hanging up." Ye Yingying hung up the video.

Yang Xue wrinkled her nose, snorted, and hopped into the kindergarten with a brisk pace.

Since Zhao Han, Guoguo and Xingxing appeared, her whole world has become colorful.


In the evening, Zhao Han and his family were having dinner.

The TV was on, because Zhao Han always remembered that Wang Bing said his interview would be on the news tonight.

Xingxing and Guoguo were eating with rice grains on their faces and oil in their mouths, looking sloppy.

Zhao Jiang could only wipe their mouths from time to time.

Gun Gun also had his own bowl of rice. He sat at the door, eating a full bowl of braised pork, and making smacking sounds in his mouth.

The three members of Da Huang's family were so greedy that they cried.

Gun Gun took out a piece of braised pork and handed it over. As soon as Da Huang opened his mouth, it quickly threw it into his mouth.

Then he grinned with a simple and honest smile.

"Woof woof!" Dahuang barked at it a few times. I still need to learn more from you about being a dog.

Xingxing put down the bowl and stood up: "Gungun is so naughty, I will go and scoop a bowl of meat for Dahuang as well."

"Sit down, Dahuang has already eaten, there is not enough for people, and you are giving it to the dog." Zhao Han scolded.

He scooped meat for Dahuang and Gungun, and Dahuang finished eating first, then squatted in front of Gungun.

Xingxing sat back dejectedly.

"Dad, the big dog is so pitiful, can you give it another bowl?" Guoguo said in a baby voice.

Zhao Han immediately put on a smiling face: "My good daughter is so kind, go and scoop it for the dog."

"Yeah, Dad is so nice." Guoguo kissed Zhao Han on the face with her greasy little mouth, and quickly scooped a few pieces of meat from the stew pot and took it out to feed the dog.

Xingxing was stunned: "…………"

"What are you looking at, eat." Zhao Han shouted.

Xingxing shook his head helplessly.

Dad's double standard is too serious!

"Big dog, eat quickly, little dog, eat together." Guoguo shared food with three dogs outside.

But the dogs ate very quickly. After a few bites, they ran to squat in front of Gungun and wagged their tails.

Gungun was also very wicked. He kept teasing Dahuang and the two puppies with braised pork.

Zhao Han couldn't stand it anymore. Gungun was even more dog-like than a dog. He was ready to scoop some more meat for the dog.

"What are you doing? Sit down! I've already fed the dog two bowls of meat, and you're still feeding the dog a third bowl. You don't have enough for yourself, and you're still feeding the dog!" Zhao Jiang glared at him.

Zhao Han immediately sat back helplessly.

"Hehe." Xingxing couldn't help laughing.

He seemed to see himself just now.

So this is his family's tradition.

Zhao Han had a dark face and buried his head in eating silently.

Xingxing rolled her eyes, and then looked at Zhao Jiang with a cute face: "Grandpa, please feed the dog a little more meat, okay, okay."

"Okay, okay, my dear grandson is really loving, go feed it yourself." Zhao Jiang said with a smile.

Zhao Han was stunned: "…………"

Dad, you are too double-standard!

I can only say that this moment is just like that moment.

"Dad, lilili~" Xingxing stuck out her tongue at Zhao Han and jumped to feed the dog.


At eight o'clock, the Tongzhou evening news began.

"Let's look at the next news. Everyone has eaten cherries, but have you eaten cherries that cost 100 yuan each? Recently, Taoyuan cherries in Taiping County have been sold at sky-high prices. Let's take a look at the live video."

After the host finished speaking, the screen turned into the screen shot by Wang Bing when he interviewed Zhao Han yesterday.

"That's Dad, Dad is on TV."

Guoguo pointed at the TV screen and said loudly.

"Yes, yes, yes, dad is on TV, so when Guoguo grows up, he will be on TV too, okay?" Zhao Jiang said while holding Guoguo, his face full of satisfaction.

In the eyes of the old man, as long as it is not a crime, it can be on TV.It is something to be proud of.

After all, it was like this in their era.

With the broadcast of Tongzhou Evening News and the interview video sent online simultaneously by the official account.

The four words "Taoyuan Cherry" began to become popular.

Everyone who saw this video was shocked.

There was a huge quarrel online.

"Hype! This must be hype! Why doesn't he just go grab the cherries that cost 100 yuan each!"

"That's right, those people must be all invited actors. What's the beauty and can improve IQ? Does he think this is a fairy fruit from heaven?"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. I am from Taiping County. These Taoyuan cherries are really hard to come by, and they really have the effect of beauty."

"Fuck! Look at his fruit basket, it's full of money. It's too easy to make money!"

"Wow, the boss selling cherries is so handsome, I don't care, he is handsome, so what he said is right!"

"Everyone, stop arguing. Didn't you see that Tongzhou TV said that the cherry samples have been sent for testing? We will know when the results come out."

Except for a small number of local people in Taiping County, netizens on the Internet are all criticizing this.

Because this matter is too shocking.

The interview video was forwarded by many people on various social apps, and the popularity has been rising.

It was so popular that it was known to the whole network.

Xu Qingyao, who was far away in Jiangzhou, also saw this video. Looking at Zhao Han in the video, she couldn't help but shook her head and showed a sarcastic smile.

Zhao Han was her ex-husband after all, but he actually became a liar. It was really embarrassing.

It turned out that I was right to divorce him at the beginning.

Zhao Han's former acquaintances, comrades and leaders also saw it and called him one after another.

They were all afraid that Zhao Han would go astray, because no one dared to believe such a thing and thought it was false propaganda.

Zhao Han could only explain it one by one.

Although his old leaders and comrades were still skeptical, thanks to his character, everyone chose to believe him temporarily and wait to see the test results.


The next day, Friday, in the early morning, Tongzhou Botanical Research Institute announced the test report of Taoyuan cherries.

This report instantly caused a great sensation.

It brought Taoyuan cherries to another level.

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