Looking at Xia Feng's back, Liu Waner gradually fell into meditation.

About ten minutes later, Xia Feng came back with two sunflowers in his hand!

Hand her one: "here, here you are. One medicine guide is enough!"

Liu Wan'er took it and asked him, "what do you mean? Pity me?"

"Bah!" Xia Feng spat, started the car and told her, "what pity? I want you to be like this flower, facing the sun!"

Liu Waner burst into laughter and said, "do you think I'll be depressed for a few days after I told you about my boyfriend?"

"It's hard to say. After all, I told you to say it, so I have to be responsible!" Xia Feng replied.

Liu Waner nodded: "well, are you just so many confidants?"

Xia Feng was speechless at once. It's really a pot that doesn't open!

"Don't blame me for talking!" said Liu Waner. "If you really want to know what Miss Mu means, the most important thing is to understand the difference between liking and lecherous."

"Wipe!" Xia Feng almost hit the steering wheel. "Are you talking about my lust?"

"Otherwise!" Liu Wan'er said, stabbing every sentence. "Who is not lecherous and has so many confidants? If I'm right, do you have anything to do with those women?"

Xia Feng didn't know how to answer for a moment. Don't say it. It seems right to be told by her!

Liu Waner saw that he was unhappy and continued: "I didn't mean to say that about you. You are good to others. What happens has little to do with me. Just one thing, you need to remember."

"If you want to understand your feelings, you have to put down the past."

"Put down the past..." these words seem to be printed in Xia Feng's heart.

Liu Waner leaned back comfortably on the seat: "you are a smart man. I think you can understand what I mean."

Xia Feng didn't say much. He continued driving. There was a town ahead. Xia Feng went there and bought her a cushion so that she could sit more comfortable. At the same time, he also opened a temporary room in the town to help her break the medicine and wrap it on the wound with gauze.

The next trip was boring and never caught up.

Xia Feng arrived in canglan city at about 3 p.m. that day and sent Liu Waner to her villa.

There are many bodyguards waiting there.

Liu Waner asked him to go in and sit down first. She went to change herself.

When he came out, Xia Feng quickly got up and wanted to leave: "Miss Liu, since you have safely arrived in canglan City, I should go back. I'm worried about Qingqing's condition."

"Wait a minute," said Liu Waner, making him a cup of coffee himself.

Sitting down, Liu Waner told him, "thanks to you, your medicine is very useful. I haven't hurt for so long."

"The medicine can be taken off after applying it for another three days." Xia Feng told her. "As long as you don't feel pain all the time, just rest slowly. If you take the medicine and it still hurts, tell me and I'll tell you the prescription."

"At most two doses of medicine will surely cure the disease!"

Liu Waner nodded politely and said thank you.

"Miss Liu seems to have something else to say." Xia Feng asked.

Liu Waner put down the cup in her hand and told him, "do you know who kidnapped me this time?"

Xia Feng shook his head to show that he didn't know.

"They work for an organization. The name of the organization is silence! Silent silence." Liu Waner went on. "It is the serpentine faction in the organization who is responsible for kidnapping me. Their kidnapping ability is first-class, but their combat ability is very low."

"This organization also has a small team, called Eagle faction, which is specially responsible for assassination and has first-class skills! My father wants to do business, but his business is bound to affect the goods of underground forces, so he will become enemies with Mo!"

Xia Feng also understood: "so, Mo catches you to threaten your father."

"Yes," answered Liu Waner. "Many of my father's forces are in canglan city. Don't ask about the city. It's just a business base. He wants to send me here because I can be well protected here."

"But when I was kidnapped, I heard people from the snake word sect talk to them and say that if the kidnapping doesn't work, all the eagle word sects will be dispatched to strangle my father."

Xia Feng nodded: "don't worry, Miss Liu. I'll truthfully go back and explain to your father."

"You're really smart. I know I'd better not contact my father now." Liu Waner said. "This is what my father told me. Once I reach canglan City, the forces here will protect me, but don't contact him for the time being."

"Since the Mo organization dares to fight my father, it shows that their strength is not small. Maybe the call will expose their position! This matter can only bother you!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I've seen a lot of such things, so I'm prepared. Don't worry, Miss Liu. I'll bring it!"

"Also, you should be very careful, because this organization will take revenge. If you save me this time, they will not let you go!" Liu Waner said with great worry. "This organization is notorious, but because of their strength, they have not been arrested."

Xia Feng confidently told her, "thank you for your concern, but I'm not a vegetarian. If they want to move me, they must first weigh whether they have this ability! Miss Liu, I really have to go. Take care of yourself!"

Liu Waner took a note and put it into his hand: "Xia Feng, this is my private number. After you go back, if you're all right, you must tell me that I think you're a friend!"

"Hmm!" Xia Feng nodded. "Take care, Miss Liu. Goodbye!"

"Take care!" said Liu Waner, getting up to send Xia Feng to the door.

If you want to go back, you can't drive any more. This wastes time and is likely to be watched again. Xia Feng went directly to buy a ticket and didn't ask the city.

But this experience also let Xia Feng know that there was an organization like mo. there were no more enemies to deal with in the past. He thought it was almost the same.

Since it's a headache in the special office, it seems that you can't have nothing to do with it!

Xia Feng decided to help Mu Qingqing cure her once she found March Lu, and she would immediately help the special office to solve the matter.

There was no danger all the way. Xia Feng arrived in mowen City safely and rushed back at the first time.

Yao Dianshi didn't cheat him either. He sent many people, including a doctor, to take care of Mu Qingqing.

When Xia Feng arrived, those special offices also called Yao Dianshi.

This guy grabbed Xia Feng's hand and said thanks again and again!

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