Rural Dad

Chapter 88

"Grandpa, Grandpa!"

Guoguo ran to the yard quickly.

"My good granddaughter is back." Zhao Jiang came out with a smile, picked up Guoguo and held her high.

Guoguo asked innocently, "Grandpa, today the teacher said her knees were itchy, so I asked her to kneel on the washboard, and said that you kneel on the washboard to relieve the itch, why did the teacher laugh after hearing it?"

The smile on Zhao Jiang's face froze instantly.

"Puff——" Zhao Han laughed out loud, and said with a laugh: "Dad, I guess you will be famous in the kindergarten soon, and you will be a legendary figure."

"You laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh at your dad!" Zhao Jiang certainly couldn't be angry with his good granddaughter, so he could only vent his emotions on Zhao Han.

Zhao Han nodded: "You are laughing at my dad."

"Get out!" Zhao Jiang roared angrily.

Guoguo kissed Zhao Jiang on the face: "Grandpa, please don't be angry with daddy."

"My little ancestor..." Zhao Jiang was a little amused. It was because he couldn't be angry with you that he was angry with your dad. You screwed grandpa so badly.

But looking at Guoguo's cute face.

What else can he say?

It's all Zhao Han's fault!

If he hadn't said in front of the child that he was punished to kneel on the washboard, would this incident have happened today?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

Zhao Jiang glared at Zhao Han fiercely.

Zhao Han looked innocent: "It's obviously your granddaughter who screwed you over. Why are you taking your anger out on me?"

"If a son doesn't teach well, it's the father's fault!" Zhao Jiang snorted.

"Haha! Here I come, dear dad, Jiji is here." Xiao Ba flew back with a flattering face.

Jiji ran to Zhao Han: "Jiji."

Zhao Jiang held Guoguo and said: "Xingxing, let's go. Grandpa will make boiled fish for you tonight."

"Long live Grandpa!" Xingxing's eyes lit up, waving his schoolbag, and jumped into the yard.

He especially likes to eat fish.

Zhao Han shouted into the house: "Gonggong come out!"

Gonggong crawled out with a bamboo shoot in his mouth.

Xiao Ba, Jiji, Da Huang, and Gonggong, the four pets, squatted or stood in front of Zhao Han obediently.

"You each have a mobile phone. I will teach you how to use it first. I will make a small bag for you to carry on your back someday."

After Zhao Han finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Ba: "Forget about you. Can you fly with a mobile phone?"

"Don't underestimate me. Since I drank the water you gave me, I have infinite strength!" Xiao Ba said, and raised a wing and claw to show off his muscles.

Zhao Han touched its muscular legs.

Xiao Ba looked proud: "Is it hard?"

"The muscles are so tight, it must be strong enough to stew soup." Zhao Han swallowed his saliva.

Xiao Ba was so scared that his fur exploded. He took several steps back and roared: "You are greedy for my body!"

"I am not interested in male birds." Zhao Han rolled his eyes: "Then prepare a small backpack for you too."

"In other words, if it is a female bird, you are interested?" Xiao Ba asked with a wink.

Zhao Han spit out one word: "Get lost!"

Xiao Ba smiled bitterly and dared not talk anymore.

"Da Huang, this is yours."

"Woof woof!"

"Go go go, this is yours."

"Jiji, and Xiao Ba."

Zhao Han handed out four mobile phones.

Da Huang tapped the screen with his paw, and then called to Zhao Han twice: "Woof woof."

It seemed to be asking why its mobile phone was not lit.

"Silly dog, it's not turned on yet." Xiao Ba, as the most knowledgeable of the pets, expressed contempt for it.

Then it stood up the phone, raised one paw to press the power button, ding, the phone lit up.

Da Huang also followed suit and pressed the phone with his front paw, and pressed the power button with his other front paw diagonally, and it also turned on.

He was so excited that he circled around the phone several times.

Ji Ji and Gun Gun were much more convenient, after all, they had hands, especially Ji Ji, who was the most convenient.

"You have learned how to turn on the phone, right? Okay, that's all for today. I will teach you how to make a phone call tomorrow."

Zhao Han put away the phone, got up and went into the yard.

The four pets were all dumbfounded.

"Fuck! Please be a human being! You put the phone away after teaching me how to turn it on!" Xiao Ba wailed.

Zhao Han said: "Learning is something that needs to be done step by step, which is conducive to the consolidation of knowledge."

"I don't need to learn, I know how to use it, give me the phone." Xiao Ba followed him closely.

Zhao Han stopped: "Can you use it?"

"Of course, do you think I am a useless person in your human society? I can also use UC browser to find small movies!" Xiao Ba promised solemnly.

Zhao Han: "Then I will give you a task, you will be responsible for teaching the three of them how to use the phone. Your cards are all issued with my ID card, and I have saved your respective phone numbers in my phone."

"No problem!Guarantee to complete the task!" Xiao Ba stood at attention, held his head high, and saluted with his wings raised.

Zhao Han returned the phone to the pets.

Xiao Ba held the phone in his mouth and was about to teach the students.

"Come back!" Zhao Han called it.

Xiao Ba let go of the phone: "What else are you doing?"

"You just said you can use UC Browser to find movies? I don't believe it unless you try it with my phone." Zhao Han handed over the phone seriously.

Xiao Ba's eyes widened: "Why are you pretending to be serious? Don't you just want my website? "

After a while, Xiao Ba proved with his actions that he could really use the browser to find the URL of the movie.

You can't judge a bird by its appearance!

Zhao Han let it go with satisfaction.


At six o'clock in the evening, the family had dinner.

The main dish was the big grass carp sent by the Third Prince.

It was made into a fragrant boiled fish by Zhao Jiang.

The fish meat was white and tender, and the knife-edge chili sprinkled on the surface burst into a strong spicy aroma after being poured with hot oil.

Pick up a piece of fish meat, which is stained with a little sesame, knife-edge chili and chopped green onion, and the aroma is fragrant.

"What are those guys doing?"

Zhao Jiang pointed to the pets gathered in a circle outside.

"Learning how to use a mobile phone." Zhao Han said.

Zhao Jiang grinned: "This is rare. "

He quickly picked up the bowl and walked over to watch.

In his life, Zhao Jiang had never seen such a rare scene, so of course he had to see it first.

Zhao Han also dropped his bowl and chopsticks and walked over. He was not there to watch, but to record a video.

The parrot taught pandas, monkeys and dogs to use mobile phones. This video must have shocked a group of netizens!

After recording the video, Zhao Han posted it on Douyin.

Then he ignored it and went back to eat.

"Ahhh! I'm going to collapse!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ba screamed to the sky.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Han asked.

Xiao Ba said angrily: "These guys are illiterate. How can they use mobile phones if they can't read?"

Gun Gun and Da Huang lowered their heads in shame.

For the first time, they felt inferior because they were illiterate.

"What about it?" Zhao Han pointed at Ji Ji.

Xiao Ba said: "It's better. It knows a few numbers and knows pinyin, but it's not much better. "

Zhao Han suddenly realized that it was necessary to continue Guoguo's educational work for animals.

"Then you just need to teach them how to make phone calls first, and then give them extra lessons when Guoguo and Xingxing are on vacation."

Xiao Ba sighed: "This is the only way."

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