Xia Feng lightly hugged Mu Qingqing. Although he wanted to do something that men wanted to do, he didn't do anything in the end. He didn't even dare to move his hands.

Mu Qingqing is no better than other women. If he does something that disgusts her, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

Take a few deep breaths and put away his bad thoughts. Xia Feng smelled Mu Qingqing's unique intoxicating fragrance and soon fell asleep slowly.

He also slept heavily.

All kinds of animals within a ten kilometer radius listened to his orders. Instead of attacking them, they kept a vigil for them.

Even if Si Ji secretly sneaks back all night to be harmful to them, all kinds of animals in the nearby mountains and forests will warn Xia Feng.

Before falling asleep, Xia Feng thought of this.

At that time, he was still very proud.

My magic eye power makes me the king of the jungle. It's not comparable to your fast and self-healing power.

Time passed slowly in the gentle night wind.

When the eastern sky turned white, Mu Qingqing woke up, gently left Xia Feng's arms and stared at him in his sleep, stunned for a long time.

Then she got up gently and stared at the eastern sky in a daze.

She didn't even know what she was thinking.

She felt both confused and empty and contradictory.

Xia Feng woke up when Mu Qingqing left his arms, but he was pretending to sleep all the time.

He was also in a daze, just staring at Mu Qingqing's wonderful back in a daze.

The white waist long skirt is on the ground. Under the early morning breeze, the skirt is dancing and flying. It feels elegant, just like the dust under the fairy.

"Wake up. It's convenient for me to go nearby."

Xia Feng couldn't help being impatient. He smiled and greeted him, and quickly walked to the woods.

Mu Qingqing looked back at Xia Feng and his beautiful face flushed slightly.

She also feels anxious!

Xia Feng came back quickly. Seeing Mu Qingqing's face turn red, he was stunned. He quickly looked at her body with his magic eyes. He immediately knew that the bladder was oppressed!

"It's dawn. There's no danger here. You stay here. I'll go to the forest to find something to eat. By the way, I'll find some water to drink. I won't come back so soon. Pay attention to your safety and shout when you have something."

Xia Feng deliberately looked around to see the nearby mountains and forests, and then walked to the mountains and forests in the northwest.

Mu Qingqing watched Xia Feng walk into the forest until he disappeared. Then he hurried to the nearby grass and squatted down.


The internal pressure was released, and Mu Qingqing took a deep breath comfortably.

At this time, Xia Feng, who is in the mountains, is very tangled. Do you want to peek at Mu Qingqing's release of internal pressure.

Xia Feng, Xia Feng, you please countless women. Qingqing is the woman you really like. You can't treat her with dirty means.

After a battle between heaven and man, Xia Feng finally chose to be a gentleman.

Hunting in the mountains and looking for water is nothing for Xia Feng.

He must know the mountains and forests within a ten kilometer radius.

However, he did not hunt, nor did he go to a nearby spring to get water. He walked around in the mountains and returned to Mu Qingqing.

"There's a spring over there. It's very clear. You should be able to drink it. Even if you can't drink it, you can wash. Let's go together."

At the sight of Mu Qingqing, Xia Feng couldn't wait to say.


Mu Qingqing answered softly and walked into the mountains with Xia Feng.

Not far away, a big white rabbit suddenly appeared in the grass in front. Mu Qingqing exclaimed very uneasily, "Wow, what a lovely big white rabbit."

The big white rabbit was frightened and jumped into the grass with a whoosh.

"Come back and accompany my Qingqing!"

Xia Feng drank like a joke.

Then something magical happened to Mu Qingqing.

The big white rabbit came back really bouncing, and it was close to her feet. It was very gentle like her pet.

Mu Qingqing quickly bent down to pick up the big white rabbit, hugged it in his arms with one hand, gently touched its soft fur with the other hand, and showed a childlike innocent smile on his face, "cluck, I'll raise you in the future."

Seeing the big white rabbit rubbing around in Mu Qingqing's arms, Xia Feng wanted to strangle it and replace it.

I knew I wouldn't call you little beast to coax beauty Mu to be happy!

"Am I dreaming? It feels so unreal that it will listen to you and run back."

Mu Qing looked at Xia Feng with a smile.

Xia Feng smiled and joked, "it's estimated that you are the Chang'e fairy in the world, and it is your jade rabbit."

Mu Qingqing, holding the big white rabbit, gave Xia Feng the illusion that Chang'e fairy came to earth.

Mu Qingqing was used in his heart, but he deliberately glared at Xia Feng. He was not angry and said, "smooth tongue. I don't know how many girls he cheated."

Xia Feng argued and asked, "then tell me, why did it come back so docile?"

Mu Qingqing still feels unreal, "maybe I'm dreaming."

If it wasn't for a dream, it couldn't be explained. The big white rabbit really escaped and came back, and was very docile to her.

Later, Xia Feng wanted to kill some prey and bake it for breakfast, but mu Qingqing's love flooded and didn't let him hurt small animals.

In desperation, he could only find some wild fruits for breakfast.

After they came to the spring to wash, Xia Feng suggested, "let's go home."

Mu Qingqing was stunned when he heard the speech. "Didn't Si Ji say that the channel was sealed and we couldn't leave here?"

Xia Feng replied with a smile: "don't listen to her fooling. The channel is just a shortcut. The channel is sealed. We can climb over the mountain and go back. Let's go."

"Well, all right!"

Mu Qingqing hesitated and nodded slightly.

Whether it is reality or dream, she wants to stay and doesn't want to return to the noisy city.

However, she also knew that it was very unrealistic for Xia Feng to stay with him in this deserted mountain forest and live a savage life.

Returning to the campfire where he camped last night, Xia Feng took a look at the peak of the hidden channel and said with a calm smile: "at present, the peak is only four or five hundred meters high at most. It's not difficult for us to turn it over."

Mu Qingqing nodded approvingly and hesitated, "if I want you to stay with me and live with me in this mountain forest, will you?"

Xia Feng was stunned and stared at Mu Qingqing. "Are you serious?"

Mu Qingqing nodded silently.

"OK, then stay. We make a living here by hunting, reclaiming wasteland and cultivating land. We build several wooden houses. From then on, we live a peaceful and peach like life. We only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals!"

Xia Feng thought about it seriously and thought it was beautiful to stay in the mountain forest with Mu Qingqing and live a world like life.

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