Rural Dad

Chapter 73

"Isn't it mad, but you just can't hit me, are you even angrier?" The grey parrot flapped its wings quickly, twisting its body to mock Zhao Han.

Zhao Han's face was dark, but then he smiled.

"You must be thirsty after talking so much, why not drink some water?" Zhao Han said, pretending to pour water from the kettle, but actually took out some of the space spiritual spring and put it in the kettle lid to lure the parrot.

Gun Gun was excited first, but after being glared at by Zhao Han, he shrank back silently.

The parrot stared at the spiritual spring water in Zhao Han's hand, resisting the temptation: "What is that."

It didn't know what was going on, but a primitive impulse appeared in its bones that drove it to drink water.

"It's just water, what else can it be? Come down and drink if you want to drink it." Zhao Han said in a gentle tone.

The parrot shook its head quickly: "No, you humans are too cunning, I won't come down, no."

"I'm a good person, what are you afraid of, then I'll put it here and you can drink it yourself, I'll retreat." Zhao Han put the spiritual spring on the ground and retreated a few meters.

This distance looks quite long, but with his physical fitness, he can pounce on it with one pounce.

The parrot felt safer and couldn't bear it anymore. It flew down from the bamboo, looked at Zhao Han carefully, and then lowered its head to drink water.

At this moment, Zhao Han moved, flying out like a cheetah, and arrived in an instant.

"Wow!" The parrot was startled and wanted to fly away.

But Zhao Han caught it as soon as he stretched out his hand, and then showed a dangerous smile: "Little thing, it finally fell into my hands, scold, scold again!"

"Wow! Dad is so powerful, so powerful!"

Guoguo jumped and clapped excitedly.

Xingxing was more reserved, but also very excited.

"Big brother, spare me, big brother, spare me." The grey parrot resolutely admitted its defeat and begged for mercy in Zhao Han's hands.

Zhao Han showed a grim smile: "Weren't you very arrogant just now? Do you like spicy stir-fry or deep-fried?"

"Ah! You can't kill me, I am a first-class protected animal in your country." This little thing actually has a clear understanding of its own value.

According to scientific research, it is known that the IQ of an average grey parrot is equivalent to that of a five-year-old child, and this grey parrot has at least the IQ of a ten-year-old child.

Zhao Han suddenly asked: "Since you are so smart, didn't you call the police to arrest the person who kept you captive after you escaped?"

"I did." The grey parrot replied.

Zhao Han was shocked: "Good guy, you really did that, then why are you here again now?"

It is estimated that the person who bought this guy never dreamed that he would be reported by a parrot.

"The zoo is too boring. They locked me up alone. There is not even a female sparrow. Master Ba couldn't stand it and ran away!" The grey parrot looked disgusted.

Zhao Han was shocked again: "You even went to the sparrow?"

Too cruel, you are not the same species, no, they are all birds.

This parrot is simply a scum among parrots.

"Master Ba is not picky about food." The grey parrot was proud.

Zhao Han rolled his eyes and said: "Your name is Xiao Ba, right? How about you follow me in the future?"

"My name is Master Ba!" The grey parrot corrected first, and then firmly refused: "Impossible, as the saying goes, love is precious, life is more precious, if it is for freedom, both can be abandoned!"

"Good guy, you are still showing off." Zhao Han's mouth twitched, and then smiled slightly: "What if I give you the water you just drank every day?"

"Then you are my real father." Xiao Ba is not only obscene and cheap, but also has no bottom line.

Zhao Han said again: "You will be called Xiao Ba from now on."

"No problem, as long as you are happy, you can call me Lao Ba." Xiao Ba nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Han showed disgust on his face and let it go: "I don't have a bird son like you, get out."

"No, you can't abandon it after having sex." Xiao Ba flew back to Zhao Han's hand and said resentfully.

Zhao Han suddenly felt a chill and threw it out again: "Go play with my son and daughter."

"Ah! I like the little master so much, the little master is so cute." Xiao Ba flew to Guo Guo.

Guo Guo said angrily and pouted: "But you just called me ugly."

Women are very vindictive.

"Unfair, Master Ba is wronged, I just scolded it." Xiao Ba raised his wings and pointed at Gun Gun.

Gun Gun: ? ? ?

Guoguo blinked: "Really?"

Zhao Han shook his head speechlessly. His daughter's IQ was not as high as a bird.

"Where are you from?" Xingxing was also very interested in the talking bird and asked curiously.

Xiao Ba was about to brag: "I came from Africa.Come, let me tell you about Africa..."

It must be said that Xiao Ba is indeed a genius. He attracted Xingxing and Guoguo with just a few words.

Xiao Ba has strong language skills and tells stories with climaxes, which made the two little guys exclaim constantly.

Zhao Han shook his head and continued to move bamboo shoots.


About an hour later, his cell phone rang.

Take it out and see that it is from his father Zhao Jiang.

"Hello, Dad, what's the matter?" Zhao Han asked.

"Come back quickly, there are guests at home."

Zhao Han frowned: "Who is it, what does he do?"

"He said he came to discuss cooperation. His name is the general manager of Qinghe Group, and his surname is Yang. "Zhao Jiang replied.

Zhao Han had heard of Qinghe Group, which was engaged in beverage business, so he guessed what kind of cooperation the other party wanted to discuss, although he was not prepared to cooperate with the other party.

But he had to go back and refuse in person.

This is the most basic respect for people.

After all, the other party came from afar.

"Xingxing Guoguo, let's go home."

Zhao Han shouted after hanging up the phone.

"Go home, go home."

Xiao Ba flapped his wings and landed on Gungun's head and shouted.

Xingxing and Guoguo were still not satisfied with the story, but they could only end it here.


Zhao's house.

In the yard, Yang Ming was looking at the bees that were obviously much larger with curiosity.

"Boss Yang, my son will be back soon, you can take a break first." Zhao Jiang said with a smile.

Yang Ming pointed at the bees and asked, "Uncle, what kind of bees are these, so big. "

"I don't know. My son brought it back. I've never seen such a big one before." Zhao Jiang was also confused. He was shocked when he saw this box of bees for the first time.

Yang Ming nodded thoughtfully. He found that the dogs, cats, and even bees in this yard were bigger than those outside. Could it be that the feng shui of this place is good?

More than 20 minutes later, Zhao Han came back.

"Mr. Zhao, I have heard a lot about you." Although Yang Ming had been waiting impatiently for a long time, he still smiled and walked up to him and offered his hand.

"Hypocrisy, hypocrisy."

A mocking voice sounded.

The smile on Yang Ming's face froze, and he looked up and found that the person who spoke was a gray parrot on Zhao Han's shoulder.

This dead bird, what a mean mouth!

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