Xia Feng was stunned when he heard Bai Feifei's words and said, "since it's called the ninth childe, how can it be a woman? I don't read much. Don't lie to me."

Bai Feifei smiled: "Why do I lie to you? Childe nine is a woman, but she is the ninth in a pile of children of his father's three brothers and five sisters. Although she is a daughter, she likes men's clothes since childhood. She is called childe nine. You'll know later, but don't go in and wait for me outside. In half an hour, you call and just say there's something urgent. I'll come out It's too late. "

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "it's still wrong."

"Well, there's nothing I can do about you." Bai Feifei couldn't speak clearly. Finally she said, "she's a lily."

"Ah." Xia Feng opened his mouth in surprise.

"She has always been interested in me," said Bai Feifei, blushing a little. "So, in half an hour or so, you call. I can get away if I find an excuse."

"Half an hour?" Xia Feng touched his nose.

"What happened in half an hour?" Bai Feifei didn't understand what he meant.

"Not so good." Xia Feng smiled.

Bai Feifei understood, couldn't help but look at him and said, "don't think about it."

The ninth childe's name is Liu Simin. She lives on the other side of the river. She actually has a manor. It can be seen that she is magnificent. As for her origin, Bai Feifei didn't elaborate. She just said that as long as Liu Simin promised to stretch out her hand, there was nothing she couldn't manage in Linjiang city. The little landlord, it was definitely a phone call. If she didn't call in person, her assistant would call.

After crossing the river, he drove for more than 20 minutes and arrived at the door of Liu Simin manor. Bai Feifei contacted before coming. The electronic iron door opened slowly and the car drove in.

Stop at the door. Bai Feifei said, "don't go in. Childe nine doesn't like to see irrelevant people, especially men. Remember, call me in half an hour."

"OK." Xia Feng nodded.

Bai Feifei stroked Xia Feng's cheek and said, "don't worry, you can't afford to lose."

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "as long as she is a woman, let her toss, I don't care."

"Villain." Bai Feifei gritted her teeth and pinched Xia Feng. She ignored him and got out of the car and went into the door.

Xia Feng immediately controls a bee and follows behind Bai Feifei. Liu Simin's house is a pure westernized structure. The whole is like a sailboat and the shape is very beautiful.

Of course, Xia Feng didn't want to appreciate this. The bee he controlled stepped into the room first. In a bright big living room on the left, he saw several women.

One of the women was leaning on the sofa. A girl was lying at her feet, leaning against a girl. A woman was playing the piano under the bay window not far away.

Seeing clearly that there was no man in the house, Xia Feng first put his heart down, looked carefully at the crooked woman on the sofa and thought, "is she the ninth childe?"

The ninth childe is about thirty years old. He has short hair, big eyes, a smile on the bridge of his nose and exquisite facial features.

Xia Feng looked at it carefully and couldn't help being surprised. He said in a secret way: "it's very beautiful!"

Seeing Bai Feifei, Liu Simin's eyes lit up, got up and waved, "Feifei, come and show me. It's getting more and more beautiful."

"Nine childe." Bai Feifei said politely.

"What are you going to do with this?" Liu Simin waved. The crooked girl around her immediately got up and got out of the way. Bai Feifei passed. Liu Simin directly took her hand. Bai Feifei had to sit next to her.

Liu Simin held Bai Feifei's hand, looked at her face carefully, and said, "this eyebrow, this skin is really like a white lotus in the morning. You say, does she look like a white lotus?"

Liu Simin looked at the two girls next to him. The two girls immediately nodded and agreed: "they really do."

"I have said that Feifei is not an ordinary vulgar thing. Now you believe it." Liu Simin took Bai Feifei's hand and looked at Feiyang. At this time, she sat up and didn't say she was better than Bai Feifei, but no one would say she was worse than Bai Feifei. She was really an excellent woman.

But she looked at haoxiong in this way, but she didn't look like a woman at all, but like a great hero.

"It's really a man's character." Xia Feng said, "but I really don't hate it. Just like Lin Qingxia in Dongfang unbeaten, tut Tut, I didn't expect such a woman in the world."

Xia Feng seemed to see the new world, full of novelty and excitement, while Bai Feifei was uneasy.

Liu Simin not only kept holding her hand, but later went to rub her skin and touch her face. Bai Feifei was a somewhat tough woman. In the nightclub, although she treated the guests politely and warmly as much as possible, she had her own bottom line. When she met something she couldn't tolerate, she said she would turn her face, which was very tough.

But now in the face of Liu Simin, Bai Feifei is obviously trying to be patient. On the one hand, it may be because Liu Simin is a woman after all. No matter how excessive, she is also a woman. On the other hand, it is also because Liu Simin has too much power. She can't really provoke her, not to mention asking for her, so she can only try to be patient.

Liu Simin went too far. Bai Feifei said that tulips were going to retaliate for the suspension of business for rectification. She just answered casually, but her hand hugged Bai Feifei's waist. Bai Feifei had to lean back.

Liu Simin wants to kiss Bai Feifei. Bai Feifei hides his face and twists his body. Xia Feng is very happy. Later, he suddenly realizes that he is wrong. He is here to help Bai Feifei, not to see the play!

Xia Feng's mind moved. Then he commanded the wasp to sting Liu Simin's arm.

"Ah." Liu Simin screamed in pain and sat up. The bee stung deeply. Liu Simin reacted quickly. He slapped her in the back hand and killed her in the arm.

The bee needle is poisonous. If the sting is pulled out, the toxicity is not so great, but if it is killed before the needle is pulled out and the needle is stuck in the meat, the toxicity is much greater.

Liu Simin's arm swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her mouth kept crying.

The people around were all flustered, and several girls came round, shouting and shouting, in a mess.

Xia Feng took the opportunity to call Bai Feifei. Bai Feifei got through. Xia Feng said, "President Bai, there's something urgent in the store. Come back quickly."

"I see." Bai Feifei answered and suddenly asked, "I'm stung by a bee. Is there any way?"

Xia Feng immediately understood that Bai Feifei didn't give up after all and wanted to take the opportunity to please Liu Simin.

"Give the bee a sting? That's easy." Xia Feng easily shouted: "it's painful, itchy and swollen, isn't it? It won't be very troublesome. It'll be fine in a minute."

"Really?" Bai Feifei said happily.

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