Rural Dad

Chapter 86

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

After opening the door, Gao Liang's son was surprised to find that it was the police, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"Is your father at home?" the police asked.

"Please wait a moment." Gao Liang's son turned around and shouted, "Dad, I'm here to see you."

"I'm coming." Gao Liang walked over slowly: "Comrade police, what can I do for you?"

"We are from the Asahi District Police Station."

The leading police officer saluted first, then showed his police officer ID and detention certificate, and said: "After investigation, you have made inflammatory and inappropriate remarks on the Internet and in public many times since July 2018."

"And since June 2015, the company under your name has evaded taxes totaling more than 5 million, and there are many remittances of questionable origin. Please go back with us to assist in the investigation."

After the voice fell, he waved his hand, and the two policemen behind him came forward and detained Gao Liang on the left and right.

Gao Liang's head was buzzing, his face was pale, his legs went soft, and he almost fell to the ground.

He didn't expect that what his son had just said would come true. He really failed this time.

And he knew very well what he had done.

He knew that he was finished.

Two policemen handcuffed him, dragged him out of the door and put him in the police car with expressionless faces.

Gao Liang's son stood there stupidly.


County town, Pacific Cinema.

Zhao Hanzheng and Yang Xue were watching a movie.

He deliberately chose a horror movie.

Although domestic horror movies are not scary, they are enough to scare girls.

Wouldn't Yang Xue hide in his arms when she was scared?

All the people watching this movie were couples, and they all tacitly chose the seats at the back and in the corner.

This is the tacit understanding between men.

But Zhao Han was soon disappointed. As the movie started, Yang Xue was watching with great interest, not frightened at all, which made him a little regretful.

While watching the movie, Yang Xue observed Zhao Han's expression with her peripheral vision, and a teasing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Hum, do you really think that I am as easily frightened by horror movies as other little girls and run into a man's arms?

But soon she couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Zhao Han had an idea, if she didn't run into my arms, then I could run into hers!

"Ah! So scary! I'm so scared!" Zhao Han screamed exaggeratedly and threw himself into Yang Xue's arms.

Amid the screams of the female audience, a man's scream suddenly appeared, which was unique.

Yang Xue was completely dumbfounded.

I never expected Zhao Han to be so shameless.

Other audiences in the cinema also stared at Zhao Han in amazement. Brother, you are so coquettish.

Zhao Han ignored the gazes of others, pressed his face into Yang's arms, and held her waist tightly with his hands: "Xiaoxue, I'm so scared, so horrible."

"Brother Zhao, that's enough." Yang Xue was angry and amused, and wanted to push him away with a red face.

But Zhao Han didn't move at all.

In the end, Yang Xue had to give up, letting Zhao Han's face bury in her chest, knocking on his head and whispering a warning: "That's it, don't mess around again."

"Yeah." Zhao Han closed his eyes, enjoying the facial cleanser contentedly, and indeed didn't mess around again.

Because now cinemas are equipped with infrared cameras, people in the monitoring room can see it clearly.

He didn't want to see his face in the domestic area when watching a small movie one day.

Soon Yang Xue regretted letting Zhao Han lean his head on her arms, because when Zhao Han breathed, the heat would pass through the thin T-shirt to the surface of her skin.

The numbness made her feel ashamed and annoyed.

The whole person subconsciously straightened her delicate body, not daring to move, staring at the big screen.

More than an hour later, the movie was over.

"Brother Zhao, the movie is over." Yang Xue's pretty face was hot, looking at Zhao Han in her arms and reminded him.

Zhao Han was disappointed: "So fast?"

"How fast?" Yang Xue was speechless.

Zhao Han argued without changing his face: "Maybe I was immersed in the plot of the movie and couldn't extricate myself. Time passed unknowingly, so it felt fast."

"Tsk." Yang Xue rolled her eyes. I think you are immersed in my 32D and can't extricate yourself.

Zhao Han reluctantly got up from her arms and took her hand: "Let's go, go out for a walk."

At the same time, the Beijing police issued a notice: Recently, our bureau received a report from the people of Chaoyang. It has been found that Gao Liang, a professor of the Department of Literature of Beijing University, has repeatedly made malicious inflammatory remarks on the Internet and in public, evading more than 5 million taxes.

The investigation also found that he had accepted more than 3 million yuan in remittances from foreign spy agencies and sold our country's confidential data. The procuratorate will file a lawsuit against him soon.

Yes, Gao Liang is really a traitor.

Using himselfThe purpose is not only for money, but also for immigration and obtaining the identity of a Ugly citizen. As soon as the announcement came out, the whole network was in an uproar. All netizens were indignant. "Fuck! This bastard should be shot!" "I have always felt that this guy's ass is crooked, but I didn't expect that he is not crooked. He is a traitor." "No wonder he helped Henry to scold Zhao Han. It turns out that he is a dog traitor and a traitor. That's not surprising." "Another idiot who scolded Zhao Han and scolded himself into jail. Congratulations to Professor Gao for his sentence." While netizens were angry, many people realized that Zhao Han's background was really unfathomable. Originally, netizens did not see Zhao Han's response, and they all thought that he wanted to keep things quiet. But unexpectedly, Zhao Han was not willing to fight online at all, and directly launched a thundering attack offline. Didn't you see that Gao Liang had just posted a message to scold him, and then he was stripped of his background and sent to jail?

From now on, anyone who wants to criticize Zhao Han must first consider whether they are clean or not.

Otherwise, they will shoot themselves in the foot again.

Wang Bing in Tongzhou was a little emotional. No wonder Zhao Han didn't care when she called to remind him.

Gao Liang was just a clown in front of him.

In Jiangzhou, Xu Qingyao stared at the police notice on her mobile phone in a daze, her eyes were a little confused.

When did Zhao Han have such great power? Isn't he just an ordinary officer?

And he is a retired officer.

Did she not know him at all before?

Did she really make the wrong choice to divorce?

For the first time, she felt regretful.

If she had known that Zhao Han could use such great power, she would never divorce, because with Zhao Han's connections, her company would develop more smoothly.

But it's too late to say anything now.

You can't take back the water that has been poured out.

Xu Qingyao sorted out her thoughts and continued to work. Since she was divorced, she should go lightly to complete her career and must not fall behind Zhao Han too much!

Otherwise, she would look like a joke.

Zhao Han didn't care about the ups and downs on the Internet. He was shopping in a jewelry store with Yang Xue.

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