Xia Feng said to Liu Xiyan, "I said you just call me Xiao Feng or Xiao Xia. You don't have to be so polite!"

Liu Xiyan hurriedly said, "it's so bad. How can you say you're also a leader!"

Liu Xiyan is obviously because she is just a mistress, not a normal lady. Otherwise, she will not be so confident and be careful in her words and deeds.

Xia Feng sighed, "Xiao Li is really joking with you today. Don't take it to heart."

"Even if it's a joke, she's right. I shouldn't leave my post without permission," said Liu Xiyan.

Xia Feng said, "you really don't have to. In fact, we're not so strict."

Liu Xiyan still said, "I know, but I want to put my position right."

Xia Feng helplessly stretched out her hand to help her forehead. It wouldn't make sense for her to come for half an hour. She simply said, "Sister Liu, I saw that your house was very large yesterday and there were many rooms. Since we go to play tomorrow, where do you think I live tonight?"

Liu Xiyan was stunned and then said, "this... This is not suitable..."

"Hmm? Can't a friend come to stay?" Xia Feng asked.

Liu Xiyan hesitated and said, "this..."

Xia Feng said, "anyway, there is a nanny. I won't do anything, but I don't have a place to live tonight."

Liu Xi and Yan Qi said, "will you have nowhere to live?"

"I have no place to live, I don't have a house in the city, I don't have a quilt in the dormitory, and the house I rented before has expired, so I have no place to live." Xia Feng is looking for an excuse.

Liu Xiyan said: "this... If father Xiaohu knows, I'm afraid it's a little bad."

Xia Feng said, "what's the matter here? Besides, you don't have a nanny there? Isn't it all right? Then your husband is too lenient in taking care of you? Besides, if your husband is here, there's nothing wrong with me knowing him, don't you?"

Liu Xiyan said, "if he were at home, I wouldn't be so embarrassed. It's not that he's not here. It's true to go on a business trip and have a nanny, but it's not good to let a man live in the house after all..."

Xia Feng really wanted to find a chance to get close to Liu Xiyan, but she couldn't find a chance. Xia Feng simply used this move. If she lived in her house all night, she would always find a chance.

Xia Feng said, "what if the woman lives in your house?"

"If you're a woman, it's not a big problem... The key is... You're a man!" said Liu Xiyan.

Xia Feng blinked and said, "you can treat me as a woman!"

Liu Xiyan said with a smile, "how can I be?"

Xia Feng said with a straight face, "I really have no place to sleep tonight. You helped me at that time. Besides, we'll go to the amusement park tomorrow. Isn't it by the way?"

Liu Xiyan shook his head and said, "it's still inappropriate. We'll meet at a place tomorrow."

Xia Feng had to give up when he heard Liu Xiyan say so. It couldn't be hard, but only slowly.

Xia Feng suddenly felt that these two things were really a little difficult recently. Liu Xiyan, a woman, was really a little watertight and it was difficult to enter her life. As for Lin Zheng, Xia Feng was worried that she would hurt min Aoxue.

Xia Feng motioned Liu Xiyan to go first, then leaned against the boss's chair and narrowed for a while.

After work at night, Xia Feng drove to the door and waited for Liu Xiyan to come out. When Liu Xiyan came out, he saw Xia Feng, so he came over and asked, "Chairman, where do you sleep at night?"

"I'm going to sleep in the car all night!" Xia Feng said.

Liu Xiyan hurriedly said, "how can this work?"

Xia Feng said helplessly, "otherwise, I have no place to sleep!"

"You can go to the hotel!" said Liu Xiyan.

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I'm still earning my wife's money. Saving a little is a little!"

Liu Xiyan sighed and said, "then go to my house!"

Xia Feng waited for her words, immediately opened the door and let Liu Xiyan get on the bus. He immediately drove to Liu Xiyan's home.

After arriving, Xia Feng parked his car, followed Liu Xiyan into the room and sat on the sofa. Liu Xiyan made Xia Feng a cup of tea and then cleaned up Xia Feng's room.

Liu Xiyan lives on the second floor, while Xia Feng is arranged to the first floor, which can be regarded as avoiding suspicion.

At six o'clock, Xiaohu came back and was very happy to see Xia Feng. He pestered Xia Feng to play with him. Xia Feng and Xiaohu then played games on TV.

After playing games for a while, we began to eat. After dinner, we sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Although Xia Feng said that she was staring at the TV, she had been staring at Liu Xiyan. Liu Xiyan was really beautiful and plump. She must feel good.

Liu Xiyan said casually, "tomorrow we'll go to the playground for a day. In the evening, we'll go to the western restaurant for dinner. How about it?"

Xiaohu said happily, "Oh, have steak again!"

Xia Feng said, "no problem. Anyway, there's nothing tomorrow. One day! It's good for me to accompany Xiaohu more."

Xiaohu hugged Xia Feng and said, "uncle, it's nice!"

Xia Feng smiled and touched Xiaohu's head and said, "Xiaohu, why don't we go to play the day after tomorrow? Where else do you want to go? Such as the zoo?"

Xiaohu said happily, "well, I heard that there are pandas in the zoo. I'm thinking of seeing pandas. Ha ha, I can show off with my classmates again!"

Xia Feng was about to speak when the phone rang. Xia Feng took it out and saw that it was Guo Wenjia.

Xia Feng said, "I'll answer the phone first."

Xiaohu and Liu Xiyan nodded. Xia Feng walked out of the door and connected the phone.

Guo Wenjia asked at the other end, "why don't you make an appointment this weekend?"

Xia Feng was also moved in his heart. He also wanted Guo Wenjia. But now he has something to do. Naturally, he can't live with her for two days. He had to say, "I have something to do. I can't get away. Next week."

Guo Wenjia said with a little emotion, "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Xia Feng hurriedly comforted, "Jiajia, don't worry. Don't win your wedding. I'll serve you well then."

Guo Wenjia said happily, "that's what you said!"

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I don't just say, I have to do it! Just wait!"

Guo Wenjia said, "bad guy!"

"Men are not bad, women don't love!" Xia Feng laughed.

After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone. Xia Feng returned to the room and found that only Xiaohu and the nanny were watching TV, while Liu Xiyan was gone. He casually asked, "Xiaohu, where's your mother?"

"Mom has gone to take a bath." Xiaohu replied, staring at the TV.

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