When Yoshida Haoer heard this, he trembled. He almost fell to the ground holding the poisonous dragon wood and said, "it won't doubt?"

This is the rhythm of Chengjing. It's no wonder Yoshida is afraid.

"It's all right now. It's after midnight." Xia Feng comforted. Seeing that Yoshida still had to ask, he pretended to be a God and played the ghost way: "evil things are the most spiritual. Don't say more."

Yoshida nodded hurriedly, with an expression I understood. He held the poisonous dragon wood and buried it behind the rockery with a basin.

After entering the house, Xia Feng showed a smiling face and said, "well, it's all right. I'll give you an acupuncture. You'll be well in three days and you'll be fine in the future."

"Really?" Yoshida was surprised and delighted.

"It's true or false. You'll know when you try." Xia Feng said with a smile. He asked Yoshida to sit on the sofa and let Yoshida take off his shoes and show his feet.

Xia Feng took a look and said, "do you find that the fingernails of your ten toes are black. Look at my feet."

Xia Feng said to show his feet. Yoshida Haoer didn't pay attention to it before, or noticed it and didn't pay attention to it. Now he told Xia Feng to compare the two feet, but he was startled. Xia Feng's toenails were white and red, but his nails were gray and black, which was obviously different.

"It's serious, isn't it?" he asked worried.

"How do you feel?" Xia Feng asked, "when you wake up in the morning, do you feel more and more numb in your waist and legs? When it's serious, you even lose consciousness completely. When you wake up, you have to wait for a while before you can feel it?"

"Yes." Yoshida nodded again and again. "It used to be OK. Now this phenomenon is becoming more and more serious. When you go to the hospital for examination, you can't find it. Even on a hot day, you sweat on your head and cold below your waist. You can't wait to bake a fire, but even if you bake a fire, you can't bake it."

Xia Feng said, "that's right. But it's okay. It's fate that you met me."

Yoshida hurriedly said, "yes, it's fate. Chinese people talk about fate, and we Japanese also talk about fate."

"It's fate to meet thousands of miles." Xia Feng smiled, took out the needle bag, took an edge needle and bled Yoshida's two toes, first two toes, then four toes, then big toes, then five toes, and finally the middle toe.

Lay a paper towel below, and the blood will drop on it. Poke all ten toes, and the blood will flow out. Soon, mosquitoes will be attracted and die on the blood.

Yoshida said, "because mosquitoes always die around me, I pay special attention to killing mosquitoes around the house, but mosquitoes are always invincible. It turns out that it's my blood."

"It will be all right from tomorrow." Xia Feng waited for his ten toes to stop bleeding, wiped them dry with an alcohol cotton ball, and then gave him acupuncture points.

Xia Feng really gave him drugs, because min Aoxue said that the case of the machinery factory had nothing to do with Yoshida Haoer. Yoshida Haoer's investment in China was not only capital for profit, but also brought a lot of job opportunities to China. In addition, Yoshida Haoer also knew the taste at noon. He even sent wine and checked out more than 30000. Of course, Xia Feng would repay his kindness.

When the needle went in for about a minute, Yoshida shouted, "ah, it's so cold. It seems that ice water is running down."

"Normal." Xia Feng explained, "this is exorcism. Evil belongs to Yin cold. Of course, it will be cold. It will be all right in a while."

Yoshida Haoer looked grateful. After about ten minutes, he suddenly shouted, "it's hot. The kidney here seems to have poured a basin of warm water."

"This is the anger of the kidney door, which proves that your body is still good." Xia Feng praised him.

Yoshida showed a happy look on his face and said, "thanks to meeting Xia sang, otherwise I would..."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "in another year, his lower limbs will be paralyzed, his kidneys will be necrotic, his skin will be broken, and black water will flow. Black water is very poisonous, and it is difficult for people and animals to get close."

Yoshida Haoer only thought that it might be bad, but he never thought about this situation in Xia Feng's mouth. He was shocked and said in a voice: "thanks to Xia sang, thanks to Xia sang."

Ten minutes later, when Yoshida Haoer said that his toes were warm, Xia Feng dialed the needle and said, "take a bath in hot water and sleep. Don't eat. If you have sake, you can drink some."

"Yes." Yoshida nodded again and again. "Does Xiasang like sake? I have a box of sake from Japan for you."

"Forget it." Xia Feng shook his head. "Actually, your sake in Japan is too light."

Yoshida laughed and said, "Xia sang is a straightforward person."

Xia Feng asked Yoshida Haoer to sleep. He wanted to go back. Yoshida Haoer was in a hurry: "how can I? If I don't sleep or eat now, I'll have two drinks with Xia sang."

When he said this, Xia Feng agreed. When he drank, Xia Feng ate. Seeing Xia Feng's appetite, Yoshida was stunned and said, "Xia sang is worthy of being an expert. With this appetite, five people can't eat you."

Xia Feng laughed and said, "Mr. Yoshida doesn't have to beat around the bush. Just say I'm a bucket."

Yoshida also laughed and said, "Xia sang is really a humorous person."

After Xia Feng had dinner, Yoshida Haoer immediately presented a bank card and said, "it's a little meaning. Please accept it."

Xia Feng didn't answer and said, "Mr. Yoshida has paid the bill at noon."

"That doesn't count." Yoshida shook his head again and again. "If Xia sang didn't have guests, it would be my treat. Xia sang must accept it, otherwise I would be upset."

Xia Feng no longer refused, took the card, drank tea, and then left.

Yoshida also sent a car to take him back home. When he got home and left, Xia Feng couldn't help it. He ran to the ATM on another street and looked at it. There was 200000 yuan in the bank card. He expected it to be about 100000, a little more.

"Fairly generous." Xia Feng was very happy and turned 50000 on the spot.

The next morning, Yoshida called.

"Xia sang, when I got up this morning, my waist was no longer numb and my legs were no longer cold. I went out for three laps, as if I had returned to my youth. Xia Sang's skills are really like the reincarnation of Hua Tuo."

His tone was full of surprise. He gave money generously yesterday. Xia Feng was happy and said, "evil things are pressed, blood is released, and the meridians are unblocked. Naturally, it will be better quickly. Just prick it again tonight and tomorrow."

"Thank you for giving Xia Sangtian trouble." Yoshida thanked him repeatedly.

Xia Feng politely put down the phone. There was a car ringing outside. Then Liu Ruyan came in with light steps. When he saw him, he shouted, "brother Feng, I hate it. I have a acne."

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